Rising Star Year End Update - Smashed My Goals and Joined the Top 50



Rising Star Profile


It was a great year for my rising Star account and overall growth. As you can see my band is now full of legendary cards that I both opened in packs and received as gifts from some friends in the game. I really managed to have explosive growth this year on my stats and far exceed any goals that I had set.

Here are some quick stats about my account.

  • Joined 8/12/21
  • Packs Purchased: 3
  • Boxes Purchased: 10
  • Pizza Slices: 6
  • Pizza Box: 4
  • Coffee Cup: 1
  • Risky Whisky: 1
  • Cans of Petrol: 5
  • 2nd Edition Birthday Cake: 3
  • 3rd Edition Birthday Cake: 1
  • 10 XP Booster: 1
  • Rank: 50
  • Level: 236
  • Missions: 23,987
  • Mission Ego: 1,354,323
  • Lesson Skill: 1,731,308
  • Total Cards: 33,718
  • Card Fans: 1,204,187
  • Card Skill: 979,732
  • Cards Luck: 342,638
  • Cards IM: 24,849
  • Unique Cards: 1,086



UPDATED 2023 Goals

  • 3000,000 750,000 1,000,000 Smashed them all. 1.2M Fans
    I originally thought that hitting $300,000 fans was going to be difficult for me to do. Starting at the beginning of the year I only had 100,000 fans so tripling it seemed to be out of reach. I clearly decided to take some Hive that I had from other projects and redeploy it into rising Star to see if I can increase my fan base and my overall earnings to get to a point where I felt like my progress was much more self-sustainable or at least much more fun. I am in the year with just over 1.2 million fans

  • 2,500 5000 Smashed Another, 13,359 Skill from Drum Production Lessons
    After hitting a million fans and understanding the mechanics of the new Star pro requirement for music lessons I took a look at what I needed and noticed that at the time production was much cheaper than drums. I started a project to buy as much production as I could and sell a large portion of my drum cards to help the switch over. At one point the pricing was giving me two luck to one on production versus drums. I have blue by my original goals significantly but those goals were really not logical given the increase to ego permission that I was earning. I ended the year it just over 13, 000 skill earned per music lesson but I honestly need to get closer to 20K for any efficiency standpoint

  • Ranking Top 100 50!!

I originally wanted to hit the top 100 by the end of the year and thought that would be a stretch, but my massive growth in accounts, unique, and total cards has pushed me to the top 50 this week. I think I will continue to push and see if I can get top 40 but I'm sure I will eventually phase out a growth as those in top 50 are also fighting to continually hold those positions


2024 Goals

Setting goals for next year will be difficult considering what I did this year. I know that the earnings are almost unlimited if you want to keep investing heavily into the game. Slightly worried with less than 2500 active players but for now I'm willing to continue down this path. I don't see myself taking much of the earnings out of the ecosystem as I will be buying packs and buying star pro with my earning

Buying Boxes

I know mostly prefer buying boxes versus buying individual cards with the exception of buying production and buying uniques. I don't really go out and buy fans anymore I just get them from cards

Music Promoter

I clearly need to start running more for music promoter to earn more star pro the star pro is crucial for me to keep running music lessons and allow me to offset the ever-increasing Eco than I am earning. Also as I can hire and higher the amount of drunks I earn can go much higher and I recently had 250,000 drugs which is difficult for me to manage

Stack some StarPro

It appears that they are slowly increasing the amount of star bits per star pro needed for the music promoter and to me that means it might be a good long-term play to start converting and holding as much star pro as I can versus targets. I could possibly have a 20% return in Starbucks just by converting my current Starbucks and holding I will have to consider the long-term ratification that's holding star pro versus growing my account but I am considering buying some for the long run.

Thoughts and Comments

Let me know what your thoughts and plans are for 2024 and rising star and where you see yourself in the game going.


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!PIZZA and they increased SP on music promoter to 490 million.

4.9 million per star pro
