How I got my shit together
When thinking about my life and the things I see, I try to control the framing I think in.
I am not a naturally positive person, in fact, my first reaction to most things is quite negative. I used to find it very easy to get stuck in existential dread or frustration about how unfair things were or how unjust life felt.
I believe that we can greatly influence our reality with our thoughts but in my experience, no amount of positive affirmations can hide what’s going on behind those thoughts. So much is decided by the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind can only be worked on through a change in the frame.
That means feeling everything you feel fully, not denying any thoughts or emotions, but careful attention to which thoughts you think, and becoming a guiding voice for all your chemica reactions.
You can’t instantly stop liking something. But you can find the good aspects of it or look for positive things yo counter it. You can’t cover up fear or anger with forced positivity, but you can find the deeper root of these emotions and compensate for them through self love and support.
For years I trained myself to stop thinking reactively. It requried me to constantly seek more positive framing. I didn’t reject my dislike of certain things or frustrations, I just asked the questions “what can i do with this?” “How can i calm down?” “what can this teach me?” “how can i avoid feeling this way in the future without unnecessary sacrfice?”
I became very pragmatic about my emotions.
I also learned that “negatove emotions” aren’t always negative. Crying can be theraputic if we let it be. Crying is a chance to let go of some of the negative emotion, as long as we learn how to let those emotions go as they come up. It’s essentially pooping.
Nowadays I sometimes don’t even realize certain things happening to me are “bad”. I mean they aren’t things that I want or choose, but now with many of them, especially the things I an used to, I assume they are just a learning experience and will get better over time.
And they usually do.
Novels/music/merch/social media/patreon:
Untangled Knots podcast:
Japanese Upbringing Explained (interview my Japanese student)
Join us in the Deep shitdiscord channel to talk about deep shit, art and cultute differences
Confessions of the Damaged 1.1-1.3 on Amazont
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
There is a way I have trained myself which is to be able to find positivity out of anything. It may be looking negative but I will just try to think positive because it may come out that way
Negativity is never the best solution
A revelation that I got recently: we're emotional creatures at the core. We try to rationalize everything, for some reason we assume that intellect is safer or better than feelings, I guess it's a function of our social programming, especially in the past three hundred years or so, since science overtook any other approaches to thought and experience. But that doesn't deny how our bodies process life, how our memories condition our responses or how empathy (willing or not) defines our communication not just with other people but with other creatures and even places.
It's so important for us to truly and honestly delve into our emotional state, to let it happen. In my recent experience, that's the only way we can find balance and peace.
I don’t know if we have talked about it directly but I’ve always felt something about society that I can only describe as yin and yang in the wrong place. Like both are necessary but somehow they are being channeled in the opposite channels that they natural flow in, and so we are living in bizzaro world.
This may not have always been the case and may be rather recent, since 2000 or 201…2? Hahaha
Before that I guess the masculine was way too prominent.
I suppose we are in the process of switching into the naturally flowing channels which is why everything is so out of wack and confusing now.
I guess your comment makes me question what it really meant when people used to say I was too sensitive 😆 and what you always tell me about experiencing other people’s emotions
If we all see the good in each other and stop looking at the bad, time will pass much better and things will improve.