Truth, Contentment and Peace ✨


Going on with life, one would realize that no matter his/her religion, there are some values you have to upload to live a non-problematic or rather minimally problematic life (cause there's no way one's life can be without problems)😂.

As I've gotten older, I've come across these values being practiced in various instances of my life and I've happened to practice them too, the same way I've also sometimes decided to willingly not practice these values, which have gotten me into a whole lot of issues, so I can say it's best to practice em😂.

These 3 values can be said to be the 3 major hints to a healthy life and they are

Truth, Contentment and Peace.

These words are seen in all forms of religion and are practiced by everyone regardless of the differences in their upbringing or nationality.
The same way I've noticed some songs tend to preach about either one or two of these values, so it helped prepare my song list for #ttt today😀

Truth 💯

- You ain't gotta Lie ~ Kendrick Lamar

This track was part o Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly album which is regarded as a transformation album for Kendrick.
In this album, he released a list of songs which showed his vices, self doubts and almost all his evils, leaving him bare to his fans.
This song talks about a boys want to be able to mix in and chill with the regular "cool guys/crew". He wants to be recognized as part of them and goes as far as lying about things he hasn't done or can't do to impress and gain respect from them.
Kendrick condemns this act, for when it's time to prove you can do the things you said you could, the truth would come out and all the respect you've gathered would flow away like water down a drain.

Contentment 😌

- Love Yourzz ~ Jcole

In this track, Jcole talks about how greed can make one lose sight of what's most important.
The song gives us an outlook on Cole's point of view as he became famous.
He writes and relates his experiences with both the broke lifestyle and the rich lifestyle, the stress and fear of being rich.
The greed that comes with so much financial power and reputation. How some people would always want to have the latest cars or houses, the best clothes or shoes, the pretties girls and whores.
His experiences with such frivolities brought him to the conclusion that contentment is all that matter, as there'll always be someone with something that's better than yours.

Peace 🕉️

- We Don't Need No More Trouble ~ Bob Marley and the Wailers

Now this tune is a bit different from the others on here.
Bob Marley in his own Unique reggae style sing condemning war and any type of trouble, encouraging peace and love.
The song has a calming tune with it that'll simply have you nodding your head along and humming. It's a true peace song ✌️.

So here's my entry to #ttt. I don't know why my teams have switched to a more inspirational and grown up genre nowadays though 😂

Feels off and icky tbh😭

Yet, I write whatever enters my head and so that's that, maybe my next entry next week Tuesday would bring more fun tunes to y'all.
Many thanks @ablaze for this lovely initiative where I can share songs and talk about whatever 😂🔥

  • Header Image was taken by me
  • Videos are gotten from YouTube and used for enlightenment and Entertainment purposes.

My Instagram page.

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