The Witch and The Beast Anime Review [Eng/Esp]

I remember watching this shows trailer and getting hyped up, also talking about it in my Winter Anime's to Look out for post.
The post mentioned eight shows, seven of which I watched completely and out of these seven, The Witch and The Beast sits at top of the list 🔥

The Witch and The Beast


Ashaff and Guideau are an uncommon pair. Guideau, a human cursed by a witch filled with rage and contempt and Ashaff, a human mage working for the Resonance of Magic.
Together they handle magical cases and incidents while looking for witches in the hope of finding the one who cursed Guideau, and getting her to lift the curse.

When I first read about the show I was enthusiastic. I saw it as a quick salve of losing black clover and I was in need of any type of magical action.
Immediately it's first episode debuted, I downloaded it and I was in awe of it all, a truly great movie.

What I Liked

- The World Building 🌍

The world building in this show was beautiful. Different concepts and laws consigning magic which are different from what we already know from other anime's yet still similar here.
The locations are somewhat medieval yet still a bit modern, with some in-between.
8 continents of magic with a lot of battles and gore in them.

- A Fresh New Protagonist Dynamic.

There are a few cliche protagonists in anime.
There's the starkly different rivals like we have in Naruto, fairytale and Black Clover; the Overpowered MC like in Dragon Ball, Solo Leveling and Eminence in Shadow; the fun, lovable MC whose stunts cause trouble for his comrades and enemies alike like in One Piece.
These three classifications of protagonists are more of less what all anime's protagonists fall under.
Yet this duo is something new entirely, they aren't all about teamwork, as Ashaff is most times manipulating Guideau to help in the fighting or stop fighting as the situation entails.
It's not a cooperation born of trust but of mere convenience. As the anime goes on, one sees just how much their cooperation singles on a single goal.
Find the witch. Make her undo the curse.

With such shaky grounds, it makes on wonder just how long the protagonists would stay together, if they'll leave each other when they do lift the curse, or if they're used to their teamwork of convenience and decide to continue it.

- The Character Design.

For some reason, the character design of the show really interested me.
I'm not really one to watch or read dark anime minus the popular ones (JJK and Tokyo Ghoul) which are still Shōnen.
This show's character design is different from the round strokes and friendly faces of JJK and instead go for sharper, mysterious dark faces like those seen in Noblesse or Castlevania.

I have read the Noblesse manga. Lovely vampire stuff..


- The Fights

Lovely character designs and animations lead to great fights.
This was well proven in this anime where the magic didn't stop the characters from getting close and personal in high tension brawls and nobody brawled better than Guideau.
Watching her fight is graceful and entertaining, moving through different forms of martial arts, giving and taking a whole lot of damage, she really is a sight to behold.

Overall Review

I remember asking you all to watch this anime when it was about to start in my Winter Anime briefing post.
Now I've watched it, I'm a testifier, and i urge you to watch it. You would not be disappointed 😉!




Recuerdo haber visto el avance de este programa y haberme entusiasmado, y también hablé de ello en mi Anime de invierno a tener en cuenta correo.
La publicación menciona ocho programas, siete de los cuales vi completamente y de estos siete, La Bruja y la Bestia encabeza la lista 🔥

La Bruja y La Bestia


Ashaff y Guideau son una pareja poco común. Guideau, un humano maldecido por una bruja llena de rabia y desprecio y Ashaff, un mago humano que trabaja para la Resonancia de la Magia.
Juntos manejan casos e incidentes mágicos mientras buscan brujas con la esperanza de encontrar a la que maldijo a Guideau y lograr que ella levante la maldición.

Cuando leí por primera vez sobre el programa me entusiasmó. Lo vi como un ungüento rápido para perder el trébol negro y necesitaba cualquier tipo de acción mágica.
Inmediatamente debutó el primer episodio, lo descargué y quedé asombrado por todo, una película realmente genial.

Lo que me gustó

- La construcción del mundo 🌍

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La construcción del mundo en este espectáculo fue hermosa. Diferentes conceptos y leyes que consignan magia que son diferentes de lo que ya conocemos de otros animes pero que siguen siendo similares aquí.
Las ubicaciones son algo medievales pero todavía un poco modernas, con algunas intermedias.
8 continentes de magia con muchas batallas y sangre en ellos.

- Una dinámica de protagonista nueva y fresca.

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Hay algunos protagonistas cliché en el anime.
Están los rivales marcadamente diferentes como los que tenemos en Naruto, Fairytale y Black Clover; el MC dominado como en Dragon Ball, Solo Leveling y Eminence in Shadow; el divertido y adorable MC cuyas acrobacias causan problemas tanto a sus camaradas como a sus enemigos, como en One Piece.
Estas tres clasificaciones de protagonistas son más o menos a las que pertenecen todos los protagonistas del anime.
Sin embargo, este dúo es algo completamente nuevo, no se trata solo de trabajo en equipo, ya que Ashaff la mayoría de las veces manipula a Guideau para ayudar en la pelea o dejar de pelear según lo requiera la situación.
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No es una cooperación nacida de la confianza sino de la mera conveniencia. A medida que avanza el anime, uno ve hasta qué punto su cooperación se centra en un único objetivo.
** Encuentra a la bruja. Haz que deshaga la maldición.**

Con terrenos tan inestables, uno se pregunta cuánto tiempo permanecerán juntos los protagonistas, si se dejarán cuando levanten la maldición, o si están acostumbrados a su trabajo en equipo por conveniencia y deciden continuar.

- El diseño de personajes.

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Por alguna razón, el diseño de personajes del programa realmente me interesó.
Realmente no soy alguien que vea o lea anime oscuro menos los populares (JJK y Tokyo Ghoul) que siguen siendo Shōnen.
El diseño de personajes de este programa es diferente de los trazos redondos y los rostros amigables de JJK y, en cambio, opta por rostros oscuros más nítidos y misteriosos como los que se ven en Noblesse o Castlevania.

He leído el manga Noblesse. Preciosas cosas de vampiros..

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- Las peleas

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Los encantadores diseños de personajes y animaciones conducen a grandes peleas.
Esto quedó bien demostrado en este anime donde la magia no impidió que los personajes se acercaran en peleas de alta tensión y nadie peleó mejor que Guideau.
Verla pelear es elegante y entretenido, moviéndose a través de diferentes formas de artes marciales, causando y recibiendo una gran cantidad de daño, realmente es un espectáculo digno de contemplar.
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Revisión general

Recuerdo haberles pedido a todos que vieran este anime cuando estaba a punto de comenzar en mi publicación informativa sobre Winter Anime.
Ahora que lo he visto, soy testificador y les insto a que lo vean. ¡No te decepcionarás 😉!




  • Gifs gotten from Tenor
  • Translated to Spanish Using Google Translate

My Instagram page.


Wow I already find it interesting I think it gave me Harry Potter vibes because of the train lol.


Ok, this seems like a great opportunity to see something new. I've read some reviews of this anime and most of them are positive. I just saw the trailer and it really has its charm.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings!


Thanks for the upvote.
You really should check it out, it really breathes new life into the anime industry.

Haven't seen you around for a while..
Hope all's well?


I love the art style and the character design from what you shared. Cool Gifs, how did you create them?


I didn't.
Got the idea from a friend on here when I read his post.
Just searched on Tenor from the anime name, then find a GIF that would flow well with whatever you're writing about.


That's a great idea, I am going to steal it right

It makes the post more lively. Thanks, man!


In this anime, I really liked the fight scenes, as they are quite entertaining. I also liked that they didn't tackle the cliché of one of the protagonists being a man inside a woman's body. Or well, I think what comes out of the coffin is a man, right?

Great idea to use GIF.

De este anime me gustaron mucho las escenas de pelea, ya que son bastante entretenidas. También me gustó que no abordaron el cliché de que uno de los protagonistas es un hombre dentro del cuerpo de una mujer. O bueno, ¿creo que lo que sale del ataúd es un hombre, no?

Genial la idea de usar GIF.


Read a bit of a spoiler of what comes out of the coffin.
Wouldn't want to spoil it for you but no.
It's definitely not a man.


Anotando para verlo pronto en mi larga lista de animé, gracias por la recomendación!


My goodness, just by looking at the visuals of this anime I'm already in love with it, it simply captured my full attention. Now, reading what it's really about, it's indeed very striking. I'll undoubtedly give it a look later; I want to see how they try to break that curse.

By the way, I recommend you use an AI for translation; the Google Translate version doesn't make much sense.


the Google Translate version doesn't make much sense.



Which AI would you recommend?


Well… the AI from Bing called Copilot does a good job and it’s free, there’s also Chat GPT which is the classic but obviously it’s a paid service.


Thanks, I'll check out this bing ai...
