The Mouse Has Been Found

@silversaver888 is literally one of the most devoted stackers I've come across on hive.
Her precious metals stack of assorted coins, bullions, bars and some lovely pieces almost always leaves me at awe.
Recently, she talked about one of her coins, as she usually does, The Lunar Year Of The Ox Coin and in there noted how she was also looking for the lunar year of the mouse.

The Australian Lunar Year of The Mouse gold bullions is the first entry in the gold bullion series and it was first introduced in 1966, as from my investigations that year was also a year of the mouse.
The 1966 coin, from the date was minted a long time ago, so I doubt that's the coin that Silver saver had and gifted out...
Actually it might have been, to be honest one can't tell with her amazing stack at times😂.

The Year of the Ox Coin she got back was golden yet I don't even know if she was looking for a golden mouse too (quite a lot of unknowns in my search 😂)

Anyways, the search has ended cause I indeed did find a mouse!!

2020 Australia Lunar Mouse Year

So the year 2020 was indeed the Year of the Rat for the Chinese and ever faithful to their series, the Perth Mint of Australia released the 2020 version of the Lunar Year Of The Mouse (Rat) coin.

This coin, designed by Jody Clark and Ing Ing Jong showcases two rats/mices eating on corn husks and in its reverse has a portrait of Queen Elizabeth .
With the mice, we see a Chinese Character and the Year 2020 while at the reverse, surrounding Her Majesty's portrait we have the coin's particulars, including it's denomination, metal content and quality and the weight.

It has a diameter of 50.9mm, a thickness of 11.85mm and costs $80 on eBay... (Quite an expensive rat).
There's apparently also a page on Apmex that offers it with 50% off premium and the Perth Mint also brought out a colorized version which looks wholesome but costs a whole lot more!!!
Regardless, I believe I've completed this quest @shadowsaver888.. hopefully this was the coin you were looking for😂😂


***Image of Plain Silver Coins were gotten from eBay

My Instagram page.


Now that you have found the mouse, will you go in search of the other animals to complete the Chinese zodiac?

Because that would be quite a feat.



This was just me looking cause of a request...

Yet I just might look for other animals of the zodiac.

Just in case...
