Racial Slurs...

Racial discrimination has become a rather amusing thing for me at the moment.
The thought of being treated differently because of my colour or how I look and talk frightens and still intrigues me...

I've only travelled outside the country once. That was when I was 5 years old, going to Dubai to get a a dislocation surgery on my hand.

Back when thing's were easier😭

I remember being the only black child in the hospital, although I don't remember anything like being treated differently or even looked at oddly because of my colour.
Regardless, that was when I was just 5... Even if I was differentiated, I probably won't remember nor have realized it😂.

Now, as I'm almost four times my age of traveling abroad, I've read, heard and watched a whole lot of unsatisfactory acts of differentiation based on race, differences of beliefs, and gender.

I've also seen some people getting overly emotional against some acts that aren't racial discrimination but could be identified as discrimination.

It's as though this topic was just waiting for me because throughout this week, I've been coming across posts and materials that relate to the Racial Topic.


This is one controversial word that is almost never safe to use.
It's almost like a trigger word for black people, especially if they were called that by a white man...
And by a trigger I mean if the black man was holding the trigger and pointing the barrel at the white man's face.

This is a clip from Boondocks. I love this show because they discuss real life issues in a satirical way.
In this clip, which is from the episode 11 of the second season; "The 'S' Word".
We watch as Riley and Grandpa try to wring out money in sues to a school whose teacher called Riley a __igga.

This episode, is simply making fun at the social rules and constraints we've put on ourselves and how they can be easily turned against us.
Riley, a boy who's first word he learned growing up was nigga, who thought nigga was his name till the age of 4.
Feigned hurt, pain and trauma because of what he could gain when being called nigga by someone who's white.

This happens in real life too. Most black people being offended when they're called Nigga by someone with fairer skin..
Even when they call themselves Nigga all the time.

The thought process really cracks me up😂

Then there's those over devoted ones that are against Racial discrimination.
Those who dwell and overthink on everything said, every movement made that may minutely concern ones race or color, blowing it up to a big issue, despite how little the incident actually was, so little that the "victim" might have not even realized it...

I wonder, aren't they doing the discrimination at that point.


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The comments under this post are scary...

My comment as @stephnofa is there too and I stand by what I said there..

"Nigga is just a word, it's a word meant for and mostly used by black people. I am a black person, I am a nigga, I don't care if someone comes up to me and friendly calls me a nigga. I'll probably call them one back."

Although, I do know that this course of action may be problematic in real life and can be called naive due to the fact that I haven't been subjected to vile inhumane racism, but let's be real...

How many teenagers, who are overly emotional about racism on the Internet have actually experienced the racism?

Wouldn't it be easier to end racism as a whole if the two sides can simply drop the axes?..

This is an entry to the #inleo #marchinleo prompt for today.

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  • Header Image is a screenshot from Instagram.
  • Video was gotten from YouTube for enlightenment purposes

My Instagram page.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This topic cracks me up the most when it comes up in "Family Guy."

My belief is that, it is only those who subject themselves to the word that actually get the result.


Its even funnier in Boondocks...

You should check that episode out😂😂😂😭


Really insightful points you've raised, Seki...🤔
Very very thought provoking.


If anything, I'm known to be provoking 😂😂


I know that it may seem strange but these are tried and true ways of keeping people fighting and distracted. If you take a group of 5 year old kids - there’s a considerable chance none of them makes a fuss about any of the differences in colors, shape etc. they just know someone looks a little different but they are nice and fun so why does it matter?

The racial divide is an easy way to keep people arguing and divided, so that we are easily controlled and manipulated. It’s unfortunate that so many people don’t see it for what it is, and keep focusing on it.

United we stand, divided we fall.


Sometimes people are so hung up on the past that they refuse to move forward.
It's saddening that those who were the victims over a century ago are now so comfortable with the role of being victims that they even fight for it.

Cause why would you be so trigger sensitive over a word just because the person who said it is white...

