A Second Chance



He had a sharp tongue. That's about the only thing good about him and he knew it.
His sharp tongue, quick wit and weird sense of amusement made him a fun guest for parties and little else.
He knew that and at such tended to distance himself from people, not wanting to get on anyone's bad sides unknowingly.
Yet as he stepped into the taxi, he knew he had done just that.

He sat down and looked back at the penthouses from the car window, he saw her looking at him from her bedroom window.
She seemed sad or maybe still angry, being violently chased out of her house because of his comments on her father's weight, Kevin had no idea of the emotions she might be harboring.
He had no idea of where he was going either. Hotels were crazily priced and he had no family or incredibly close friends.

His eyes locked with the cab driver who was staring at him through the rearview window, clearly waiting for him to give directions of where he wants to be driven to.
Kevin nodded his head trying to mask his uncertainty and confusion.
"Drive." He simply said, folding his hands and closing his eyes.
The driver decided to indeed just drive, pulling out of the sidewalk and joining the traffic of cars driving into the night on the main road.

I watched his cab pull out and watched till the tail lights joined the swarm of others and became indistinguishable in the dark.
I turned away from the window into my penthouse and was immediately struck with how silent and cold it seemed.
The loneliness was unprecedented and the lack of Kevin was felt in the twelve minutes that he was gone.
"Ohh Lisa, is this how addicted and dependant you've become?" I chided myself and forcefully turned on the light and the heat.
Trying to get rid of the darkness and emptiness with the niceties of the suit.
I turned on the stereo to try dancing to the music. I quickly began dancing out of tune and half expected to hear him comment something like...

"Did Trish bring in a waddling penguin again? Ohh Liz it's just you."

My smile hitched as I remembered my laughter at his gibes and the fact that when I began flinging my own insults at him rewarded with his own laughter and quicker retorts.
That's how fun and loud their time together had been, hardly a moment of quietness.
Hardly a time I wasn't laughing as hard as though she has no care in the world.

After a few minutes, I stopped dancing, heart beating fast, with sweat on my shoulders and back I tried to force a smile but it didn't last.
The music still played but I couldn't hear nor understand it.
Sweating from the dance yet still cold,
I lay on my couch, wondering just how far he must have gone, where he was staying, with whom he would stay with, just as I had began to deliberate on if I should call him back, my phone rang.

We had been driving around for close to thirty minutes now and it seemed like the cab driver already knew the jig was up.
He had gently been driving and slowing down across Hotels and Motels and I had just about decided to accept his hint.
I didn't want to enter a hotel, I'd hoped that Lisa would call me back. Entering a hotel means that I've accepted I've been sent out, closing the door on what could have been, what I and my stupid mouth made not to be.
At this point the driver deliberately stopped in front of a hotel and turned back to look at me, I sighed accepting my fate, yet just as I was about to step out I heard her voice.

The driver and I looked around in shock, looking for the source of the sound.
"Helloooo?" It sounded again. Just then I reached into my backpocket, realizing that I had put it there as I entered the car.
It may have mistakenly called someone.
"Kevin, if you called me to just listen to me shout 'Hello' in frustration, I'll block you righ-"
"I'm here Lisa." I said immediately putting the phone in my ear.
I mouthed a sorry to the driver. And paid full attention to Lisa who miraculously was at the other line.
"So. Why did you call?" She asked.
My head went blank. I didn't exactly call, yet I wanted to call, still I didn't. I didn't exactly know what to say, so I did the smart thing.
"Well, I called because I missed you."
The driver gave me a long eyebrow raise at that.
"It's just been an hour Kevin. Where are you now?"
"In front of a hotel. The Second Chance."
There was a long silence at that.
"You're staying at a hotel?"
"Well, I had hoped you'd have a room available but the service told me otherwise."
"Well maybe the service didn't like a guest insulting her dead father's picture."
I smiled at the playful tone.
"I didn't mean to insult him when I said he looked like ghastly figure. It was a testament of his discipline."
"Why yes. He was so disciplined that his face lines retains their position even when he smiles."
She laughed at that.
"Maybe there is a spot open at my hotel after all."
"Really?" I asked, trying but to na avail in keeping the longing away from my tone.
"You better get here fast before the offer closes."
The line went dead and I looked at the driver who had begun texting while I was on call.
"Soooo.. you finally have a destination?" He asked resignedly.
"Yes." I replied grinning.
"I have a suite booked, a second chance."


Images created using Canva

My Instagram page.


I like second chances! That's what I say a lucky call. It happened to me once and that's why I believe luck does exist. I liked your story. Regards


Nice story, @seki1. We recommend some edits before we curate it, however. It's very confusing in the second scene in Lisa's perspective because you shift from first person point of view (underlined in blue below) to third person (highlighted in yellow).


We also recommend, as always, that you read carefully through your story for errors that should be fixed. See the "Don't skip this step" topic in this month's newsletter.


I see...

So sorry about that.
I've edited it.


Thank you, @seki1. But you missed one. And the point of the notes were that your story needed another careful read-through. There are quite a few errors. The word "na" for no in one place, some words that are missing or incorrect. Assuming English is your second language, this is to be expected. And it's why we provide articles and instructions for how to check for errors.

In this example below, there is still one error that we pointed out, and the words "their time" should be "our time."


All that said, you are a clever writer. Your stories are often fresh and interesting, and with great splashes of humor. This story is an excellent take on the possible scenarios for a "butt dial" and it has a great ending.

Just note that the lack of attention to details in editing affects your curation.


Thank you for sharing your post with us on the PYPT Podcast.
