A Classic Approach to the Keep Your Distance Ruleset!


Using Keep Your Distance ruleset to win a Diamond level Modern League battle!

We have three rulesets in effect: Lost Legendaries, Keep Your Distance and Aim True:


RULESET: Keep Your Distance



Units with melee attacks may not be used.

Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.

Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.

Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.


The Strategy

We have tree rulesets in effect, therefore all three should be considered for this battle. Most important rulesets are Keep Your Distance and Aim True.

Let's start with Keep Your Distance ruleset, obviously monsters with melee attack cannot be used so in the first position I put Chaos Agent, it would normally be a very evasive mini tank, but due to Aim True ruleset all of his abilities are useless. Still considering we have a small mana ruleset with only seventeen mana available this unit is a great choice for a tank since it takes up only one mana and comes with a base health of four.

One of the most important things in Splinterlands you do is choosing a summoner. Summoner determines which splinters you can use in the battle and also provides abilities and / or buffs the stats of all your monsters or nerfs the stats of the opposing team. So it is important to choose a summoner with the right abilities for the ruleset. I chose a Quix the Devious for his nerf of speed and ranged damage for the opposing team. Since this is not a reverse speed ruleset it is a great idea to nerf the speed of the opposing team, also they can only use ranged or magic attackers in the keep your distance ruleset so nerfing ranged attackers is a really good idea. Since I chose the Dragon summoner it opens up dragon splinter monsters for this battle and I chose two important dragon splinter monsters for the battle: Kra'ar Xoc and Naga Assassin. Even at level five Kra'ar comes with a base health of five and Scavenger ability that increases his health every time a monster dies. For only one mana this is a great secondary tank / meat-shield. Naga is a fast low mana but high health monster with two ranged damage, next I put Xenith Archer also low mana with good health and damage. And in fifth place I put Ravenhood Warden for his shield ability. And finally in the last position is our main damage dealer Soul Strangler with base ranged attack of four and poison ability.

As you can see my strategy is to put up as much health points upfront protect them with the shield and use last position as a main damage dealer with four ranged attack and poison. Because of the Aim True ruleset all of my attacks will land so speed is of a secondary consideration but never hurts because if I am faster I will strike first.


The Summoner

Quix is a legendary summoner from the Chaos Legion set. A great summoner for low mana battles as it only takes up four mana and provides two nerfs to the opposing team abilities: one less ranged damage and one less speed. It also let's us use great low mana monsters from the Dragon splinter in addition to the splinter we choose.

1st Slot - Meat Shield Monster

Chaos Agent is usually a great low mana tank. But in the Aim True ruleset all of his evasive abilities are useless because the strikes will always land. Still for just one mana this is a good mini tank to put upfront to provide four health points of meat shield.

2nd Slot - Secondary Meat Shield Monster

Kra'ar Xoc is an epic card from the Soulbound rewards set. This one mana monster is a great choice in the low mana battle that we have. It comes with a base health of five and scavenger ability that picks up health every time a monster dies.

3rd Slot - Ranged Attacker Monster

Naga Assassin is a great low mana monster from the Dragon Splinter. This monster boosts speed of the entire team as well as provides two ranged damage and five health points for only two mana.

4th Slot - Ranged Attacking Monster

Xenith Archer is a neutral monster from the Chaos Legion Core set. This rare monster provides two ranged damage and five health points for only two mana and is another great monster to use in our seventeen mana battle.

5th Slot - Shield Monster

Ravenhood Warder is a great monster to use in this ruleset as it provides a shield for the entire team it also comes with two ranged damage, three speed and four health points

6th Slot - Damage Dealing Monster

Soul Strangler is our main damage dealer with four ranged attack damage and poison ability. I hid him in the back as there he is most likely to survive until the end of the battle and continue poisoning and hard hitting our enemies.



Our opponent went with an interesting choice of a summoner I guess he is making a bet on speed and piercing as well as random striking my monsters to either hard hit them with four ranged damage of his Scalvo Firebolt or poison from his golden Lava Spider. An interesting though really high risk strategy. Let's see how it will work out...

In the first round we had luck on our side as they were not able to land poison. We took out their first meat shield that was nerfing our ranged attackers, which will make the second round way more interesting to watch...

In the second round we took out their secondary meat shield, but they were lucky to take down our shield providing monster. Still with only one damage dealer left on their team I feel the Victory coming!

Round three was the decisive round for our team. They no longer have any damage dealers left so it is just a matter of time when we win!

And in round four we win a nice 17+ SPS tokens and 1,069 Glint!


I loved reading this analysis.
As I'm pretty new to battling, and so with much much much more learning to do, this is the kind of educational post that I can glean from.
One battle at a time... I loved your tactics :D.


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500 HP1000 HP2000 HP5000 HP10000 HP15000 HP20000 HP

