When Commons and Normies Takes the Spotlight


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Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Rise of the Commons. It is a ruleset were only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from my @avainattempt account which is an alternate account using Max level Chaos Legion card delegation from NFTY Arcade. Before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.

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Rise of the Commons

Rule Set Icon
Rise of the Commons
Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.

Cards by Rarity

AAA.pngAdelade Brightwing_lv4.png
bbb.pngVoid Dragon_lv4_gold.png

These were the samples of cards with different rarities and the cards that were crossed out weree samples of Epic and Legendary cards that were banned from this ruleset. This does not apply on legendary summoners though and can still be used in battles.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set


04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
47 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 02-Water.png Water, 5-Life.png Life
Rise of the Commons
Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
All monsters have the magic reflect.png Magic Reflect ability.
Are You Not Entertained Yet?
One additional Gladiator card may be used in battles.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Rise of the Commons which only allows the use of Common and Rare monster and Counterspell will give magic reflect on all monsters which would make disadvantageous for magic units but ath the same time Gladiator cards can also be used due to the Are You Not Entertained ruleset. Given this conditions, my lineup was consist of.

  • Summoner: I used Kelya Frendul that gives +1 speed and armor on all ally monsters and this card was also a Common Summoner for the Water team.

  • 1st Position: Diemonshark Has excellent health and good armor for a tank which also have the Trample ability to attack once again if it defeats the target and Enrage which increases its speed and damage once health got damaged. It can also attack again if it was attacked by another melee monster due to Retaliate.

  • 2nd Position: Flying Squid was a melee monster with the Reach ability which allows it to attack even at second position together with Blind which gives 15% miss chance on all opponent monsters while Backfire deals damage on the opponent when they misses attacking this card.

  • 3rd Position: Gargoya Lion has the Flying ability which gives 25% chance to dodge attacks which is important since it would served as target for Opportunity attacks and Void will reduce damage from magic attacks. It also got the Enrage that would boost its speed and attack.

  • 4th Position: Deeplurker has the Opportunity ability which would serve as the major damage for my team as it also have the Poison ability that inflicts poison damage every turn. It also has the Demoralize ability that reduces the melee damage of all opponent monsters.

  • 5th Position: Pelacor Bandit has the Sneak ability which allows it to attack backline monsters and with Flying, it has 25% chance to dodge attacks.

  • 6th Position: Disintegrator was also a melee monster though at this position, it cannot attack but it has the Retaliate ability incase attacked by sneak monsters and it also posses Trample to attack once again if it defeats a monster. The additional Demoralize from this card will further reduce the melee damage of my opponent monsters.

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Revealing the Battle


1-10/25- Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


11-12/25 The first one to attack was Pelacor Bandit targeting Demented Shark, removing its armor but the Thorns ability of Demented Shark also causes Pelacor Bandit to lose its armor.

13-14/25 Flying Squid and Diemonshark deals a total of 5 damage, attacking the opponents Diemonshark.

15/25 Deeplurker attacks Isgald Vorst, removing its armor and was able to inflict poison on it.

17/25 The opponent's Deeplurker attacks my Pelacor Bandit and was also able to inflict Poison to it.

17-21/25 Coastal Sentry attacks my Deimonshark twice but at the same time, Retaliate also activates twice, which cause Coastal Sentry to sustain 3 damage.

22-25/25 Isgald Vorst defeats my Pelacor Bandit and doing another attack on Disintegrator due to Trample and has also activated its Bloodlust.

Round 2:


1/15 Isgald Vorst receives 2 poison damage at the start of the round.

2-4/15 Flying Squid deals 2 armor damage on Deimonshark which activates its Enrage and also attempt to attack back with Retaliate But have miss and received another 2 damage due to Backfire.

5-6/15 Diemonshark attacks my Diemonshark, losing its armor then attack its back, dealing 3 damage.

7/15 Deeplurker attacks Isgald Vorst, removing its armor.

8-9/15 Isgald Vorst deal 2 armor damage on Gargoya Lion.

10-15/15 Coastal Sentry attacks my Diemonshark twice which has caused it to Enrage and once again Retaliate activates twice and defeats Coastal Sentry while also reducing all the armor of Serpent of Eld.

Round 3:


1/10 Isgald Vorst receives 2 poison damage at the start of the round.

2-6/10 Deimonshark and Flying Squid defeats the opponent Diemonshark but not before it retaliates and remove the armor of Flying Squid.

7-10/10 Deeplurker defeats Isgald Vorst.

Round 4:


1-4/13 Diemonshark and Flying Squid deals 7 damage on Serpent of Eld that returns the attack, dealing 3 damage on Deimonshark.

5-6/13 Deeplurker defeats Serpent of Eld.

7-13/13 Dememted Shark defeats my Diemonshark and also attack Flying Squid but misses and received 2 damage from Backfire, adding to the 5 damage when Diemonshark retaliates.

Round 5 and 6:


1/7 Flying Squid deals 2 damage on Deeplurker.

2-5/7 Deeplurker defeats Demented Shark but also received 2 armor damage through thorns.

6-7/7 Deeplurker tries to attack my Flying Squid and receives 2 damage instead.


Due to my team being faster both Flying Squid and Deeplurker was able to attack the opponents Deeplurker first giving us the win for this battle.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.

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Did your Strategy Work?

At the beginning, I was almost at despair seeing the winrate shown by splintertools as my opponent have chosen a team with a mixture of Chaos Legion, Untamed and Gladius cards which have activated its Bloodlust at the beginning of the round but as the opponent continues to miss their attacks as I landed mine and multiple Tramples and Backfire took effect which have deal more damage than I expected and beating monster by monster each round. Through and through, the team that I made was consist of only commons and rare monsters up to the summoner.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.

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Previous Battles

Lost Legendaries.pngLost Magic.pngmelee mayhem.png
Noxious Fumes.pngOdd Ones Out.pngreverse speed.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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