Having Few Friends Feels Right for the Introvert Me


When it comes to us humans, living alone was an almost impossible task to do. Physically, there's just a limit on the things that we can do individually in order to have a sustainable life so we rely on others for the things that we can not do while emotionally and mentally, we seek the presence of others to have a sense of comport and security. Because of this, we tend to group ourselves with other people and build a connection with them, such as family or friend and the collection of this two is what makes our society.

Among this two, I would say that making friends was the easiest and fastest way to build connection cause unlike family, it does not need blood ties documents to be someone's friend. It just needs for one to be comfortable at the company of another person over a period of time and eventually gain ones trust. For this post, I want to talk more about whether I find it easy or not to make friends and if I want more of them or not.

Like what I said above, making friends is the easiest way of making a connection with other people but at the same time, it could also be quite difficult because we as individuals differ from one another. Some could make friends quickly while some may take years to become one and between the two, I would say that I'm the latter one since I was an introvert. During the time when I meet new people, I was never the type to start a conversation to them so as long as they don't talk to me, I won't be able to talk to them. The most recent example of this was when I just started college where I did not talk to anyone even after 2 weeks of class. I was only able to talk to them due to a role- playing activity we have from one of my minor subject. Eventually, those same members from that activity has become my college friends until I graduate but imagine if that activity did not happen or I was grouped with other people, who knows when I can befriend the same people or not.

Another thing to consider was share interest or hobbies. To be able to make a friend, we need to find something to talk about with other people and it should be something that they have the same interest. Lucky for me, my college friends and I share the same hobbies on games and Anime. In terms of music, only one of my college friend listens to rock and metal aside from me so when the group talks about music stuff, most of the time, we are out of place.

That said, when I start making a friend, I was mostly able to keep them like even after years since we Graduated, I was still able to communicate with my college friends mostly through online since were all busy from work but occasionally, we meet personally without any particular reason (aside from drinking) and talk about random stuff. Same thing goes for my Elementary and High school friends that mostly were still a friend of mine until now as many of them are people that I know since my childhood and lives relatively close to me.

Eating breakfast on a shop after having a drinking stayover at a friends house.

When it comes to the number of friends, I prefer to have fewer friends. I mean, yeah.. They say that more means the merrier and there are people that benefited from having lots of friends like by supporting their friends business by buying their products or like there were lots of people that can potentially help you during the times of need. But for me, Having a fewer friends was the much better choice. After all, I have been a part of the working society and a good amount of my time was already been spent on my work which makes the time I can spent on my friends lesser and lesser so if I further increase the number of my friends, the time that I can spend with them becomes more diluted and in order to compensate for that time, it might even come to the moment where I'm using the time that is meant to spend for myself in order to interact to my friends.

Another thing that might come from having too many friends was that we came to the point where we forgot about important details about them like their birthdays and honestly, even with the amount of friends right now, I cannot say that I know all of their birthdays and the only reason that I was able to greet them was because I saw it on my Facebook notification. There were also times where forgetting details about your friend could potentially endanger them such as accidentally feeding your friend a food with ingredients that he is allergic to or like there is this time where some guys push their friend on the pool, not knowing that he cannot swim.

For me, having few friends feels just right since as an introvert, I am not one of those that can make friends fast. What's more important was that, no matter how much things on each of our life changes, we were still able to keep this friendship and share some fun memories from time to time.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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What an amazing display of friendship to urgently provide money when needed. Those rare bonds built on complete trust are precious.
