Key Aspects Of Investing In Micro-Caps
Profitability & Preparation
Regardless of the current sideways chop, the next bull market is drawing closer and offers significant upside for those who position themselves correctly. Apart from ETH, which I purchased below $100, my most significant percentage gains have come from micro-caps. If I look back on some of my victories my only regret is that I didn’t pick up more. If you can gain exposure to the “right” micro-caps, they can be life-changing, and I don’t say that lightly.
Investors who frequent and make their investment decisions based on CoinGecko’s front page (Top 100) are most likely oblivious to the type of gains that are taking place in the micro-cap sector. This is where the real money is made, especially for smaller investors. Securing a 100X, 300X, or even 500X return is a meaningful investment, regardless of the size. However, together with such tremendous potential comes enormous risk.
Applying typical investment strategies such as dollar-cost averaging and “buying the dip” can be hazardous. In this article, I will address a few key lessons I have learned in dealing with micro-caps over the years. Recently, I published my first micro-cap pick for 2025 and have begun researching various projects, in an attempt to find some future gems. These projects generally have a market cap in the millions, or tens of millions. Anyway, let’s get to it and begin exploring investment strategies that can help mitigate the risk associated with micro-caps.
Bitcoin Paves The Way
Firstly, as a micro-cap investor, I tend to wait for Bitcoin to solidify a bottoming structure before high-risk altcoin accumulation. Without this in place, micro-caps can continue to depreciate, ultimately creating unnecessary losses. Once the trend has shifted there is a stronger likelihood that micro-caps will rise, or at least trade within a sideways range. This provides the best opportunity to begin accumulation. This reduces the likelihood of potential loss. However, it does not guarantee it.
There are no guarantees when it comes to investing. If there were, everyone would be doing it. It’s all about creating and waiting for the perfect environment. Entering the micro-cap market prematurely can be a catastrophic decision. You need to ensure that the particular coin or coins are headed in the right direction. It might appear as a bargain, but what happens if it just continues to depreciate and never returns to your entry price, never mind profitable territory?
When To Continue Accumulation
I have a rule when investing in micro-caps and that is to only increase allocation once my initial position is in profit. This strategy is to be followed in a multi-step process of deployment. Once a position is in profit, I deploy more capital. This is usually initiated after a correction. Every time a new local high is printed there will inevitably be a correction. This is when I choose to act. You will be surprised at how successful such a strict strategy can be.
As I have said, traditional dollar-cost averaging is not an appropriate strategy for micro-caps. Coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others will eventually bounce back, but there is no such guarantee when it comes to micro-caps. Choosing to be patient, to wait for the opportune moment is by far the safest way to go about investing in such projects. Following this strategy provides an element of healthy risk management and ensures the unnecessary loss of further capital. In other words, only the initial investment is at risk. Further allocation only takes place in a position of profitability.
An Amplified Period
If you pull up a couple of charts relating to micro-caps you will note a common theme. The majority of price appreciation takes place in a period of one to two months. The final stage of euphoria has a massive impact on micro-caps. This is largely due to thin order books. The acceleration in demand eats through the books, ultimately causing these small projects to moon. Essentially, this means that micro-cap investors need to be in sync with the market, and able to discern a cycle top, give or take a few days, or even weeks.
The appreciation that these coins experience during the initial stages of a bull market is nothing compared with what occurs during the final stage. Ultimately, a micro-cap investment all comes down to this moment. Accurate identification is to be followed by swift execution. When the gains are this high, discipline is imperative, and should never be compromised based on emotions and greed.
Final Thoughts
If you can stick to a strict and disciplined strategy, investing in micro-caps can be incredibly lucrative. However, if you are known to be a bit of a loose cannon, this might not be the best idea for you. These are simply approaches I have found to be incredibly helpful when it comes to investing in this highly volatile niche. This is not investment advice, but rather what I have learned over the years. All the best! See you in the next one!
First of all, I am not a financial advisor. All information provided on this website is strictly my own opinion and not financial advice. I do make use of affiliate links. Purchasing or interacting with any third-party company could result in me receiving a commission. In some instances, utilizing an affiliate link can also result in a bonus or discount.
This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Sending this one through #news2threads.
Great, I am sure it will be helpful. Shot!
Well I dont think many read them but it is a threadstorm without the spamming. LOL
But then you do more than just drop your posts. Now you arent even doing that.