Day #4 trying Switch bs tailslide - Very hard trick🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]
Hello friends how are you?
I had many days since I kept trying to land this super difficult trick, I think it is one of the tricks with which I have lasted the longest.
Hola, amigos como estan?
Tenia muchos dias que no seguia intentando caer este truco super dificil, creo que es uno de los trucos con los que mas dias he durado.
This is the fourth session in which I try Switch Bs Tailslide, but hey, that's skateboarding, sometimes there are tricks that give us green hair. I know that soon I will be able to drop it and I'm really going to enjoy it a lot when I do drop it.
Esta es la cuarta sesion en la que intento Switch Bs Tailslide, pero bueno asi es el skateboarding a veces hay trucos que nos sacan canas verdes. Se que pronto podre caerlo y de verdad que cuando lo logre caer lo voy a disfrutar mucho.
It is a movement that is very difficult for me to get used to but we are going step by step until we achieve it. Enjoy these attempts friends.
Es un movimiento que me dificulta mucho acostumbrarme pero vamos paso a paso hasta lograrlo. Disfruten de estos intentos amigos.
▶️ 3Speak
are there any other spots ?
On the island where we live, there are few places. This is the most comfortable one we have. The others are very far away.