The Eeman Relaxation Circuit: could this be the simplest & most effective frequency healing device ever created?



After reviewing six frequency based healing devices last month I felt as if I had exhausted my energy around this subject but by 'chance' I have become aware of another method developed in the early 1920s by Leon Ernest Eeman which strikes me as being incredibly simple both in its concept and application. So simple that I have already built one and tested it on myself every day for the last week with notable results.

It gives me great pleasure therefore to present you one final device in this frequency series which I do believe may just trump all the previous ones due not only to its simplicity but also to its ability to interact with us, the human Co-Creator and focus healing where it is needed. In essence, it gives us the power to heal ourselves and just like the Spooky2 it can administer the direct effects of any drug we desire or other physical substances like vitamins, aromatherapy, homeopathy, colloidal silver, urine etc using frequency alone, but unlike the Spooky2 the only power required to run this 'machine' is the human body itself.

Eeman's relaxation circuit

Also known as Eeman screens, polarity screens and biocircuits this device is nothing more than a copper circuit connecting the energetic meridians of the hands with the major energy centres of the body, in accordance with their natural polarities.

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While the above diagram may differ for left-handed people most of us should fit this model and will therefore be able to connect our right hand (+) with our sacral chakra/reproductive region (-) and our left hand (-) with our throat chakra/neck (+), creating a circuit which if maintained for a period of 30mins can boost our life-force energy, also known as Chi, Mana, Prana, Orgone, Cosmic Energy and more. Eeman himself referred to it as X force.

The user lies down on copper screens, connected via electrical wire to metal wands in their hands and maintains a completely relaxed body, without which it won't work.

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We know that the circuit is not exclusively electrical in nature because it also works with silk in place of copper, which is said to give a cleaner, crisper feel for the user.

When polar opposites are connected together, whether within one body or between two or more bodies, the effects noted include greater relaxation, recovery from fatigue and disease, greater capacity for work, better health in general. Eeman circuits connecting polar opposites are termed “Relaxation Circuits”. source

The reverse is true when polar similars are connected together, creating stress & irritation within the subjects. Eeman circuits connecting polar similars are called tension circuits and while it may sound like such circuits would serve no value they are in fact useful for left-handed people and in balancing out any undesirable effects from spending too long in the relaxation circuit.

In its original form it consisted of two copper screens connected via insulated copper wire to two metal cylinders.

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In the 1940s, after 20 years of research, Eeman found through a series of blind tests that a third wire between the head and base of spine enhanced the effect.

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Thanks to the later work of Peter Lindemann, today we have the option of replacing the tubes with screens (which can also be made from silk) for the hands to rest on.

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Lindemann gives us three sets of connecting screens which can be used in three different ways, depending on requirements.

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The original method (position 1), described in Eeman's book Co-operative Healing can be seen here.

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As you can see in the image above the subject has his left leg placed over his right. This little detail is important because it closes the circuit and prevents the energy dissipating through the feet. It should be noted that clothing and even thick pillows DO NOT act as barriers to a successful circuit.


The mystery thickens further when Eeman tells us the circuit can be broken and the two pieces of copper wire separated by 4 inches without affecting the viability of the process (as long as they are placed on a glass table).

He constructed complex tests to be able to say with certainty his device worked and being able to switch from his relaxation circuit to his tension circuit without the user knowing which they were experiencing was a useful tool for measuring effect. Indeed, if a person falls asleep in the relaxation circuit (which apparently they very often do) a few moments in the tension circuit will always wake them up.


Like so many great people Eeman was forced into this field by his own unfortunate medical predicament and the total failure of the allopathic system in treating him.

Disabled after a plane crash in WW1 he was discharged from the British RAF as permanently disabled. He was on pain medication and suffered from insomnia & psychological damages.


He was losing the will to live when he started to consider the numerous passages in the Bible which speak of the "laying on of hands" in reference to healing. He realised that hands and other parts of the body have opposing polarities and set about conducting innumerable tests with copper circuits until he found a combination which brought him relief and over time a complete restoration of his 'permanently' disabled body.

As a Reiki practitioner this makes absolute sense to me. We form a bridge with our hands and consciously move the energy from one place to another. But this can also be done with copper it would seem!

Eeman set up a medical practice in London Harley street where he continued his experiments for multiple decades, successfully treating thousands of people and as time went on he became a powerful healer in his own right.

Realising his growing ability and powerful life force energy he began to wire himself into the circuit along with sick people, finding the effect to be exactly as he anticipated.

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Both he and the sick person would benefit from the experience.

As a quick side note here he did not live to a ripe old age and it is thought now that all his time in circuits with sick people may have played a role in ending his life early. From my Reiki practitioner standpoint I understand the importance of mentally and physically grounding oneself before working with another soul. This way their 'baggage' will pass right through us and not have a negative effect. I wonder perhaps if he did not know this?

Expanding the circuit to include up to 20 patients he found he was able to help all of them simultaneously.

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Perhaps in an effort to eliminate himself from the equation he started investigating the idea of putting drugs into the circuit.

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In a double blind study in which neither he nor his test subjects knew what the drug was, the patients were able to describe the effects of the drug in the circuit, proving categorically that they were in fact receiving a frequency based equivalent without any of the unwanted side-effects normally associated with drugs.

Amazing right!

In its modern form you can buy a 'therapy vial' with silver electrodes.

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You only need very small quantities of the drug to impart the effects to as many users as you have in the circuit and even better, the drug will never run out. This alone was sufficient cause for the allopathic medical machine to do everything in its power to shut down this subject and for years the work of Eeman was all but forgotten, brought back to life by the Journal of Boarderlands Research which published a section of his book Co-Operative Healing.

The work of Lindemann has been continued by Leslie & Terry Patten whose great book Biocircuits - Amazing new tools for energy health I am reading at the moment.

Looking today for modern innovations I can't see much except this cool looking design.


I take my hat off to James Rodney for this beautiful creation. Unfortunately I cannot find any testimonials or further details regarding price.


His copper plates/screens remind me of crop circles.


Altered states are selling the most basic version which is six screens with three connecting wires for a little over 100 USD.

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Spirals over straight lines

Inspired by all this information I set about creating something which felt very natural to me with bits I had around my home.

Here you can see how I have connected my wands of Horus (copper & zinc tubes filled with quartz crystals) to copper spirals which sit behind my neck and the base of my spine.


The wands of Horus are already a healing tool in their own right so I feel as if this combination will be a beneficial one. Indeed, anything I can do to get those wands in my hands for more hours per day is a good thing as far as I am concerned. The quartz crystal has attuned to my body now and holding them simply feels good. The trouble of course is that hands are busy all the time and only the truly blessed (Egyptian Pharos?) can get away with holding nothing but wands all day.

I used spirals because I have learned this year, thanks to the help of electroculture, how these types of subtle energies prefer to travel in curves over straight lines. It will still work with straight lines but the energy flow will be increased with the shape of a spiral, particularly if you are able to build some sacred geometry in there with a fibonacci spiral.


Personal testimonial

On my first use it was evident right away something was happening. My left ear wouldn't stop ringing loudly and I could feel an incredible heat in my hands.

On my second use I fell asleep almost immediately and woke after 30mins feeling as if I had slept a whole night. Had to stretch out my body and slowly wake myself up again, but once done I felt great and found myself tapping at this keyboard much later than usual at the end of a very long & physical day with an unusual amount of mental energy.


On my third day I read about how this technique is most effective when we are naked in the sun, lying directly on the soil with our head facing north. All of these things make sense to me. The sun provides heliotherapy. Our skin on the earth grounds us. Head facing north creates magnetic energy in the body, just like my magnetic electroculture cables.

I gave it a try on two occasions but failed to achieve the required relaxed state with so many flies & mosquitos landing on my naked body! So yes, until I figure out a fly net solution I will stick to bedrooms.

Two days ago I added an S shaped spiral into the mix, connecting head with base of spine, as described by Eeman.


I use it like this under the pillow for best comfort, with my head facing north. This is why I am on the bed at a weird angle.


The balls of my feet are very sore at the moment due to so many hours a day sloshing around in wet soil watering my three pieces of land, so I also put a cushion under my ankles which makes it more comfortable for the 30min session.


These deep cracks can be extremely painful and if any of you have suggestions for dealing with them at this time of year I would be most grateful. Wearing shoes in the garden is not an option for me.

Orgasmic spasms (Orgone energy?)

My last few sessions with the latest design of circuit have been OUTSTANDING. Am feeling rushes of energy which come in waves and sometimes I feel as if I can control and prolong them, moving them around my body. Both ears are ringing at times. Just one at others. My body shakes in short spasms and I feel myself unexpectedly moaning sometimes, like I am having a mini orgasm. It made me think of Reich and his Orgone energy which is derived from the life force energy behind an orgasm. It wasn't that intense but still very pleasurable and totally surreal.

Sometimes these orgasmic feelings would be triggered by an external noise, like someone slamming a car door in the distance. My mind would flick to the sound and then back again to the calm space creating something like a wave of energy which would erupt through my body, giving me spasms in my arms and legs. At the end of my 30min session I always feel the need to stretch (hanging on my pull-up bar is great for this) and very often notice that my voice has dropped substantially lower, like it does after a full night's sleep.


It's like a meditation

I have noticed that the less busy my mind is, the better it works. All our muscles (brain included) must be relaxed for the energy to flow, so it is very much like a mediation and if one can simply stay focused on their breathing and the sensations within their body, they will be greatly rewarded. Perhaps not on the first session but certainly after time one will begin to detect these subtle energies and learn to instinctively direct them toward areas of their body which need attention.

If you have a regular meditation routine you may wish to try the biocircuit before you get started each time. Even just 15mins in the biocircuit will dissipate imbalances and prepare you for direct deep meditation, without any of the 'calming down' time.

I feel myself wanting to hook up to the circuit more and more as my experience with this device grows richer by the day but am limiting it to no more than two 30min sessions per 24h cycle. I have an addictive nature and this needs to be kept in check.

Here is Luna giving it a go this morning with the spirals adjusted slightly to fit her body shape.


Interestingly she found it very difficult. This could be because it's just boring for a six year old to stay still. Or perhaps she is inclined toward the tension circuit? Or could it be that she is feeling my energy from the wands and circuit board which builds up over time? Technically I should have cleaned these items in the sun before letting her have a go. This would have given her the cleanest experience.

Esteban on the other hand, who is very much in tune with my energy, was able to do it for a full 20mins on his first try and appeared to fall asleep for a few minutes almost straight away! He didn't sleep for long and seemed confused when he woke, saying he could feel his toes tingling. He seemed extremely calm and content when it was done (more so than I had seen him all day) and was not averse to the idea of trying it again tomorrow.

In conclusion

I am extremely excited to move forward with this exact design despite the evident faults which see the spirals getting well and truly tangled together, simply because I can feel it doing something good. Eventually I will find a way to make the spirals more stable and easier to travel with but in the meantime if it isn't broken why fix it?

This device works just fine.


Having learned a little about this subject I understand now that to become a Master of this energy, at which point it permeates through not just these sessions but through every aspect of our lives, time is need. Years even. So get that copper wire out and start making spirals! You don't need wands of Horus. Just twist the ends of your copper wires together a bunch of times to make handles.

And needless to say, you don't need to do it my way. None of the innovators in this field during the last century make any mention of spirals and Eeman himself likely had very good reason for choosing the rectangular screen size he did. Though I am at pains to find it.

Sabrina used it for the first time today and despite her natural skepticism she seemed blown away by how much she enjoyed it. She could feel a heat at the back of her head and a force which felt like it was pulling her downward. When she focused on her third eye she felt an immediate explosion of energy in this region and the experience she said was very pleasurable. So just like me, she is naturally eager to use it again.


In time I will create an in-line vial system and start experimenting with different substances. A frequency based painkiller when I have a toothache perhaps? Some frequency based THC when I feel like 'smoking' weed? Or even some frequency based brown dye, to make my grey hair brown again? All these things and more are possible now.

This simple device can enhance in a natural way, using that which already exists within us, our ability to feel out personal energy blockages and release them in an appropriate and timely manner. The longer you use this tool on a daily basis, the richer your experience of life will be become both in and out of the circuit.

Whatever your disease, disability or deficiency this device can help. Even psychological issues can be ironed out over time because just like the energetic blockages they will eventually give way to an optimum flow, permitting us to live our lives as intended. As the powerful Co-Creators we came here to be!

And if that hasn't excited you just a little bit I don't know what will ;)

Copper wire and around 20mins preparation time is all you need...

I recommend this article and this book for further reading.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


All art images including the main image at the top and the later Gustav Klimt style images are made by myself and the Midjourney bot. Prompts available on request.


Hi Sam, brilliant research! Let me get the most important info out to you first. To heal your cracks or any wounds for that matter give marigold (calendula) a try. If you can mix a creme of marigold on your own, maybe add a bit of argan oil or even olive oil to make it smoother that would be excellent.

Back to the device: I haven't come across Eeman's device and circuits therefore I'm super grateful you covered this topic. The fact that joining these circuits with sick people might have ended his life earlier is an insight of great importance for everyone trying to heal others. Interestingly enough, according to some statistics I read MDs are among those with the shortest lifespan (to be topped by those in telecommunications and electricians). Therefore, the importance of mentally and physically grounding oneself as you rightfully stated can't be overemphasized.

Let us know how this device helps you long-term.
Have an amazing Sunday!


Wow! Calendula? We have this growing all over our land! I assume you mean to make a cream with the petals? These are the bits we normally eat in our salads. Or do I use more of the plant mixed with the oil? Thanks so much for the pointer here. Can't wait to try this out :) It looks like we have a week of rain coming soon which will give me a break from watering and my feet a chance to repair.

Am very happy I was able to introduce you to a new device here. This one seemed rather special and too good not to share!

Yes, the grounding thing is super important. I remember learning this in Thailand at one of the first Reiki lessons I had. Though I was taught to ground myself only mentally (connecting not only with the earth but also with the cosmos) and I have added the physical grounding to the mix because I pretty much never wear shoes. So, just to be clear about my statement, the mental grounding (in a moment of silence before the hands go on the body) is probably the most important thing here. But it can't hurt to take your shoes off too! Even better if you can perform the healing outside in nature with your feet directly on bare soil (not grass which acts as a minor insulator).

Had heard about the MDs short life-span before. But didn't know about telecommunications and electricians. This makes total sense when we look at it from the perspective of frequency. Spending our lives around the dangerous frequencies (without that grounding) will unquestionably end our lives early.

I was not able to use the biocircuit yesterday and I only slept 4h the night before so suspected this might give me less energy today but on the contrary I went to bed at midnight and was up before 5am today, ready to rock and roll! Once the children are at school you can be sure I will be setting it up again for a session. And perhaps in six months from now, after the winter, I will report on progress. Or perhaps I will share more regularly on this subject if I can feel it elevating me?

Really want for people to try this themselves and regular reminders might be the key to that.


Wow, what a long and detailed reply. Love it. Thank you.

In regards to the cream: To make the cream you need the petals of Calendula officinalis. I figured you have them in your beautiful garden. These amazing wild flowers grow everywhere, we just don't know how to use them properly aka to benefit our health.
Here's a really simple recipe with coconut oil:

It's in German therefore make sure you enable the translation feature. As I mentioned above you can also use argan oil or olive oil. I use this cream in winter a lot; it makes a great lip balm. So simple and so effective. Try it out and let me know if it helped you.

I'm glad the biocircuit is helping you and I absolutely want to hear more about your progress. My only question is this: If you're using several tools / devices, how can you isolate the effects of this one? I know it's super difficult to attribute a healing pattern to a single device if one uses a plethora of tools. If this is the only tool you're currently deploying, than you'll get more accurate results.


Thanks for the cream info!

To answer your question at the end I have done two sessions with the wands only to rule out the possibility that it is them creating the sensations. And I felt nothing like this without the copper wires in place.

It is however true to say that even with all orgonite pyramids removed from the room, our bed still has a magnetised cable under the mattress! Which may also be playing a role. Particularly as I am lying exactly over the top of it with my head facing north. It's a bit of a pain to uninstall so yeah, I left it there knowing I have tried lying on it in the past without any noticeable effects.

I suppose in the end am not terribly interested in proving anything to anyone now that I can see Eeman wrote so many books which are packed full of very careful and organised testing along with hundreds of testimonials. This evidently works so what I am doing is incorporating the technique into my daily routine along with all the other things I don't have time for each day ;)

Meditation/wand time/biocircuit session/magnetised cable combo!


Very nice article!

I used copper wire meshes (to repel slugs) instead of copper wire, and the effects were not nearly as dramatic as you described them, though I definitively felt an increase in energy in going about my daily activities, plus a slight sickness (stuffed head) is almost completely gone.

Lindemann devised a "supercircuit" which combines all possible connections of plus/minus polarities:

Lindemann supercircuit.png

You might be floating once you try this!

Also, in general the feet can be connected with copper pads and a wire, too, instead of crossing them. Both work. To me, crossing feet is rather uncomfortable.

BTW, I read that the circuits shouldn't be shared between people, because they are "infused" with one's personal energy. Not sure how true it is, and if it applies to the silk version only.


Nice idea buying the slug protection meshes. My feeling is that the shape of the small copper fibres within that mesh are important. Just like the hexagonal bees wax, a uniform pattern with sacred geometry at its base will be most effective.

Many thanks for the Lindemann super circuit! Hadn't seen this yet. Makes total sense, but if we are going down the road of 'more is better' I would say he is missing a connection. If one is looking at the whole body we still have the top of the head to think about. As everyone knows, our brain always operates its opposite side of the body, so it seems to me that another connection to reflect this would be beneficial. Though there will be many wires at that point! Could really use a dedicated space for this, rather than a functional bedroom. Spirals are a nightmare to move.

feet can be connected with copper pads and a wire, too, instead of crossing them. Both work. To me, crossing feet is rather uncomfortable.

Another great point which I didn't understand till now. And yes, the crossed leg thing is uncomfortable! Though with that said I can feel myself getting used to it and I am reminded of how amazing our bodies are in the way they will adjust over time to accommodate anything physical we are doing on a daily basis.

Not sure how true it is, and if it applies to the silk version only.

It is definitely true and I did actually give it a quick mention:

"Technically I should have cleaned these items in the sun before letting her have a go. This would have given her the cleanest experience."

Probably should have made the point clearer. I let it go because it was just my family and I was excited. But in future I think we will have a sun-cleaning routine in place, which will happen after every session so it is always 'clean' and ready for us anyone to grab it when they want it. For your information best cleaning is achieved when both sides of the device are left in the sun. If memory serves I think just ten mins on each side should suffice. Along with an intention obviously.

Last thing to say is thanks so much for being the one to introduce me to this device (in a wonderfully unexpected way)! I look forward to hearing more about your personal experience with it.


My feeling is that the shape of the small copper fibres within that mesh are important.

I agree. Lindemann made a lot of experiments with the silk circuits, and tried to find the perfect one, with clean energies. He found that just about everything matters, even what the silkworms ate!! I have ordered different types of silk, and will see how it works out.

I was hoping that making a circuit would be easy, but nope... It will take a while.

he is missing a connection. If one is looking at the whole body we still have the top of the head to think about. As everyone knows, our brain always operates its opposite side of the body,

You could be right, but wouldn't that be a smaller type of circuit? A circuit within a body part, not across the entire body.

Could really use a dedicated space for this, rather than a functional bedroom. Spirals are a nightmare to move.

:-) I agree, more space is my biggest wish right now.

for being the one to introduce me to this device

Well, thank you for the acknowledgment! Though, if memory serves me right, I mentioned something else, and the circuit was in the same Journal. You jumped right to it as if you were waiting for it! :-)


May I chime in on the feet cracks too?

My father has had cracked feet most of his life, on the heels and also around the toes and under the nails. Doctors identify it as a fungus, and prescribe ointment and drugs. I think he has gotten it enough under control using modern methods that at least his foot isn't continuing to deteriorate and inflict pain.

Really I am not sure what treatment he currently uses. In the past he used to do extreme exfoliating with files or pumice stone and over-the-counter creams, and that seemed to cause further damage.

If I were afflicted, I would suggest avoiding leaving water based creams on the skin, as this may feed fungus in the cracks. Calendula, as the other comment mentioned, is very good however for immediate relief. Orange oils are used as in soap detergents to strip away all natural body oils. Tree tree oil also feels similar on my skin, and has a scent I dislike. Both leave my skin feeling dry as a desert, so I do not recommend them.

My favorite skin treatment is caster oil. Feels great for foot and scalp. Oil seals moisture deep, while protecting irritated surface skin from dry air. I prefer castor oil, and I find it very soothing to have the extra layer surrounding my skin. Caster is one of the only plants that wards off ants, an insect that feeds on fungus colonies. Best way to protect skin is when showering to apply the oil to skin and rub off with a wet washcloth. As caster oil pulls toxins (mostly dead skin cells) out to restore skin tissue, it allegedly can help regrow hair, and help it grow healthy.

The copper device described in this article is interesting in all the ways it can be adjusted. I agree, your daughter probably needs her own clean device. Perhaps she doesn't need the extra high powered connector line you added, which you expressed caused the wild sensations felt. With your whole family using it, it makes practical sense to hook a up a few people at a time to the energy matrix, for joining benefits.

Have you tried a container with fluid to connect to the circuit for adding in the drug/remedy benefits? Not sure how that could work. Would salt water work? You mentioned using brown dye in the circuit. What could you use as a hair growth agent?

In college my friends once coerced me into holding hands in a circle in the dorm hallway. The two people on the ends used metal to tap us all into the elements of the electrical outlet. What a rush! Felt like all my blood veins were all being molecularly boiled instantly. The opposite of relaxing! One of the worst ten second sensations my life.


Many thanks for the foot healing input!

Yes, I tried the exfoliating system last year and this only led to more pain.

Castor oil hey? Well, just like the calendula this is perfect for us. It grows all over two of our three pieces of land. I just need to harvest the seeds (should be ready in a few weeks) and crush them into an oil.

I've not yet tried putting liquids in the circuit. But that is coming for sure!

Would salt water work?

If you need extra salt in your body, sure. I drink a glass of my urine every morning however and this action alone tells me I am getting enough salt in my diet. Sometimes too much. Am ofter quite surprised at the meals which fill me up with salt.

What could you use as a hair growth agent?

The first thing which comes to mind is magnesium. This was recommended to me by many people during my hair growth research but I am at pains to include any pills/supplements in my diet. I know it is supposedly impossible to get all our vitamins & minerals from the lower quality food coming out of our soil these days but I am still keen to find solutions which can be grown, rather than produced in a factory. So in the case of magnesium, which I am struggling to get in high enough quantities from my daily salads, the frequency based equivalent sounds perfect for some extra hair growth.

I would not be at all surprised however if I can speed up growth simply by concentrating on this region of my body and clearly telling it what to do while in the circuit. Let's see... I still have a few thin bits to fill out!

The opposite of relaxing! One of the worst ten second sensations my life.

Wonderful that you have tried this! Sounds a lot like you were in a tension circuit there. Your words are almost identical to so many testimonials I have read on tension circuits.

Your story makes me think however that even a group of right handed people standing in a circle holding hands (all positive hands holding negative hands) is forming a circuit and potentially useful for group healing. This is quite profound in fact. Don't know how many awesome powerful circles I have stood in over the years! And some of them did indeed change my life.

Getting my family to all lie down at the same time in a space big enough to accommodate the four of us will be quite a mission! But we are certainly working towards this...

All the best to you :)


Thanks for the response and interesting insight.

Just wanted to add, even though it should be obvious, to do more research if you consider making or using caster oil for health purposes.

I use a commercial product, the NOW brand oil, a beauty product made for skin. The label states it is 100% pure cold pressed, and I know it is safe for me. The plant and fruit has some chemicals that are extremely poisonous. If making your own, protect your skin from the plant, and be sure to run some tests to make sure the final product isn't harmful.


Wow! Very interesting stuff! I think the wand is very personal, like a walking stick, it has memories of its owner. So, cleansing the quartz wand would be a good idea.

This connecting of energy nodes seems like a short cut to a meditation stage which the person would be very calm, still and peaceful. Experienced meditators could move their chi and rebalance the flow of chi; some mudras, the formations of hands in various postures do reflect different intensity and flow of chi or energy.

My cousin used to meditate till her fever became broken and all the sickness just disappeared within an hour of meditation.

I would have to find the time to do some experiments. This could be very handy for my back and my gardener too. But I usually healed myself subconsciously; though some pain would be left to take its course. This was because I had to pay for my old karma with physical pain! I’d rather pay up my old debts.

I think you should at least wear the cotton shoes which old Chinese Tai Chi masters wore while practicing martial art so they could be grounded all the time.

There are parasites in the earth and you could pickup some of their eggs unintentionally. So, it’s important to protect the sole of your feet as largest pores are under your feet! The Red Indians wore soft leather shoes.



100% agree on the cleaning. I was a bit excited that day and rushed things somewhat, keen to get this post out.

This connecting of energy nodes seems like a short cut to a meditation stage which the person would be very calm, still and peaceful

Exactly. It feels like a tool to get us on 'the path' rather than something I intend to use for the rest of my life. A stepping stone to know myself better.

My cousin used to meditate till her fever became broken and all the sickness just disappeared within an hour of meditation.

Awesome. This is 'the path' I speak of! Some of us just need more in the way of evidence at the beginning to get our minds fully open to what it is capable of. And I think this tool/device is perfect for that.

This was because I had to pay for my old karma with physical pain! I’d rather pay up my old debts.

So interesting. Your words really resonate and I feel as if I also have a connection to pain in this life. There is not a day which goes by without it. Even walking with no shoes creates constant pain and this is the reason why, despite all my advice, I am the only person in my family who does it. I wonder if perhaps I also have a debt to pay?

I think you should at least wear the cotton shoes which old Chinese Tai Chi masters wore while practicing martial art so they could be grounded all the time.

Cotton shoes hey? Didn't know that was a thing. Will check it out. Though I am not sure how they will help me with my four hours of muddy time every day. They will fall apart in a week! Certainly they could be very enjoyable to wear around the house, particularly in the winter. Slippers just make my feat sweat profusely.

There are parasites in the earth and you could pickup some of their eggs unintentionally.

Never heard that one before. Guess I'm just lucky that I've not been affected by it after a decade of barefoot living. Not sure about wearing animal skin on my feet. Depends how the animal lived I suppose. Which in the case of the Red Indians would have been very well. These days it is much harder to find the skin of a genuinely happy cow! But not impossible...

Thank you for your great input as always 🙏


About healing your feet, spraying CDS at 3000 ppm would help a lot. You could use MMS too but you’ll have to find out the proper dilution from their sources.


Thanks for the reminder with this! Really must order some...


Alternatively, what I found also helps if it is fungus: tincture of iodine, or Lugol's iodine. Kills it effectively.


Hello there! Just checking in with you to make sure everything is okay.

It has been a crazy few weeks here with birthdays and family around, but things are calming down now and I look forward to picking apples and making cider this week. Our cannabis plants are ready too which is great news. Will be making tinctures and oils from it this year. Best medicine ever :)

Nice profile banner by the way. I have a bunch of very similar photos which in my mind prove they are spraying chemicals above us. And we are the crop. The older people will confirm for us that clouds didn't do this 50 years ago.


Hey, thank you for checking in! I really appreciate it. There were quite a few up and downs lately. I am trying (and have so for years) to change my life to ways that suit me better, but things seem to be stuck, or moving extremely slowly. Or maybe not. I don't know. But I'm sure you know the frustration about these kind of things!

Just this evening I found out that inside my apartment (which sits right above the boiler room of the small residential area, six houses with maybe twenty or so apartments) the needle of my newly bought compass deviates by up to sixty degrees!!! I am shocked. And a little bit scared, since I feel stuck here. But this is one explanation for my constant lack of energy. (Likely just one of several.)

I am actually quite proud of the banner, so thank you for noticing! These are pictures I took some years ago. I know that they are spraying a ton of crap. But in this specific case I am not sure if that is the cause. Apparently this is a rare weather phenomenon (which I didn't know at the time, and I forgot the name of it), so I was lucky to catch the right moment. But maybe you are right? I will do some research and see what comes up. If it is indeed an artificial cause, the banner won't stay long, obviously.

My zucchini plants have been flowering like crazy, unfortunatly only male flowers, so no fruits this year. The tomato plants grew very nicely, but since I started the seeds late, and the shadows on my patio are growing larger every day, they didn't manage to make fruit. Also, one tomatillo plant grew together with the tomatos. Seems like I mixed up the tomato and tomatillo seeds, because I planned for three tomatillos, and only one sprouted. This one though did flower just last week, but since it needs a second one for pollination - no fruits here, neither. Darn!!
Oh well, it was the start of an experiment, and in some ways it went well. The zucchini did not flower on its own, so I started to mentally cheer it up. Believe it or not, the very next day each of the two plants suddenly had at least ten flower buds, and since then the flower production didn't stop. So now I know that zucchini respond well to my mental imaging, but probably need some refining next year in order to get some female flowers, lol!
But for this season, outside gardening is coming to a conclusion soon. I am debating if I should overwinter the tomato plants in the fridge, or just grow from seeds the next year. Being rather lazy, and knowing how fast things grow with electroculture, I opt for a new beginning. :-) We will see if that comes to fruition with other things, too.


Great you are still here! I missed our little conversations ;)

For the frustration of being 'stuck' I do totally understand. Our house is terrible in the winters and we are desperate to leave but there appears to be no where affordable to go. Best to just keep on looking for reasons why we are in this position. Everything is here to teach us something.

the needle of my newly bought compass deviates by up to sixty degrees!!! I am shocked. And a little bit scared, since I feel stuck here

Now that is interesting. Have seen this around my mac laptop I am using now. It deviates the compass by even more than this. And I sit here for many hours per day. So yes, there is something to be done. Though I am not 100% sure what that might be. I use a grounding/earthing mat a lot in this house which seems to help with some aspects. The best such products I know of can be found here.

Also, I think one should be able to correct this kind of magnetic imbalance in other ways. Yannick Van Doorne speaks of installing magnetised cables in our homes (galvanised steel wire running north/south with ring magnets on the south end) every few meters under the floor boards if possible, or above our heads in the ceiling. This should have the effect of bringing back the natural magnetism in your home. Though I've not actually tried this so I cannot say for sure. Don't forget too the power of your intention as a Co-Creator. Just ask for it to be a beneficial space for your health and see what happens.

For the funky clouds what I can tell you is that I have been making time-lapse films of clouds for around 15 years now, effectively watching the clouds for hours at a time. Some of my finished shots can be seen in this short film.

And yes, what I have observed is a change in our skies over the last 5-10 years for which new classifications have had to be created. It is possible these changes relate to our ever-changing cyclical climate and the Grand Solar Minimum we are moving in to now, but my feeling with this has always been that it is man made. Reminds me of the pattern created in oil when it reflects the sun.

Last year I saw the full moon doing this.


This and a huge number of iridescent anomalies I have observed in the last five years and I imagine they almost always relate to a thoroughly polluted sky.

Though i could be wrong of course!

Perhaps it was just a full moon Angel coming to bless us that night :)

My zucchini plants have been flowering like crazy, unfortunatly only male flowers

Interesting. So many people told me the same thing this year in relation to their courgettes, zucchinis, pumpkins etc. My feeling with plants not producing female flowers is that the chemicals coming from the sky are creating this problem for growers. All by design I would say. Same way the chemicals are affecting humans, messing them up to think they are the wrong sex.

Excellent you are observing the power of your mind in relation to your plants. A little basalt in your soil and a few electroculture devices will likely make all the difference. Don't forget you can 'call' the insects too if pollination is the problem. But yes, ultimately you need to be planting in the ground where you can tap in to the telluric and magnetic currents present there. For the tomatoes I recommend starting fresh each year with new seeds, nice and early in the season for best results, as soon as frosts are over.


I missed our little conversations ;)

True, I very much enjoy chatting with you, too! But I thought that it would fizzle out. Apparently not! :-)

Everything is here to teach us something.

Absolutely. This is what keeps me going, otherwise I would only be demoralized. Though, it could also be victim mentality that keeps us where we do not want to be. There is a saying in German - "to have a board in front of one's head", meaning, one is (temporarily) too obtuse to see the obvious. Sometimes I feel like that. Maybe everyday routine and stress make one blind?

My stove also does make the needle deviate by quite a bit - when it is off, actually. At this point I don't know how bad it is to have such a strong field - I don't even know if it is magnetic or electromagnetic or whatever. Installing cables inside the home definitively makes sense. If the plants benefit from it, so should we. Under the carpet hopefully works, since removing the floorboard is not an option for me.

And I agree, asking the Infinite/God/Source/Creator is the best method anyway. But the answer aren't always what we want, so maybe that's why we don't hear them?

That's a very relatable film you posted! Unblocking my creativity is a big topic for me right now, so this fits.
Julia Cameron wrote a book (The Artist's Way), where she describes her method of Morning Pages. I started doing this method a few days ago, with high hopes that this is going to unblock a few things in my life.

As for the fancy clouds: It's named cloud iridescence. For now it seems to me that the colors are the same as in a rainbow, so I don't have the impression that artificial weather engineering might be a factor.
The internet won't be a big help in finding out if it is a relatively new phenomenon. I will need to go to our library to find some older books on meteorology and see if I can find something.

My feeling with plants not producing female flowers is that the chemicals coming from the sky

Heck, so this is a widespread problem! It could be chemicals, it could also be radionic engineering.

RE your previous post: I don't use weed, but am a big fan of Kava. You should try it!


Hi @samstonehill - interesting experiments...

Have you done any mastering of the use of your own hands on these circuits? Or microcosmic orbit work?

I have never used instruments for these kinds of circuit masteries, but know very well my own healing and transformation of profound trauma and stress, disease and vitality, have come through working directly with tap-rooted and cosmic-vertical-tap-rooted sentience.

There is infinite power available to us through these circuits, flows and breathing - and using our wholistic feeling and conscious is an important direct relationship with The Divine.



Hey there!

Your wording is so interesting.

working directly with tap-rooted and cosmic-vertical-tap-rooted sentience.

Reminds me of this circuit from Eeman which effectively does this is a physical way.


Wonderful you don't need the machine!

And a great reminder as always to those of us who think machines are the only answer.

Not sure I understand what you mean by "mastering of the use of your own hands on these circuits"?

Had never heard of microcosmic orbit work. Looks fab! Will be giving this a try for sure.

I think what I love most about my new biocircuit is that I now dedicate one hour of my day to relaxation time. And in this period I can 'direct the flow' wherever I choose. So rather than just relaxing and letting a 'machine' do the work, it feels very much like I am still a part of the healing process.

Which I love :)

Have been crazy busy these last few days getting ready for our village car boot sale at which we are going to sell orgonite, electroculture spirals & lettuce...

Might as well!
