Skiing with Sylphs, the Elemental Spirits of the Air ❄️


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We have just returned from a week in the Pyrenees mountains where amongst other things we went skiing as a family for the first time and on this day we were blessed to observe the most wonderful Sylphs in the sky, dancing for us like Angels all day long.

I learned about Sylphs just recently from this post by @in2itiveart and since then i have seen so many above our village in the South of France, but this holiday in the Pyrenees Mountains close to the Spanish boarder provided a whole new level to the creativity and love of these Beings who put on an incredible show for us which i am excited to document for you today in the form of images.

The film version of this post is coming soon.


Sylphs are Angelic Beings, the Elemental Spirits of the Air, said to gather around the creative ones and paint for us while cleaning the sky of anything unwanted.

For what its worth Wikipedia tells us this:

"A sylph (also called sylphid) is an air spirit stemming from the 16th-century works of Paracelsus, who describes sylphs as (invisible) beings of the air, his elementals of air." source

While i did learn about them from @intitiveart i had in fact been photographing them for at least a year already, conscious that they tend to appear after heavy chemtrailing.

This year I photographed them on many occasions, without really knowing why I felt inclined to do so. They were just beautiful! Especially when contrasted against the ugliness of the man made lines.

Sometimes I can see them in the mornings like little birds on the horizon, waiting to find where they are needed.

Most of the time they are busy, dealing with the huge amount of crap in the air.

But other times there are no visible chemtrails and the Sylphs appear to be simply playing above the mountains which are said to be their home.

Our first family skiing holiday

I know people think of skiing as a luxury sport but it is in fact much more important than this. Like it or lump we are still in an ice age (the Pleistocene Ice Age) and the warm interglacial period we have enjoyed for over 1000 years is coming to an end now, giving way to a world which will not look like the one we have grown accustomed to. It will be much colder! And skiing will become an essential skill in the winter as the easiest way to get around. Those in the tropics should technically be less affected but with the magnetic north of our Great Realm wandering further and further from its long term resting place each month (currently headed towards the coastline of central Russia) who is to say where it will end up and what effect this will have on our once tropical regions?

The only thing we can be sure of here is that nothing stays the same forever.

Long story short we want our children to get familiar with skiing while they are still young.

It was Luna's first time on skis so i stayed with her all day.

While Sabrina looked after Esteban who already had one day of experience with his school.

On the way to the slopes in the morning we were all very excited and i did not at first realise what was happening outside the car window.
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Can you see the woman looking right, neck exposed with amazing hair?
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I immediately started filming at this point, letting my family know that the Sylphs were with us this day.

My suspicion was confirmed later on the ski slopes when i noticed them again, this time as long upright figures stretching out of what appeared to be a circular shape.
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It was difficult keeping my camera trained on the children when we were witnessing such beauty above us!
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Felt as if there was a story going on and i didn't want to miss any part of it.
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You will see it better in the film i am currently editing.

A new Sylph forming on the horizon here.
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I jokingly refer to these heads as The Council of 12, come to watch us play.
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Towards the end of the day we saw this bird in flight, presented not with a cloud but with the absence of cloud.
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It reminded me of a swan and had all of us pretty stunned in the moment, though we were of course the only people looking up.

Back on the slopes Luna was doing incredibly well, picking up the basics of skiing in just a few hours.
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This is a green slope and she was able to do it with ease.
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She learned how to use the button lift.

She learned how to look cool in motion.

And she learned how to get totally drunk in the evening!

What can you do except join her?

Only joking ;)

In truth she did so very well, even mastering turning before the end of the day, so next time she will have poles and we are very excited to return as soon as possible.
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Though i will say that a seven-year-old does not normally make such massive strides on their first day and i feel as if we owe our Spirits of the Air a little thanks for that 🙏

I will focus more on Esteban next time who is still lacking a little confidence.
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To finish up this post i want to show you an example of Sylphs shot exactly one year ago on the 1st March from our land known as the pyramid garden.
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I didn't know at the time what i was photographing, but like i mentioned, this didn't seem to stop me from shooting 100s of images all in the same day, fascinated by what i was looking at.

What's interesting about this sequence is the way they appear next to these blatant chemtrails which can easily be labeled as such because consumer flights crossing this region are relatively rare, never frequent enough to see four trails next to each other like this. So we can know for sure these are not commercial flights.

The sylphs appear to creep up behind the chemtrails and take them by surprise.

Enveloping and transforming them.

Exactly 14mins after the previous photo the trails were all but gone, replaced by something far more beautiful.

The beauty just kept on expanding...

...and expanding.

I realise now that when we acknowledge these Beings they are much more likely to keep playing with us. As demonstrated by our day on the slopes which saw three distinct images over the course of the afternoon, each one more exciting to us than the last! It isn't all that different to the way in which a plant will grow better for us if we spend time watching it and sending it loving thoughts.

The logical folk amongst us will no doubt make the argument these are just cirrus clouds, the highest formation in the sky, above which airplanes make their trails.

But nothing is ever as simple as we are told of course and the idea of Cloud Beings seems much more in line with my experience of reality, which has by chance included a decade of observing and filming clouds for timelapse shots, without every really understanding why i was so attracted to them.

Well, now i know.

Do please drop us a comment if you have ever seen a Sylph!

Love & Light everyone 🌱



I don't think I ever have noticed one, but I will keep my eye out over here in the USA, where they are greatly needed!

Love the skiing info too. I'm so happy you had fun. There's nothing like the thrill of a good day of snow fun on a beautiful winter's day.


It is said they live in the mountains but in recent years have been moving further and further away from them, into the cities where they are needed the most.

I think the first step is to simply be aware of them and then you will start to notice them. Once you acknowledge them lovingly, they will known where to stay...

The snow week was really so good, lots of lessons learned.

Bit difficult being back in our cold damp house though!

Bring on the Summer now please...


Bring on the Summer now please...

It's coming on too fast if you ask me! So much to do outside. For me, this could include using more electroculture techniques, but I'm not ready!

I wonder if electroculture attracts sylphs.


I know that feeling. Have been trimming the cherry trees these last few days and it seems i can't do it fast enough as the little flowers are already opening!

I wonder if electroculture attracts sylphs.

Have wondered that myself. I feel as if i've seen them more since getting into electroculture. Perhaps they like the way the antenna interact with the sky?


Wow I have not notice such before, nice shot there, I must said you did a fabulous work here by taking time to observe the movements. I look forward seeing one someday.
Good to know I'm chatting from Nigeria and I don't think such happens here.
Pyrenees mountain is such a nice place from your shots.


Hello there friend. Much appreciate your comment from Nigeria.

Keep looking up and eventually you will see them!

Have a great year :)


this is a great post! I am so happy for you - you know that you are communicating them by seeing them - I encourage you to talk to them more - ask them questions and see if they answer you in pictures they make! This is the thing that our SIGHT - being that eyes are the windows to the soul - is our most powerful "sense" of the 5 senses - and when we see something - we effect it....Are you familiar with G1 Currency? My friend who is from France is going to be going to France soon - she is involved with G1 - just curious if you know about that...


They were with me yesterday, excited i think that i have started work again on my land known as the spiral garden. I am making a potato & corn bed in the shape of x2 figure of eights and it felt like They were guiding my thoughts, helping me access my feminine side. My masculine side wanted to make a square boarder around the outside in order to get as much space as possible out of the land but They told me this wasn't necessary so i adjusted the boarder to fit the circles, with no right angles and dormant space. So much fun. Slept like a baby last night!

Will try communicating more as you suggest the next time i see them. Would love to see a big heart shape in the sky ❥

Are you familiar with G1 Currency?

Someone else did alert me to this project a few months ago and i had a quick look, but nothing more. Can see that since then a few more users have popped up in our area, so that's encouraging. Perhaps i should get involved.

Though i must admit my instinct tends to steer me away from things like this because aside from being another distraction in an already very busy life it seems to me they will not be permitted to flourish as intended by the powers who shouldn't be. Even HIVE i suspect is having its reach & price held back by them because it is in fact THE best place to speak freely on the internet. So, the better our project is at challenging the status quo, the more attention it will gain and subsequent negative effects will follow.

I've been off the banking system for a decade now and all my 'savings' are crypto but if the power suddenly went off, disconnecting me from that world (this is a strong possibility!) i wouldn't care at all because there is one currency which trumps them all: the ability to produce our own food. So this remains my primary focus while trying to keep distractions at bay.

What are your thoughts about G1?


I think G1 is good right now while it's in it's early stages - good people are meeting each other through it - but it will go south the way everything does if they don't start making decisions in a horizontal manner - my friend is from France and she is part of the original group - and she is going to France in a few weeks - staying with a lot of G1 users ... HIVE is a CIA front according to Wikileaks which makes sense because of the Splinterlands game and how much $$ changes hands - that's why I quit talking about what we are all doing in our communities, on here - because i can't trust the HIVE platform - but I think G1 is still good right now... for meeting good people near you - I am happy for you that you are growing your own food - you should read books by the people who were in on the beginnings of Findhorn in Scotland - they got guidance from Nature Spirits to create Findhorn - the books are by R. Ogilvie Cromby and others - The Magic of Findhorn is one book that was very inspiring, These books are all available on and / or through - I hope in France they are available for you. I feel that those of us with great faith will be ok through all this - and talking to Nature will bring in great blessings...I was given direction to draw from Nature again and as soon as it gets warm out I will begin that process...


I had a quick look on wikileaks and couldn't find any reference to the hive blockchain. Only to the hive apache data warehouse system. Do you happen to have any direct links so i can see what you are talking about? Though even if it is true it makes little difference as all public websites are monitored and controlled to a certain extent with the same aim of collecting data on us.

Another awesome book! Have downloaded and it does indeed look like a great one which fits perfectly in line with the words of Anastasia who has of late been guiding me in relation to how our future will look. This article about kin's domains you may find interesting:

Thank you as always for your wisdom and i look forward to any pearls you may feel like sharing after drawing from Nature with the warm sun on your body ☀️


"Talk to them" - talk to the sky, to the clouds - well, why not!
"and when we see something - we effect it...."
Thanks Sam for the link to this @in2itiveart post:
The Sylphs Are Cleaning The Sky

Sylphs are the Elemental Spirits of the Air. The best thing we can do for them is to see what they are doing and acknowledge them, as well as rubbing the chemtrails out of the sky with our index fingers and stating "Return to Sender, Return to the House of Windsor, in the name of the Creator, you are violating my Natural Law Rights for clean air and I command that you return to sender." Then look away, knowing that it is done. Read the Book - The Magic of Psychotronic Power, by Robert B. Stone.
