RE: Is frequency truly the medicine of the future?
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Wonderful! I am excited for you instantly :)
What is the right location?
A location from which you can view the sea level horizon (in an ideal world!) but few of us have this, so as close as you can get to the official beginning and end of the day when direct sunlight begins and finishes at sea level. If you only have good access to sunsets no problem. Just do the evenings. That's how it is for me here most of the year. Only at this time of year can I do both. Use your own eyes as the meter which tells you when it is too bright to look at. Every day will be different but never push yourself to look at it if it feels like too much. It should feel comfortable. And if it doesn't, stop doing it immediately. You may find that it feels good only for a few seconds before feeling too bright. If this is the case, take note of how long you look at it each day and try to build up by a few seconds each time. Go slowly. There is no hurry. Don't freak out about the spots which will remain in your eyes for 20mins. They are not permanent! My 12 years of experience with this can confirm that for you.
But does it really work?
Depends what your goal is here? To not eat? If so, my advice is as follow:
Forget about this crazy idea and simply start sungazing! Lack of hunger is indeed a side effect of regular sungazing but I don't think it will happen in the same way if you are doing it exclusively for this reason. Better to just be curious and see where it takes you, without expectation. With that said you can in fact use this period of the day to visualise what you want in your life. That's what I did 12 years ago and everything I imagined I now have. But importantly I didn't hold on to my dream too tight. I knew what I wanted but I also knew how to let go of this desire and stay in the moment. This is KEY to the manifesting/sungazing process. Let the Universe decide for you how things are going to play out, remembering always that it is easy to label a situation as "bad" but from the perspective of the Universe which is doing its best to guide you to where you need to be, there are no bad situations. Only situations which force you to do things or go places. Follow these Universal leads with an open heart and see where it takes you.
Do you know anyone, who tried the sun gazing full time?
Only for small periods. Not consistently for years, catching both sunrise & sunset.
But there are plenty of testimonials in documentaries from people who have. Let me see if I can find them.
Sadly it looks like a great German documentary has been removed. I can only find a trailer for this one now:
The trailer has been permitted to say for two reasons. One of the main characters in this film (HRM) was secretly eating solid food while making money from his profile as someone who doesn't eat any more. Humans will be humans. But this does not take away from the possibilities. The other reason is from the person who made the film. He has his eyes tested at the end and the optician tells him about the "bad" spots which are present in his eyes. Don't have any fear of this. These spots do nothing negative. I see them as internal sunglasses, giving us the ability to pick up where we left off, if for example we stop sungazing for many years and then return to it.
Have fun and please feel free to shoot me any questions.
I leave you with a film from myself. Made 7 years ago in Bali, just when I discovered this blockchain.
And I wonder now, would I have discovered this blockchain if I hadn't been sungazing???
The documentary "Eat the Sun" can be found here:
How on earth did you find that with such ease?
Great to have this link!
I can spend hours and hours in researching and finding the most obscure things, so I guess finding things is my thing...