RE: I made a magick wand for Esteban and he cured my tooth pain with it 💥
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Am so pleased you caught this one brother! Your timely offer of a Rune reading is most appreciated and my feeling with such offers is to always say YES!
Esteban will appreciate this very much and certainly if you feel it, I would love one too. Though I will first have to look it up to properly understand what we are talking about here and explain the basics to Esteban. This will help us both build an energy around it.
Let me know what is your process for this? Zoom call?
Hey, man! Glad to know that you're willing to get a Rune reading. The process is simple: I have a bag with 24 Rune-inscribed stones, each of them with its own meanings and energy. The person who receives a reading would need to put their own energy in the bag through visualization, a short meditation or even spoken decrees if they feel like it. To that end, I send them a picture of the bag for easier connection. This preliminary process is meant to imbue the runestones with the person's questions, goals and doubts for the reading. I don't need to know these things beforehand, I just pull the stones and start reading.
The Runes are part of the Norse and Germanic traditions, and they're directly connected with the pantheons of said traditions. The god Odin is their patron and the main deity involved in the process, along with the Norns, the three Sisters of Fate who weave the threads of destiny for all beings. I summon them and other entities for the reading and they may manifest during the ritual. Runes don't really predict the future, however, they just convey the status of the energy in the present moment, which sometimes may provide glimpses into what might happen should that energy persist.
Regarding protection and cleansing, I take that upon myself, but if the receiver of the reading wishes to set up their own means for protecting and cleansing their energy, it's valid too.
Readings usually take between 40 and 90 minutes depending on each person. I can do them through video call on Whatsapp, Telegram or Google Meet. Zoom would work too, but the free version shuts down after 40 minutes. I can also do them through voice messages, with the advantage that the person keeps these audios for later review. Here's my phone number: +584129966082, works for Whatsapp and Telegram.
Please discuss this with Esteban and let me know if and when you'd be available, taking into account that there's a 6-hour time gap between our locations.
Really appreciate the explanation. This helps a lot.
Have been through it with Esteban and he is keen to do it, so how does next week fit for you? Thinking about it I should probably check with Sabrina when she is awake what the plans are for next week. Will get back to you later with a specific day.
I think telegram should work. Let me see if I can connect with you today.
Thanks again for this! Very excited :)
Having now checked with the team I understand that Tuesday afternoon works best for us. Around 2pm French time would be the best, but we are flexible. Let me know if this works for you.
I'll be otherwise engaged for the entire day on Tuesday due to an event that I have to attend. Maybe we can schedule for next week if that works for your team!
How are you fixed tomorrow or Friday? Same sort of time for us after lunch around 2-3pm french time.
Friday would be good! I don't have any commitments that day. Please send me a message on Telegram when you have the chance.