RE: The Eeman Relaxation Circuit: could this be the simplest & most effective frequency healing device ever created?
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Nice idea buying the slug protection meshes. My feeling is that the shape of the small copper fibres within that mesh are important. Just like the hexagonal bees wax, a uniform pattern with sacred geometry at its base will be most effective.
Many thanks for the Lindemann super circuit! Hadn't seen this yet. Makes total sense, but if we are going down the road of 'more is better' I would say he is missing a connection. If one is looking at the whole body we still have the top of the head to think about. As everyone knows, our brain always operates its opposite side of the body, so it seems to me that another connection to reflect this would be beneficial. Though there will be many wires at that point! Could really use a dedicated space for this, rather than a functional bedroom. Spirals are a nightmare to move.
feet can be connected with copper pads and a wire, too, instead of crossing them. Both work. To me, crossing feet is rather uncomfortable.
Another great point which I didn't understand till now. And yes, the crossed leg thing is uncomfortable! Though with that said I can feel myself getting used to it and I am reminded of how amazing our bodies are in the way they will adjust over time to accommodate anything physical we are doing on a daily basis.
Not sure how true it is, and if it applies to the silk version only.
It is definitely true and I did actually give it a quick mention:
"Technically I should have cleaned these items in the sun before letting her have a go. This would have given her the cleanest experience."
Probably should have made the point clearer. I let it go because it was just my family and I was excited. But in future I think we will have a sun-cleaning routine in place, which will happen after every session so it is always 'clean' and ready for us anyone to grab it when they want it. For your information best cleaning is achieved when both sides of the device are left in the sun. If memory serves I think just ten mins on each side should suffice. Along with an intention obviously.
Last thing to say is thanks so much for being the one to introduce me to this device (in a wonderfully unexpected way)! I look forward to hearing more about your personal experience with it.
I agree. Lindemann made a lot of experiments with the silk circuits, and tried to find the perfect one, with clean energies. He found that just about everything matters, even what the silkworms ate!! I have ordered different types of silk, and will see how it works out.
I was hoping that making a circuit would be easy, but nope... It will take a while.
You could be right, but wouldn't that be a smaller type of circuit? A circuit within a body part, not across the entire body.
:-) I agree, more space is my biggest wish right now.
Well, thank you for the acknowledgment! Though, if memory serves me right, I mentioned something else, and the circuit was in the same Journal. You jumped right to it as if you were waiting for it! :-)