RE: The age of frequency healing is here! Healy (Gold edition)

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ultimately we should be able to do everything with our minds only

Yes yes yes! This is such an important realisation.

I can think of so many examples in which I built machines or systems to get a particular job done only to find that once I understood the process I didn't need the machine any more.

Just a few months ago I made a pot of plants grow faster/stronger than a control group with my mind, sending love to the pot for five mins a day. This was after creating machines which did the job (electroculture spirals & pyramids). Same story with the cloudbuster (Don Croft model) I started to build earlier this summer. Once I understood how the machine worked we started to get regular rain! And I never finished building it. That being said, we could do with a bit more after this last week and I may just build it now. Very uncomfortable temperatures. 32°C at midnight last night! One final example which jumps to mind is my hair. Three years ago I set about understanding why men lose their hair because I didn't want to lose mine. I developed a bunch of systems and made it grow back. But since then I have done nothing and yet the hair continues to grow. This baffled me until I did the pot of plants mind-growth experiment. Now I understand. It can all be done with the mind. No matter what it is.

So it's like the knowledge of HOW holds some kind of power. This combined with strong intentions I would say.


This is what I have learned (to understand, but unfortunately not quite to do): Holding an intention in the mind and knowing with absolute certainty it is real and done in one's life will draw this thing into manifestation. What blocks us from having the life we want is programming, self-sabotage, doubts, confusion, you name it. And the job of media, schooling, societal norms is to hammer beliefs about limitations into our minds, day after day.

So yeah, you are right, in actuality there is probably no need to build anything. But maybe the intention to build something to manifest a goal is what helps to manifest it? Like a point of focus?

What I also think: It is likely easier to make plants grow with intention, than one's own hair - because plants don't have programming filters. Whereas our subconscious sabotages everything that goes beyond the norm, and it takes more effort to bypass that.


Your understanding seems perfect.

I learned this as Law of Attraction. At a rehab clinic in South Africa, 2007.

Practicing it is not so hard. The hard part is finding the daily routine. For me it was sungazing which helped create a period every morning for visualisation. Sungazing can make us feel very powerful and there can be no doubt, this life I live now is a direct consequence of my time in London sungazing and visualising.

A game I like to play is to think about my future desires as a past event. So I make up the details and 'look back' on it fondly. This seems to work very well.

I deal with the subconscious mind in the 'waiting period' by staying firmly in the moment with no expectations about the future, remembering always that it won't happen the way I expect.

The intention to build an induction cloudbuster back in April produced a month of rain, so I never built it! Still have all the bits though and will likely build it before the year is out, regardless of the weather.


Making things happen is simple, but not easy! The only thing that stands in the way is ourselves.

And I like this:

to think about my future desires as a past event.

I will try this!
