I took my dowsing rods to a family party and made some very interesting discoveries
Sabrina's brother is here from Paris at the moment so Esteban & Luna have been able to play with their cousins for the last few days. The feeling of Spring was in the air and for the most part these dangerous devices known as rubber soled shoes were cast off as they should be.
All in all we had a wonderful long weekend but there was something which happened in amongst the drinking, eating & festivities which feels important enough to write about this morning. I believe I have found the reason for Sabrina's mother's cancer.
During the Saturday lunch party I felt motivated to walk around the house, admiring the handiwork of Sabrina's step-dad who has been catching rain from his roof to fill up his swimming pool.
He had been periodically taking water from the canal (which is still illegal here in France due to lack of rain) but recently found an anonymous note in his letter box threatening to call the police if he did it again. Such is the way of the world now. But I like the way it has pushed him to find this practical solution and on Saturday night it rained hard for hours, no doubt filling up his pool as desired.
While making my observations I noticed these four trees and asked him if they had been the same size when he planted them ten years ago.
They were the same size he said and I knew instantly there was an energetic Ley line of some kind affecting the trees on the left.
Keen to confirm my feeling I brought dowsing rods to the Sunday lunch party and checked the area. For those of you who want an explanation of what is dowsing and how you can do it yourself, please check this post.
As suspected there was indeed a line running directly through the smallest palm tree, right across the middle of this area to their house.
The line enters the house around here.
See how this plant isn't happy here?
Without telling him what I had found I asked him if this plant thrives here.
It does not he says. On the contrary, it always starts the year well but quickly dies back as the Summer progresses and ultimately does not behave as expected.
This was all the evidence I needed and felt confident when explaining what was going on for him. He could see it with his own eyes (all plants on the line did not grow well) and evidently believed what I was telling him because he immediately started moving plant pots around.
I assured him that he had done well with his house design because neither of the two beds were on crossing points and all the communal areas too are perfectly placed. Intuition can it seems serve people well, even when they are not aware of it.
The story does not end here however.
I had been conscious of this image (taken from this film) which I found when I did my initial research on dowsing.
If we sleep on the crossing points of lines it basically scrambles our DNA, causing mutations, commonly known as cancer. The same is true for most varieties of trees which will also develop cancerous growths if they live on the crossing points or lines which don't agree with them.
So I was happy for Sabrina's mother and step-father this did not appear to be the case.
However, upon sharing the information with Sabrina, she pointed out that they lived in a trailer for five years while they built the house. And it was during this period her mother discovered the stomach cancer.
"Where was the trailer placed on the land?" I asked and she took me to this lovely looking spot off to one side of the house.
I dowsed the area and found ten lines converging around where the children are playing above. It was something similar to the spiral vortex I found in our home recently.
This vortex was found by walking the ten lines converging here, marking each intersecting point.
Only the vortex in their garden was different. I could feel it. But feelings are not enough for my logical mind which needs confirmation of some kind, so I stood in the centre of the vortex and had a conversation with it.
Yes, I realise this must sound odd, but it is in fact very easy for certain people to get answers to yes/no questions while standing in the energetic lines and I quickly established that unlike the vortex in our home, this one was not good for humans.
We were able to determine exactly where Sabrina's mother had slept for five years and as suspected, it was in the centre of the vortex. And this my friends is the reason for the cancer which has plagued her since then.
Interestingly one of the guests at the party remembered a time from her childhood when a dowser arrived at her family home and found exactly the same kind of vortex in their garden. The solution had been to place copper on the ground in this area, to diffuse the negative energies and prevent DNA mutations.
My intention now is to return to this spot another day with a list of questions for the vortex. It is my feeling that if a crossing point can make a person sick, so too can it make a person healthy, but I must work with these energies for this to happen.
Final thoughts
Having seen the above information I hope you can also see the importance of dowsing your land before you decide where you are going to sleep or plant your trees. At the very least one should use their observational skills to establish they are not sleeping or spending lots of time in an area which is evidently bad for plants.
Back when Sabrina and I first met in Thailand I was practicing Reiki much more than I do now and it was in this period we received the news that her mother was sick. The doctors predicted she would be dead in a year so I offered to join Sabrina on a trip to France where I gave her mother Reiki. That was almost ten years ago now and while the cancer is still present, she is far from dead.
The doctors did not change their negative prognosis during these first few years and Sabrina naturally continued to worry for her mother so it was decided that after the birth of our second child in Bali, we should all move to France and live in the same village as her.
This is a decision which has obviously shaped my life and perhaps, as this French chapter I am currently living was created almost exclusive by the cancer of Sabrina's mother, my experience with the dowsing rods yesterday was an intentional nudge from the Universe and I am wondering now if there isn't in fact more for me to do here which goes beyond the energetic benefits of bringing her grandchildren to her doorstep.
It certainly feels that way.
Love & Light everyone 🌱
That's really interesting as an observation, I have always wondered how these things affect people but surely they can be used for good if you can tap into that energy somehow? I know very little about it.
Your photos are wonderful and it looks like it was a great day.
I believe they can be used for good but our knowledge of this is still being remembered, so it is difficult to find information on it. One of the dowsing ladies I follow on YouTube described how in the old days we would bury our dead on intersecting lines as a way to keep their souls present in the area even after death protecting the village from unwanted souls and dark energies. She says she very often comes across souls who are still trapped in areas where the people have long forgotten about them. It is her job she says to release them so they can continue on the natural cycle of re-birth & death.
Copper. makes sense. there seems to be a plan for you. just tap in.
best regards.
Felt really drained after the whole experience and even today it weighs down on me like there is something I still need to do. Tapping in as best I can...
The copper on the ground story blew my mind! Have seen other dowsers who are able to move the position of lines or make them disappear altogether by asking nicely ;)
This is fascinating Sam and yes I do believe you have some amazing work to do. You have started it already and I for one thank you for sharing all if your wonderful findings. You are doing work for all of us xxxxx
There was a part of me which already knew this I think, but I needed the dowsing rods to be sure. The bit I wasn't sure about was if I should mention what I found to Sabrina's folks. Naturally I asked the vortex and it gave me a yes. So I did. They were drunk and I guess they didn't fully take it in, but perhaps in time they will. Let's see where we go from here...
Sending hugs xxxx
Wow! Very interesting. I haven’t learned to actually locating the energy lines yet. This is very useful information. Thanks so sharing your experience.
Have you tried CDS?
This is very good for detoxing vaxxed people as well.
Have a nice day!
Love the way you so often continue an old thought of mine. In this case I have been thinking about my mother who is coming in a week and how she will be needing a bunch of presents to help get rid of the spike proteins in her blood. If CDS can really help this is perfect 🙏
Where does one buy the stuff I wonder?
Here, it’s quite easy to get CDS and MMS via local online shop. One or two persons have been selling CDS among members of chat group. Many have learned to make their own CDS. I have made my own for over a year now. I also taught a monk to make it for himself and for helping other monks in case of emergency.
I could no longer find them on Amazon! All websites had been blocked on google too.
If you can’t get ivermectin, you could get these supplements which worked out very well for my two friends.
But CDS and MMS are universal antidotes for healing very fast.
These are imported into Thailand somehow to be sold online here. But the authority has just clamped down on ivermectin supply online! I couldn’t find any new supply.
Imported MMS, quite expensive.
Perhaps you could find CDS from this group in Brazil?!
You would also need to add NAC to those vitamins/ supplements.
I also take these supplements to boost my immune system; vaxxed people did a lot of shedding during the first year. I take ivermectin once a week to clear the shedding parasites too. CDS is taken three times a day to clear excess fat and sugar as I don’t do regular exercises.
Good luck.
Some more information on antioxidants against the vaxx.
I never thought these lines can have such a devastating effect on human health. I went back, read and bookmarked your post on dowsing to find out that magnetised cables have an effect on copper. The experiment with the metal fruit bowl with the Lakosvy coil was so simple, yet so eye-opening. Now this might answer a few questions as to why plants and trees perform better in certain places in the garden while others don't. Thank you Sam for bringing the concept of dowsing to my attention!
Absolutely. Since I learned how to do this I have seen time and time again how when I have a row of plants and one section of the row isn't doing well this because there is a line running through them. And no amount of electroculture devices can save them.
But rather than not plant anything on the lines I recommend trying out different things there till you find something which likes it.
Have fun!
Totally agree. I like to rotate plants (e.g. one year tomatoes and the next year I'll put onions) as it's also beneficial for the soil to recover and remineralise. Furthermore, I discovered that keeping berries in particular blackberries, raspberries and red currants together, as in close to each other helps.
Hey cuddlekitten.
All good in the hood?
Thank you for all the useful information.
I glad to learn my bed is in a good place as our cat loves sleeping on my bed🙏❤️
This is a good sign for sure. Animals don't like to sleep on the crossing points. And before we had dowsing rods we only had our intuition, so it's good to stay in touch with that.
How interesting! It's really obvious, once you did the dowsing and saw how the plants grew. I hope her mom does heal eventually. That's a long time to deal with cancer. :((
It is a long time isn't it. How time flies!
Things will work themselves out one way or another and I will do what I can along the way...
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