I made a magick wand for Esteban and he cured my tooth pain with it 💥
As a child magician who achieved a small amount of notoriety for my efforts in this field in the 1980s & 90s I have known for a long time of the difference between magic (trickery) and magick (metaphysical). Not all that surprisingly I learned magic (from the age of 7) at an elite school where many children went on to control various aspects of society using magic. Indeed, from my perspective the entire covid fiasco was nothing more than a giant magic trick.
One of the first tricks I learned at that school was the art of distraction. Hold out your closed hand away from your body and the eyes of your observers will naturally gravitate to this hand, while your other hand remains unobserved and free to pull a concealed item from your pocket or behind your back.
Such is the way of the world today, particularly when it comes to passing bills in parliament at exactly the moment when everyone is focused on the latest drama.
The term magick was popularised by Aleister Crowley in the first half of the 20th century to distinguish between his work and stage magic. It refers to metaphysical magic, but this art is of course much older and I suspect those same members of the parasitic elite class I mentioned above are just as familiar with this as they are with the basic methods of trickery.
Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will. --Aleister Crowley
The Magick Wand
I reluctantly showed Esteban the Harry Potter series recently ("all my friends have seen it, so why can't I?") and the predicable result has been a whole bunch of running around the house pretending to zap his sister and turn her into something undesirable!
J.K.Rowling researched magick before writing the Harry Potter series after which she injected a few elements of truth and a whole bunch of fiction. I believe children can feel the elements of truth, which is why they are so attracted to this subject, but they are misdirected energetically by the rest which would have them buying wands from shops and using them as weapons in a world of dramas and deception.
So when Esteban asked me if I would make a wand for him I agreed on the condition that he took this subject seriously. He said he would and so it began. I spent the day researching and found this extremely useful article which describes the different properties of trees in relation to magick wands.
Esteban was very attracted to the Elder wand for some reason:
The venerable Elder tree is associated with the Crone, the death phase, and the Faery realms. She is a keeper of some of the oldest and deepest magick. Working with an Elder wand requires patience and courage, but it will reward the true seeker with transformative wisdom. Magickal properties of Elder include healing, banishing, and underworld journeying. source
Banishing & underworld journeying don't sound quite right for him however so I explained that this wand is more for experienced users and he can have it once he has proven himself worthy.
We kept looking together until we decided upon cherry wood as a great alternative which still included healing.
All fruitwoods are sacred to the Goddess. Cherry has an especially harmonious, feminine energy and is good for healing, love magick, unity, and community. A Cherry wand will not react badly to being shared, so it's a good choice for teachers and covens. Divination, mediumship, and the detection of magick are also properties of Cherry. source
Goodness knows what he will end up doing with the love magick! Clear intention is of course the driving force behind these tools so I have not explained this aspect to him clearly in the hope he will not cast some unexpected love spell on his sister.
My research led me to understand that the removal of the wood from the tree is a very important moment which is personal to the user. Hence the absurdity of Harry Potter land in which a person simply walks into a shop to buy one. Cue those product sales!
We have five cherry trees in our garden so I took my two children along with some offerings and together we selected this branch.
Once the selection had been made we placed our offerings here as a gift to the Tree Spirit.
Esteban & Luna were impatient to cut the branch but I held them back and explained how this was an important ceremony without which the wand won't work.
Next we lit the sage, which has been cut from this same garden. I felt as if the smoke would cleanse the space and send our wishes up to the heavens.
Then I said some words which felt appropriate and encouraged the children to speak their own. After which I noticed how Esteban had firmly grounded himself with his hands outstretched toward the tree. This I had not asked him to do and I was pleased he really was taking it seriously.
I cut the branch and he clenched it respectfully.
Worth noting here that if this tree dies, the wand won't work any more. They are intimately connected now and the power of this great tree can be accessed directly through the wand.
At this point we were done with the garden so gave our last regards to the tree (which we now call The Three Sisters) and departed to begin the construction process.
Once home I carefully shaved the bark off, cut the piece of wood to be half a lost cubit and then carved a spiral going clockwise from the bottom, to carry the energy of the user up the wand and beyond.
I really liked this little brown dot in the wood and felt like this is where the spiral needed to start.
Also like the way the end looks, somehow revealing its heart.
Next I coiled on the copper, which will enhance the energy of the user and help direct it with the clockwise spiral.
At the base I put a quartz crystal from a geode I have mentioned before which connects various members of my family.
A little further up the wand I hammered in a small item from India, found by Esteban's mother on one of her travels there. I felt like it was important to include Sabrina somehow in all of this. Had to bend it round to fit the wand and felt great about the way it looked in the end.
In the middle I put another piece of that same quartz geode, jammed into a little hole.
Finally I put this spiral at the top, next to where the wood exposes its heart.
All in all I was very happy with what I had done by the time the children came home from their grandmother's that evening.
Felt so good in my hands and I wanted to try out some magick with it.
But I could feel instinctively that the wand may not respond well to Esteban if I did this, so reluctantly held off from trying anything.
Wands can be picky about who uses them though if truth be told I chose cherry wood because it doesn't mind being shared. I basically just wanted Esteban to be the first person who used it.
The very next day...
In the morning I had a Beyond Quantum Healing session and will go into more detail on this in a future post. For now all you need to know is that it is a zoom call with a BQH practitioner who guides us to a higher realm where we are encouraged to share what we see and feel. So much has changed for me around this event and to put it in a nutshell it was profound. But the effect of spending this time away from our body can be draining and she warned me that I may feel tired in the afternoon.
Indeed I did, but I also started to feel tooth pain, similar to that which I experienced with my DOR event and over the course of the afternoon it became worse and worse. By the time I picked Esteban up from the bus at 5pm I was in agony.
At home Esteban could see my pain and was naturally concerned for me. I had done all my usual pain killing routines and none of them had worked so I asked Esteban to use his wand.
I cannot even tell you exactly what he did because I was sitting on the sofa with my head in my hands, breathing deeply with my eyes closed.
Within 30 seconds I felt a little better and was able to get up and go into the kitchen.
Within 2 mins the pain was 100% gone.
I started crying I was so emotional. Grateful too for the immediate release after a very intense afternoon!
Esteban appeared to think nothing of it and disappeared off to do his own thing, leaving me to contemplate this miracle. Of course, I knew it would work, but I never expected it to happen so fast and so provocatively. There could be no doubt, this little boy has the skills of a wizard.
I sat and meditated for a full hour after that, grateful, content and proud.
Since then I've had zero tooth pain so we have teamed up to try out other methods of healing.
My uncle in the UK called me up with some complaints about pain in his knees so he was the obvious choice. I made a lost cubit tensor ring with specific intentions infused and put it on this facebook picture of him for Esteban to 'shoot' through.
After we were done I hung it here on my wall with his name in the middle and added another piece of the quartz geode into an acorn shell which I felt like represented his knee caps while connecting them with the strength of the oak tree.
Am interested to see if this has effectively become something along the lines of a remote device one would use in conjunction with the Spooky2. Will contact my uncle in a few days and see if he has noticed any improvement.
Since then two other people have 'randomly' complained about their ailments to me and I felt obliged to mention I could help them. Both of them immediately agreed to having Esteban & myself take a go at healing them in our own way and so we will give it our best shot, expecting nothing in return.
Where we go from here who can say but it certainly feels like we are on the right path and as always I feel blessed and so very grateful for this journey of unexpected magical twists & turns.
Love & Light everyone 🌱
Magician image by myself and the midjourney bot.
What a wonderful post, dearest @samstonehill ! Yes!!!!
Did you share this also in the Magick community?
And Rowling: she used her influence in a VERY dark way during our (Scottish) independence time: completely talking down our cultural identity and projecting a false evil onto those of us seeking sovereignty. It was extremely disturbing, especially as her story came to light with a strong focus on the 'creative in poverty', which resonated hugely with a large portion of Scottish people (in poverty, with creative yearnings suppressed)... She was part of what aggressively manipulated a very close vote (going towards a strong Yes) backwards at the last minute: occulted magic, absolutely.
I was just recording another chapter of my spoken book about my 'Italy Dream', speaking to the dreamspell of TV and how our subconscious or unintegrated energies can be used by the manipulation of the audiences' subconscious, and all of our energies being - essentially - misled - pulled into a distorted dream world, instead of being rooted in reality. VERY strong stuff.
And yes to Esteban's uncovering of his natural power, and you holding safe space for this; glorious. We all have this natural power to realign us all, to unlock and unblock and reveal and expand... It is so inspiring to read your beautiful ventures together!
Wow! Didn't know there was a magick community till now. Have cross posted this one and will post there directly in the future when writing about this topic. Thanks for the heads up!
My feeling with Rowling is that she is being guided by someone/something and her timely distractions & illusions are more than chance alone.
Interesting how you are covering the TV subject because it has been at the forefront of my mind these last few days. And I love how you have making a spoken book! Wow, that certainly does enliven the creative process! So yes, TV. We've had one in our house ever since I went away for 7 months for my final job in the corporate world. Sabrina found life hard on her own and I felt proud of her actually for the way she was able to manifest it! But now it is an addiction for all of them. And in my recent awakening I simply can't stand it any more. The mesmerising flickering light, the subliminal images, the endless dramas. From my perspective TVs are weapons and have no place in a family home.
Have hidden the arial lead now and I am locating interesting films/channels on YouTube for them. Divinely Guided Children Media make some worthy films it would seem and so too do Spirit Science. Let me know if you are aware of others?
What I found most interesting about the wand story is the way Esteban could sense how I would need it the following day and pushed me to get it done quickly. The Universe somehow cleared my schedule and made this feel like the most important thing I could do that day. And what we have seen now cannot be unseen.
Have actually been fasting since that day, almost a week now. And you know what? This has been the easiest fast I've ever done! No loss of energy, getting up at 5am, running around like normal. Have made something quite different too, which I will reveal as soon as the finishing touches are complete. Meditating at least an hour a day and looking forward to my next quantum session later today with an empty body, which does I believe create a clearer connection with Source.
All the best to you Clare! Let's catch up again soon. I have some further thoughts on how I intend to move forward from here in the world of gifting :)
I'm very glad to connect you with the Magick community dear @samstonehill !! Yey! And I just tagged you in another post that I thought might give you some more inspiration about Web3, gifting, and staying free in what we share online...
Yes, indeed; Rowling, like most celebrities who have been chosen to be elevated onto the altar, is most certainly working with some channeling of creative/ positive forces, and she has also been profoundly manipulated by negative forces, and allowed herself to be used as a means of aggressive suppression of culture, vitality, identity and expansion in Scotland.
I don't use Youtube, but am aware of a worldwide move towards homeschooling and unschooling, and there's at least two communities on Hive - Home Edders and Unschooling - who would be great networking places for you and your children. 😍 Don't get me ranting about TV: cancer of the spirit. E basta.
The synchrony is part of the opening of our conscious to the multidimensional Nature of Reality, eh!! It is affirmation that we're going the right direction: a cosmic wave we should stay on... It is so exciting-thrilling-activating to share our experiences around this, around Living In Gift, and to be accumulating an energy of Knowing, which is so different from that disheartened energy of striving which we were all conditioned with.
All power to your healing and expansion, dear friend!!
What a magnificent experience! I love how you've encouraged your kids to explore manifestation, magick, rituals and higher awareness, and I'm certain Esteban has a profound talent for this. The wand itself is strikingly gorgeous and quite clearly powerful!
I'd like to offer him (and you, of course, if you want to) a Rune reading whenever you're willing and able. I just feel that I should give my two cents of encouragement for this process as a practitioner myself. Thank you for this post! It was wonderful!
Am so pleased you caught this one brother! Your timely offer of a Rune reading is most appreciated and my feeling with such offers is to always say YES!
Esteban will appreciate this very much and certainly if you feel it, I would love one too. Though I will first have to look it up to properly understand what we are talking about here and explain the basics to Esteban. This will help us both build an energy around it.
Let me know what is your process for this? Zoom call?
Hey, man! Glad to know that you're willing to get a Rune reading. The process is simple: I have a bag with 24 Rune-inscribed stones, each of them with its own meanings and energy. The person who receives a reading would need to put their own energy in the bag through visualization, a short meditation or even spoken decrees if they feel like it. To that end, I send them a picture of the bag for easier connection. This preliminary process is meant to imbue the runestones with the person's questions, goals and doubts for the reading. I don't need to know these things beforehand, I just pull the stones and start reading.
The Runes are part of the Norse and Germanic traditions, and they're directly connected with the pantheons of said traditions. The god Odin is their patron and the main deity involved in the process, along with the Norns, the three Sisters of Fate who weave the threads of destiny for all beings. I summon them and other entities for the reading and they may manifest during the ritual. Runes don't really predict the future, however, they just convey the status of the energy in the present moment, which sometimes may provide glimpses into what might happen should that energy persist.
Regarding protection and cleansing, I take that upon myself, but if the receiver of the reading wishes to set up their own means for protecting and cleansing their energy, it's valid too.
Readings usually take between 40 and 90 minutes depending on each person. I can do them through video call on Whatsapp, Telegram or Google Meet. Zoom would work too, but the free version shuts down after 40 minutes. I can also do them through voice messages, with the advantage that the person keeps these audios for later review. Here's my phone number: +584129966082, works for Whatsapp and Telegram.
Please discuss this with Esteban and let me know if and when you'd be available, taking into account that there's a 6-hour time gap between our locations.
Really appreciate the explanation. This helps a lot.
Have been through it with Esteban and he is keen to do it, so how does next week fit for you? Thinking about it I should probably check with Sabrina when she is awake what the plans are for next week. Will get back to you later with a specific day.
I think telegram should work. Let me see if I can connect with you today.
Thanks again for this! Very excited :)
Having now checked with the team I understand that Tuesday afternoon works best for us. Around 2pm French time would be the best, but we are flexible. Let me know if this works for you.
I'll be otherwise engaged for the entire day on Tuesday due to an event that I have to attend. Maybe we can schedule for next week if that works for your team!
How are you fixed tomorrow or Friday? Same sort of time for us after lunch around 2-3pm french time.
Friday would be good! I don't have any commitments that day. Please send me a message on Telegram when you have the chance.
I loved reading this article and going along in this wand making adventure. The quotes about the different types of wood was especially inspiring too. May you and your children continue to enjoy the magic(k) of creativity and nature.
Hey there! Am pleased you found some value here. Some articles just write themselves and this was most definitely one of them.
Esteban keeps bugging me to make the Elder wand, but I am still holding him back. Need to find more sick people for him to practice on!
Adorable and insightful all at once! I made myself a Hawthorn wand years ago and use in witchcraft as well as in play.
Wonderful that you are already familiar with this art. I must admit that I learned more in my one day of research then I had learned in all my previous years. Can't wait to make a whole bunch of wands now. I would like a box full of them. A wand for every occasion.
Something I forgot to mention here which I found very interesting. If the tree from which the wand comes dies, the wand won't work any more. So this encourages us to look after our trees :)
Curious to hear how the long distance healing worked….
He is not very good at staying in touch this uncle! Have written him two messages but he is not getting back to me. Will keep prodding and let you know here what he says.