Electroculture update: Monster lettuces, natural antenna & the power of the mind 🎇



Despite the current rules which state we cannot harvest our plants in this region of France due to a non existent lack of rain I picked a lettuce today with a fair bit of pride in my heart and had Sabrina take a picture because I eat salad every day and this is for me the best looking lettuce I have ever grown.

I picked it from this row next to our sweetcorn and it is no coincidence that it happens to be the closest lettuce to the cosmic antenna I set up one month ago.


Here it is on the 29th April between my feet when I planted out the sweetcorn.


Viewed from the other side you can see it was not the biggest lettuce at the time, but certainly it is the closest to the antenna.


I should probably explain that I also dug basalt into the soil that day and connected this grill I found in the forest to the base of the antenna.


There is also a magnetised cable running through this bed just under the surface which is connected to the antenna.


At the end of the day it looked like this.


Less than a month later here we are. One monster lettuce.


A few days before picking I measured it at 14 inches.


Probably should have measured it again when I harvested because it seems bigger looking at these images.


The electrical storms we've been having these last few days can have an amazing effect on the growth of plants. Particularly when you have a cosmic antenna in the ground collecting all that residual energy from the lightning.

It was so big it barely fitted into our basin at home.


Knowing what I know about the influence of electroculture on the quantity of nutrients present in plants may well affect my judgement but I can say with certainty that it tasted amazing in my salad and I felt extremely good after eating it.


The construction on my right in the image at the top of this post is a hexagon with a 51° cone on top for cucumbers to grow up.


It isn't finished yet so I will tell you more about this in a future post.

The pyramid you can see in the background is still doing wonders for the plants both inside and out and I can see how pyramids get lost in the jungle so easily for centuries, perhaps never to be seen again!


Everything around it just looks so happy. Mange tout ready to eat here.


Worth noting that the potatoes in the raised pyramid bed have almost finished flowering while the control group (planted at the same time) are around one quarter the size and not one of them has started flowering yet.


I keep my basalt here at the base of the pyramid next to the overwintered lemongrass where it can be charged before use.


Last point on this is that I planted a control group of sweetcorn on the same day as the one you have seen above and the control group plants are currently around one quarter the size of the others.


Certainly they are still healthy looking transplants and I expect them to do very well.


But when compared to those in the antenna bed, the difference is clear. Especially the one with a ferrite ring magnet around it, which looks both taller and more solid at its base than the others.


Natural antenna

Around the beginning of May I noticed something interesting with this enormous flowering lettuce.


It may be hard to see in these images but all the plants growing near it were doing better than those further away.


Look carefully and you will see how these kale at my feet get larger and larger as they move towards the flowering lettuce which is just out of shot, top left.


The effect was undeniable, seen also with the purple mustard plants which get bigger as they move closer to the antenna lettuce.


What this means is that certain plants are natural cosmic antennas, quietly doing their thing without any man-made equipment required.

So you may wish to consider letting some of your lettuces go to flower even if you don't need the seeds. Their spectacular geometry and elongated shape will boost the plants around them.


The power of the human mind

I recently heard Yannick Van Doorne talk about a Canadian farmer who bought a single copper frame pyramid from him but had a large expanse of land and wanted to affect not just one area of the land but all of it so she spent ten minutes every morning visualising her land full of pyramids. And guess what? It worked. There was an increase in crop yields across all the land.

While I am on the subject of Yannick, I highly recommend his latest series of six films which can be found at the end of this playlist. These are without a doubt the best films online for those of us seeking to better understand electroculture.

I felt inspired by this story and set about creating my own version which involved two identical pots of rocket seeds.

The only difference being that one pot had a pyramid drawn on it and every morning after my 30mins meditation I would spend a further ten minutes with this pot, visualising a massive copper pyramid around it.


And sure enough, when the seeds sprouted, the pot with the pyramid appeared slightly larger than the control.


Seen from another angle here.


One week later it rained a lot and I noticed how the pyramid pot plants had stronger stalks than the control, not bending over at all with the rain.


Pyramid pot here.


Control pot here.


In this last image which was taken just before planting out, you can see how the pyramid pot plants simply look stronger and healthier than the control group.


And now I am convinced that the power of our mind alone is enough to affect the growth of our plants.

Mind-powered pest control

Inspired by my recent conversations with @clareartista who does not need electroculture devices to boost her plants because SHE is the cosmic antenna, engaging with them at an energetic level, I conducted another experiment when I noticed these black-fly all over my flowering celery situated next to the pyramid.


Here they are on May 9th, all over the upper section of the plant.


After I took these shots I spent a little moment with them, gently asking them to leave this plant.

And I think you already know what I am going to tell you.

By the 17th May most of the bugs had gone.


There were still some there however, collected around the upper most tips.


So I kept on with the experiment, gently and politely asking if they could leave the plant altogether.

The day before my birthday on the 22nd May I took these final images showing the plants entirely clear of bugs.


Only the dead ones remained.


I have since then begun other experiments in this vein, asking the same variety of bugs to leave this flowering sunflower (and my garden altogether).


By the way, it is extremely unusual to see sunflowers developing their flowers at this time of year. Normally we don't see this till July!


But these days I am no longer surprised by the incredible growth of my plants and I feel sure it won't be long before I am breaking records with the world's biggest vegetables.


Yesterday I found a tick on one of my cats so rather than remove it I simply asked it to leave. We also have a ton of flies in the house at the moment, which is normal for this time of year, so rather than put up the horrible sticky tape which traps and kills them, I simply asked them to leave the house whenever they see the door open.

Will let you know how I get on with these two experiments!

Final thoughts

Learning about electroculture has been such a joy for me but it can be expensive buying copper and time-consuming making 'machines' so these mind control experiments feel way more important.

Indeed, this option is available to any humans who are able to think. Which would be ALL of us! No money or time required. Just a gentle loving intention for all souls present, bugs and plants included.

Right, I must get on with my day now!

Today we will be picking as many of these cherries as possible to make cherry wine, cherry brandy and kirsch.

Love & Light everyone 🌱



Great update Sam. Your work in Electroculture and Mind Power is impressive. Thanks for sharing. I hope you enjoy the Cherry Schnapps! Those cherries look good from here!


Appreciated buddy. Certainly I do seem to have a better relationship with my garden now that I understand electroculture. So much more still to learn and experiment with however...

My hands are stained brown and feeling quite tired today after pipping all those cherries. Can't wait for the Schnapps :)


Oh wow that lettuce is amazing, so impressive. I'm loving all these updates seeing how well electroculture is working.
I'm certainly going to try the mind control experiments, thanks as always for sharing 💚❤


Mind control feels like the wrong words for this now I am re-reading the post today. I think it's more about respect and love. And certainly I don't think this will work for anyone, just because they are able to focus their mind. They must genuinely love their plants (and bug occupants with them) in order to connect at a non physical level and develop the garden as a team.

No luck getting the flies to move! There are so many new ones coming in all the time because two energetic lines cross just outside our door and they collect there, flying in circles around the crossing point, often ending up inside the house because of it.

Will go feed the garden cats in a minute and see if that tick is still there. A little bit of oil would be the normal process for removal, but I am wondering now if this kills the tick? Hopefully not!

Sending hugs x


So let me get this straight, your regional government is prohibiting you and your fellow citizens from harvesting your own plants, on your own property, and the justification is a lack of rainfall?

I'm baffled... never heard of such a thing! Though I am an ignorant fool who knows very little (:


You will find some more details in this post regarding the absurd rules which are still in force here in the pyrenees-orientales.

It makes zero sense except when viewed from the perspective of the WEF who desire a centralised agricultural system, which would first require the death of the current one. So it is no coincidence this region is exclusively dedicated to agriculture, which for the most part is now being destroyed. As for us the little people, they don't want us growing our own food. Much better that we go to the supermarkets like everyone else.

Thankfully many people do seem awake to the agenda so I don't think their plan is going too well currently!


Aah, what a wonderfully rich and enriching post, dear @samstonehill ! I love how all your experiments and interdimensional wisdom are coming together in Divine Flow! Thank you for the mention and the co-creative vibes... I've been enjoying the clearing work this month, and feeling a bit like I'm still on the very first rung of a steep ladder that I have to climb, but am - like you - growing more confident with my successes, and with the energetic work becoming more embodied and flowing. Yum!

And it's so power-full isn't it, talking to insect life: I am looking forward to the spiritual challenge this year of the biting insects, as the first mosquitoes got my ankles yesterday (and it's a whole big thing, when they come in the houses!): it is a really interesting discourse energetically, around whose territory is whose - who has the right to defend or to harvest food (even blood from our veins!) in what parts of the garden and house...?

This has a lot to do with high vibration and immune system sovereignty - biting insects and aphids etc will usually go to the more 'vulnerable' plants and people, even as a means of tidying up the garden by cutting back weaker plants/ people - but also, they go where something needs to be communicated, essentially - so it's not necessarily about the polemic of strong vs weak - it might more be that the biting or the aphid-infestation-ing are simply Natural Life calling us into Natural Law more. Certainly, hte latter way of thinking brings about much more harvest and vitality in the plants!

The older indigenous wisdoms always comprehended the totem and subtle relationship of insects, beasts, elements... and I sense that we are waking it up inside of ourselves, through our sharings and our experimentation.

Beautiful work, dear friend!



Feels like it is about perception. We are taught to look at bugs as pests and physical solutions for their removal are sold to us as the 'only' way. But what would happen if children were taught in school they can just talk to the bugs??? To develop a relation with the wildlife, nurturing the co-creative process so that all of us can thrive together. It surely wouldn't take long for the world to change its perception. I have a respect for all of it now which wasn't there last year. There are no more pests. Only life! And I love them all dearly :)

I also received my first love bite of the year from a mosquito a few days ago. They like this damp weather and as you say, who is on whose territory? Will do my best to share it with them without my usual response of just trying to kill them!

Love your words and thoughts as always. So much so I have to read them multiple times.

Thank you for being you. And for sharing your wisdom in the way you do :)


Wow,I have never heard of this before,electroculture for planting and the lettuce actually come out so well without rain,wow I love this .


well, I will just gently ask you to leave some of this brandy for when I finally manage to pay you a visit 😂
I totally agree about plants being antennas. I think they all are. and the taller, the more energy they harvest.
I love your observation about the pyramids creating the jungles around them that end up hiding them for centuries.
this is a beautiful looking lettuce. (happy you allowed yourself to "steal" it)
wishing you a peaceful weekend.


I was able to save one bottle of last year's cider for my mother's arrival so I see no reason why I can't do the same for you ;). If cherry brandy is your taste there will always be a bottle waiting for you here! So many cherries this year I am blown away. Fatter than last year without many worms. Two magnetised cables & a bunch of thick lakovsky coils seem to have done the trick nicely.

Apricot season is almost upon us and my smoothies are about to take on a new flavour. Happy days!

All the best to you and your family :)


glad to hear that !
Apricots seeds are the best source of B17 vitamin. I crack them open with a hammer and eat the inside whenever I get my hands on any.
have a peaceful weekend.


It’s great you could talk to bugs! I would have to try this trick!


It's about loving and respecting them as much as you can. Words are not even required.

I think you will be great at it :)


I will have to try this on those red ants which are very aggressive and fierce in fighting any intruders!


beautiful growth <3

nature is so fast, when she finally gets going :3

@tipu curate


You know it! The speed at which things are growing now is almost too fast to keep up. One only has to leave the garden for a few days and everything looks different.

All the best to you my friend and thank you again for your guidance on the orgonite. I really feel like you right. My aluminium tubes have been repurposed for the hexagon cucumber bed, so not too much money was wasted in the end.


Pretty incredible :<)

Love the talking to the insects.

Although I do it sometimes,
I never thought of asking them to leave a plant.

Asking a tick to leave ( a cat ) now that is next level.

Keep us posted!


Hey Vincent!

Am not having the same experience with the tick in fact. Feels like it is in a deep state of meditation and cannot hear me ;). Hold on, suck blood, hold on, suck blood...

If it is still there when I check in later, I will add some oil and this will make it move.

Oddly I noticed one on my arm yesterday and went through the same process asking it to leave with no luck. The oil trick had him up and walking around within 3mins.

Another week of rain has passed since I wrote this post and the region cannot possibly still be in a state of emergency. Will find out today if we can harvest our plants again without fear of being fined!

All the best to you buddy :)


Perhaps ticks are too t(h)ickheaded. I was about to swat a fly, yesterday nights, that didn't want to leave my room and then I thought of your post and decided to talk to it calmly, let it sit on my hand/ arm and guide it towards the open window. I did the same with another fly. Took a little patience but they seemed to listen ;<)

We are finally experiencing some nice rain here, as of late. Much needed. The vegetable gardens/ countryside around this little town looks beautiful, green, abundant, happy. We don't have crazy rules, like in France, here.

I wish you a much deserved harvest. Reap what you have sown ;<)


P.S. Don't miss out on my book posts. You might like them ;<)


Awesome work with the flies! Will try this with the mosquitos...

Rules or no rules you can be sure we will enjoy the fruits of our labour!

Yesterday I made a deal with our local restaurant and will be providing them a multitude of things from the garden this Summer. Exciting times :)

Can you do me a favour Vincent and send me a link to your latest book post?

Would love to check it out but don't have much time.

Many thanks!


Awesome to hear about the deal with the local restaurant.


Summary: I finished and printed copies of my (second) Hypersensitivosaurus book :^)

Let me know if you're interested in a digital or physical ( signed ) copy.

Big hug!


Ah great! Many thanks for the link :)

I will check it out and get back to you. Something tells me I will be very interested in a copy. We are sorely lacking in english literature around here!


@owasco sent me to sniff a bit about electroculture and here I bumped right into your great post with additional link about it.

Everything is so bushy, green and healthy over there, you did a great job!

(litlle jealous of lettuce) 😉
