Gracias a Dios por tener donde movilizarnos.. Dia de diligencias medicas. (Spa-Eng)
Gracias a Dios luego de reparar el carro inmediatamente surti combustible porque durante el dia siguiente tendria mucho que recorrer, y es que a mi esposa le tocaba visitar algunos centro de saludad para poder conseguir un endocrinologo, y a parte que este fuera economico ya que lamentablemente es muy costoso.
Fue algo que le pidieron para poder ver si le atienden el parto en la maternidad de la carucieña, pero conseguir uno que sea de salud publica ninguno, sin embargo nos dijeron que fueramos hasta el ambulatorio del obelisco, que es el mas grande de la ciudad y que probablemente alli lo conseguiriamos.
Tambien hoy tenia que llevar a mi hijo Asael para el pediatra despues de verse afectado por una virosis que nos ataco a todos en la familia, pero el por ser el mas pequeño se vio mas afectado, y tambien mi esposa se tenia que realizar un eco dopler o algo asi que tambien se lo mandaron.
llegamos hasta caja de agua que alli no dijeron que tambien conseguiriamos un endocrinologo, ya que en el ambulatorio del obelisco no habia, y si efectivamente lo conseguimos pero es por cita, y mi esposa lo necesita con urgencia puesto que hay que llevarlo antes del proximo miercoles a la maternidad.
Al final conseguimos uno en la clinica carali y de alli fuimos a realizar el eco, donde el bebe se ve mu bien gracias a Dios, esta bastante sano y bien grande. Sigue creciendo y ya quedan pocas semanas `para tenerlo con nosotros. de alli pudimos ir a la casa, almorzar y luego salir a pediatra para que mi hijo pudiera ser revisado por la doctora.
Gracias a Dios ya esta mejor pero le mandaron reposo y que se le colocara recates de Salbutamol y Budesonida, ademas tambien hay que realizarle lavado nasal con solucion fisiologica y colocarle luego de eso antes de dormir el cortinazo. Gracias a Dios contamos de nuevo con el vehiculo para poder movilizarnos.
Thank God, after repairing the car, I immediately refueled because during the next day I would have a lot to travel, and my wife had to visit some health centers to be able to find an endocrinologist, and apart from the fact that it was economical since unfortunately it is very expensive.
It was something they asked him to see if they would attend the birth at the Carucieña maternity hospital, but to find one that is public health none, however they told us to go to the Obelisk outpatient clinic, which is the largest in the city. and that we would probably get it there.
Also today I had to take my son Asael to the pediatrician after being affected by a virus that attacked all of us in the family, but because he was the youngest he was more affected, and my wife also had to have an echo. dopler or something like that they also sent it to him.
We got to the water box, and there they didn't say that we would also get an endocrinologist, since there wasn't one at the Obelisk clinic, and yes, we did get one, but it's by appointment, and my wife needs one urgently since we have to take him before the next one. Wednesday to motherhood.
In the end we got one at the Carali clinic and from there we went to do the echo, where the baby looks very good, thank God, he is quite healthy and very big. He continues to grow and there are only a few weeks left to have him with us. From there we were able to go home, have lunch and then go to the pediatrician so that my son could be checked by the doctor.
Thank God he is better now but they told him to rest and to receive relief from Salbutamol and Budesonide. In addition, they also have to perform a nasal wash with a physiological solution and then put the curtain on him before going to sleep. Thank God we have the vehicle again to be able to get around.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
It's great to have a vehicle to get around, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to do everything you've done in one day
Congratulations on the baby on the way and that your child's health is improving
Have a great day dear friend @sampraiseve
Yes friend, and it was myself with YouTube tutorials that I was able to repair it, the truth is it was not easy but thank God I did it. blessings.
Definitivamente un vehículo es un gran alivio cuando hay tantas diligencias por hacer, y más aún si son de salud. Gracias a Dios que el bebé está bien, y deseo que tu niño sane pronto.
Amen, gracias... ya ahora esta mejor e inicio clases.