It's A Digital World


One thing about this dispensation is that of advance in technology which has really improved and enhanced everything about the standard of human living. This can been seen in the kind of life humans are living now compared to our forefathers that lived an analog life, where everything during their own time was crude, seriously, left to me, I would say these people of old didn't really enjoy life to the fullest unlike those of us in this generation. We people of nowadays met life when everything come with ease. And this ease has turned many things around for us. Everything now is now about less labor and more ease.

Like I have said earlier, life has been made easy for everyone and this can be seen in the way we live and how we access technology during this our own time. All that's brought by technology has made life more comfortable for us all and the easy access to these things is now a blessing to all. Though, there's some lapses in those things, but in the overall, it's a blessing to all of us.

One of those things that this has brought to humanity is less labour as I have said earlier, now most of the people now work from home through the aid of the new technology and innovation. This has really helped people to avoid any kind of stress, be it mental, psychological or physical stress. This new innovation or technology came into existence at the right time, let me say no time is better than this for these things to be in existence. The advent of zoom, WhatsApp and other online media channels has really helped to save people from undue stress and not only that, it's really saved people from premature death that might have arose from stress or accident while going to work. Indeed, it's welcome development to the human race.

Another thing I would like to point out is that, the invention and easy access to these inventions has really helped people to access more information at the comfort of their room than traveling all around the world to get those needed piece of information. Not only that, the easy access has really help people in their academic pursuits. People now attend online classes via their gadgets at the comfort of their room without even taking a step out of their door. What this means is easier life. Life is being made easy without any stress. Unlike before when getting information is a tedious task and process but not it has been made easy than ever. Also, before you can access learning in the past, you have to be physically present and be inside the four wall of the classrooms but now, you can learn anywhere. What a life of relief?

What of online meetings and conferences also know as webinar, it was in the past that people must be present at a meeting or conference in the physical, but due to the new transformation that has taken place in this current dispensation or century, we can now attend meetings, conferences even religious programs at the comfort of our homes. Though, there may be distractions while attending the program online and at the comfort of our rooms, but even with that, it's a blessing and a win win for all.

Also, talking about online earning, people are now involved in online trading. This kind of trading comes without any form of stress, though it requires being smart and consistent, but it takes away stress and earning in this manner is better off compared to other form that comes with stress and a whole lots more such as transportation and other allowances.

Also, easy access to buying things online also known as online shopping has really helped alot of family from undue stress, thanks to the various platform made available for this. This platforms have really tried as all those things ordered for will be brought to one's doorstep. What a easy life we now live.

Doing registration in the past was not that easy. This was because, you have to be there in person. But now, you can register for anything online without any stress, you with your computer or mobile phone, you are good to register anything you feel like registering. What of the online banking, the first time I heard about the online banking, it's was like a mission impossible. The first question that came to me about online money transfer was like, how ilis this possible? Even if it's possible it would not last forever. But to my dismay, I realized it's a mission possible. Now, one can now do all his payment and transfer via his or her phone or computer even at his or her own comfort. What life is more easier than this than doing everything with ease at one's comfort without any stress or rush. This has really been the easiest way human would ever lived, it's a digital world.And it's indeed a blessing to the entire human race.

There are lots of things we can now do at the comfort of our homes with ease, but I have only mentioned few out of the many easy lives technology has brought to us.

This is my entry to the week 150, Edition 02 of the weekly Featured contest in the Hive Learner community.

Thanks for reading.

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I would say these people of old didn't really enjoy life to the fullest

I disagree. We, the people of this era, are not enjoying the life at its fullest. The rate of depression and anxiety has reached its highest during the current time. Had we been enjoying our lives, the scenerio out to be reversed.

Well, it's a truththat a lot of tedious tasks have become super easy due to digitalization. Nonetheless, what we are losing, on the other hand, are our connections. Connection with our surrounding, with other people, with our inner selves. That's a great price for the ease we get
