Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 187

Hey hivers, first time I'm joining @galenkp's initiatives and this time I'll do it answering the third of the questions among his topics:

What weekend activities are you getting involved with this weekend and why? Remember to use your own photos.

As you all know, this weekend coincides with Three Kings Day, it's very funny isn't it? that the most emotional dates of this Christmas were commemorated on weekends: Christmas eve, new year's eve and now the three kings.
Well, since the beginning of this week my crazy friends (@zahylis09 @jhon09) and I are planning to go out and get distracted this Saturday.

From the beginning, we had planned to go out on Friday, because we wouldn't find the places so full, but considering that in the end none of us like to celebrate off-date, we resumed our idea of hanging out on Saturday.
We still don't know which place to go exactly, we had in mind to go to the René Valdés Gallery located in the city center, but we realized that it doesn't open on weekends, so we started mentioning well-known places and so choose from all until no place was chosen, definitely the place to enjoy some good ice cream smoothies and sandwiches will be selected on the same Saturday, we will walk and get to know new places.
I confess that I have a very cozy cafe in mind according to social networks; you count Empanadas, it is located in the busiest area of the city, but the photos on Instagram make me fall in love, a long time ago I had proposed to visit the place and the opportunity had not arisen. Tomorrow Saturday I will convince my two faithful friends to decide on that one, no one knows, also maybe they have another one in mind that has not been mentioned.

What to say about Sundays?
Without a doubt my Sundays are only committed to the workshop meetings, I used to use these days for household chores, but since the day I started with these sections I help more at home; on Fridays.
Sundays for me are very heavy, tedious days and where the only one that doesn't seem that way to me is surrounded by people who, like me, love literature and its tentacles. Between the boys and me we have fun to such an extent that we ourselves become the protagonists of our day; a sacred day, as many of us say.

Apart from these activities I have nothing else planned for this, so close weekend.

The photos are my property.

My native language is Spanish, I use the translator Yandex


Sharing is a very positive value to recharge daily life.


That's right, sharing with good friends is one of the best therapies. Thanks for commenting, have a nice day
