Social Education and Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPSPP) Working Meeting



The Ulul Albab Plesungan Kapas Bojonegoro Social Education and Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YPSPP) Work Meeting was held on December 11 and 12, 2024, which was attended by all existing institutions, namely TPQ Muslimat NU Nurul Ummah 03, MADIN Ulul Albab, KB Muslimat NU Nurul Ummah 02, TK Muslimat NU Nurul Ummah 16, MI Unggulan Ulul Albab and MTs Unggulan Ulul Albab, the purpose of this Work Meeting was to prepare activities that will be carried out in the next 1 year, both academic and non-academic activities, on the first day, Wednesday,



it began with a pilgrimage to the tomb of KH Wahab Hasbullah Tambakberas Jombang, then a pilgrimage to the tomb of KH Hasyim Asy'ari, KH Wahid Hasyim, KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur in Tebuireng Jombang, after that the journey continued to Batu To go to the palace villa, upon arrival there take a break first by cooking for lunch, while enjoying the villa facilities,



namely swimming in the fairly cold swimming pool, after eating continued with Maghrib prayers and after Isha, a work meeting was held for each institution above, after 2 hours of carrying out the work meeting, dinner was continued and a tour of the Batu square was held until 22.30, continued with barbecue activities, namely sausages, corn and others while enjoying the cold of Batu city until 00.00, continued on the second day in the morning before breakfast, joint gymnastics were carried out around the pool area after that from 08.30 to 10.00 a Plenary Work Meeting was held to convey the programs of each institution and discussed those that had not been carried out in one year after that it was closed with a prayer and finished the Plenary Work Meeting was ready to go home while stopping by the Delaponte Santerro flower garden which is also in Batu,



after finishing in Santerro, this went home to Bojonegoro with the results of the work meeting and a million beautiful memories ... hopefully useful. fans can implement the results of the work meeting and make the madrasah achieve ... Aamiin

