Why is grass greener on the other side of the fence

Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. I am finally back after so many days to post something here in this community. I hope my entry will be well received.

There are many things which tell us and teach us the important life lessons. This idiom also shows a valuable life lesson. To be honest with you all, I have never had such experience in my life, but I am grateful that my parents have taught me so many things and this is one of them.

My parents have raised me in ways which make me feel forever grateful to them. I have always been told by them to avoid the rat race in which everyone is running aimlessly.

I think that when I compare myself with others in this rat race, I will lose my happiness once and for all. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

I hope I am making things clear. The thought is that One side of my family was well to do while the other is not so privileged. I, as a kid, used to see that the grass was always greener on the other side, but there is not just one thing that makes one happy or satisfied. It is not the surface that matters, It is the deeper truth and satisfaction that truly matter in life. This is what we should pursue in life.

Gracias amigos for stopping by. I hope my blog was worth your time. I have taken these pictures with my Samsung Galaxy S22 in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Samsung Galaxy S22Islamabad


Hi @saimgopang34 I liked your reflections and your feelings about life, I am sure you will do very well with your experiences, the love of the family is strength and is in a special place, as you express it. My father used to say “From the race only tiredness remains” to teach us that we must be steady and constant but not accelerated, think and rethink our actions, to redirect our sense. It has been an honor and a real pleasure to go through this publication, until another occasion, I hope to see you in the next meetings, to share reflections and nourish us with experiences. Health and well-being !LUV !LOLZ

Hola @saimgopang34 me han gustado tus reflexiones y tus sentimientos ante la vida, estoy segura que te irá muy bien con tus experiencias, el amor de la familia es fuerza y está en un lugar especial, como tu lo expresas. Mi padre solía decir «De la carrera solo queda el cansancio» para enseñarnos que debemos ser firmes y constantes pero no acelerados, pensar y repensar nuestras acciones, para reconducir nuestro sentido. Ha sido un honor y un verdadero placer pasar por esta publicación, hasta otra ocasión, espero verte en los próximos encuentros, para compartir reflexiones y nutrirnos de experiencias. Salud y bienestar.
