Look at the greenery and clouds

Hi photographers. I was going through the archives. This is where I found a lovely picture. I love the clouds and since there not many of them where I live these clouds are a rarity for us.

I read somewhere that when you are looking at things from a different perspective or a view point, you'll always find beauty there.

I will also say that clouds are a form of poetry. These have inspired artists for many many centuries. Novelists have written stories on clouds and whatnot. Clouds coupled with mountains is a blissful view and you'll easily find such views here.

Clouds leave a psychological impact on me. No matter how bad of a day I am having, when I see such clouds, my mood will be uplifted within no time.

These clouds also function as messengers giving us signals about how the weather is going to be.

Thanks for stopping by. How is this picture of the day..? How did it make you feel? I have taken it with my Samsung galaxy S22

Samsung Galaxy S22clouds
