
This is is a lie, a patent lie, the truth is that 'today is the better half of tomorrow'. I didn't realise that until a week ago. The thing is we have always been told that tomorrow will be better than today but is the tomorrow not the today we were hoping for? Why then say it's better.
See I got admitted to the university 8-9 years ago, while in school all I could think of was the day I will be giving my certificate. Never made memories, I can recall the only thing I do is wake up in the morning and count the hours remaining for me to leave that environment.
Why am I telling you this, that's because 'tomorrow will be better than today' is a notion we are always being told, so I only looked at tomorrow never really appreciating today.
If you think I am lieing how many of you are enjoying the journey of making HBD on HIVE community?. Most of us like me are just waiting for the prize and the cash out eventually.
Relating the statement to what we do here, enjoy the process and enjoy the journey, enjoy the road.
A friend once told me she likes travelling a lot but she doesn't like the road, to her the destination is more important than the road, infact if she can even disappear and appear there she would prefer it more. Not me oo, I will be wild awake counting the trees. I guess that's only thing I enjoy today more than tomorrow. Before my realisation that is.
Okay let's look at preparing for Christmas, or Salah or any celebration, how many of us really laughed while preparing and made memories. Frankly speaking only few really do enjoy the process. We wake up on the day of the celebration and then the next day and we realise it is over. Then we begin to wonder if the stress was worth it, don't know about you but I do. The today which will define the tomorrow is it's better half. Make the decisions today and make them count, because when the Tomorrow reaches it will still just be another today. Why not make every today count then.
What I am saying may look like a motivational post but it not. Okay, okay it's a little bit, but don't think of it as one, after reading ask yourself will tomorrow be better than today, if the tomorrow which is a product of what you do today?.
Huh, you will now see it to be a lie. Have you watched that Sydney's comedy were he was saving for a better tomorrow when he should be enjoying his today, when he died his next of kin blew everything in a day on dorime.
No, I no talk sey make you no save please, but make a plan, e fit be 20:35:40:5 were 20 is the saving 35 emergency 40 enjoying and living in the TODAY, and 5 charity. You can plan yours but remember tomorrow is the hope of a better today. Please na circle.
I am only thankful I came to decode the lie before it was too late. But well the community ask for my own realisation of a lie, I just gave mine as blunt and as honest as I could. It may not be true to you but a friend once told me 'there is fact and then there is truth'. You know how those learned colleagues are.
I know you can relate try to reflect a little, it's not as subjective as you think, it's completely true and plane. If you don't know it before know it now that it is a bloody lie, made for us not to truly live. By the time you realise this, you are in your old age. Hay I am neither encourage laziness or laxity, I am only saying reward yourself with the benefits of today not hope tomorrow will be better enjoyed. I am not still saying go and buy yourself a car you can't fuel because you want to reward yourself, common we are not children.
If I poke a nerve comment it's @hivenija, if I violated any community rules please let m know and temper justice with mercy.

Source sorry the inleo app is just keep reloading with error once I put the Photo by Anna Tarazevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/wooden-scrabble-tiles-with-message-8110774/photo under source here is the source

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This holds truth. We can't even enjoy celebrations anymore. Because after celebrating, the next thing is the guilt and stress wondering if spending was even worth it.


You get the point. I can't even recall my graduation.


There's a lot of wisdom to this. I must admit that I interpreted the quote quite differently. But looking at it from your perspective of living in the moment and appreciating the process makes a great deal of sense.

Love the way you went about this, dear. Nicely written.

P.S: Spaces in between your paragraphs makes the entire post more aesthetically pleasing. Please do consider that.🌺


Thanks I will do much better.
I really appreciate the input.


Yeah, it is all over the place to be honest. We now have to worry about tomorrow, being lied to is hell.


It really hell.
I appreciate the fact that you realised it me.


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