Storing bread in the refrigerator
In the battle of life, none of us can be successful warriors. Thousands of disappointments surround us. Similarly, I am also a person who constantly tries to write and share with you. But some of my personal problems can be called laziness, due to which I do not get anything done. Even then, I try to share my personal experience with you. Today, I will talk to you about a new topic. It would be wrong to say that it is new. The topic may be very old for you, but it is very new and unique for me.
So let's talk about a new topic. The new topic is bread preservation. That is, we often find that we cannot make bread due to busy schedules. What can I say about those who have a lot of diabetes problems? They do not have problems without eating bread, but with eating rice. So those who cannot do the work with a lot of time can preserve bread in a short time and later, when you need it, you can fry the bread and eat it.
I tried to save it the way I saw it on YouTube. At first, I made a dough. Actually, my mom is not at home and has gone to my uncle's house. I can't handle everything alone. Meanwhile, I have studies and college. So what I did at first was to make the dough and then make bread from it. After making the bread, I covered it with paper so that one side wouldn't touch the other.
Then what I did was put one on top of the other with plastic so that the bread doesn't get wet, that is, when you use paper, the paper will absorb the water in the bread, due to which the bread won't stick to one another and there won't be any problem later. If you want, you can use tissue. Since I didn't have tissue, I used a piece of paper. Then what I did was put it in the fridge.
You can keep it the way I kept it and if you don't like it then you can keep it in your difference method too it is your preference then what I did was I kept it covered nicely for about two or three days I got the roti to freeze well I didn't take that much time next I took it out from the bridge and fried it. And the whole family enjoyed eating it very much. If you like it a little different then you can fry it with oil as my brothers like to eat paratha a lot so for me it was very good because I enjoyed eating it more because I fried it with oil.
Actually, we girls may not know a lot, but due to the situation, we have to learn a lot or are learning. We understand a lot every day. I am learning everything. Today I shared a different experience with you. Don't forget to tell me how the experience was. I always try to share my experiences and feelings with you. Maybe it doesn't happen due to lack of time. Even then, I try. In fact, I am very happy and feel much better when I read your writings in front of me. I like studying a lot more, so sometimes I feel comfortable reading your writings.