Papaya flower photography
Time changes very quickly, but we cannot complete our tasks in time. We think that if we could have arranged our lives a little differently, then maybe life would have been more beautiful, but that doesn't happen anymore. One thing that works in us is jealousy. If someone rises a little higher, we try to suppress them through jealousy and arrogance.
If our lives were like flowers, how wonderful it would be, wouldn't it? But instead of arranging our lives like flowers, we try to arrange them a little differently. Let me tell you one thing, no matter how much you do in life, your hard work will always be with you. Time will teach you what you should do, and who you are harming. The One who is sitting above is watching everything.
But I think if you do good to them without harming anyone, then they will remember you. We will not survive in this world, but our karma will. That's why I have heard from many people that if your karma is good, then you will be able to survive in this world with people. Try to be by their side by doing good to them throughout your life, not by deceiving them. And if you can't do that, then of course you should keep your distance from them. Even then, I would request you not to harm anyone.
I was feeling very bad since morning, so I went outside and took a little walk. Many of you have heard that taking a walk outside is very beneficial for our health. I haven't had much contact with any of my friends for a long time. Suddenly, a friend of mine told me that he had a problem going to their house, but he didn't tell me what the problem was.
Then I also came home and got ready. After getting ready, what I did was take everything from my wife. After that, I left for their house. There were not many cars on the road. In fact, nothing was visible due to the cold, which made me feel even worse. I didn't know what to do. Then I got everything ready. I started walking. I had nothing else to do but walk.
After a while, I got everything ready, then what I did was after a while, I saw a car that I liked a lot on the road. I got into the car and quickly got ready to go. The car owner was driving very slowly because I couldn't see anything due to the fog. I didn't know what to do. Meanwhile, my friend kept calling me and was annoying me. I was telling him that I was coming, but I didn't understand what had happened.
However, when we got there, we found that they had all planned a picnic together, which I didn't know at all. What I saw later made me very angry with them. They had actually started making fun of me. I haven't been in touch with anyone for a few days. They made this plan with me to find out why I haven't been in touch with them due to some personal problems of my own.
I was not involved or knew about the plan at all, then I joined them in the plan and we spent almost a day at their house. In fact, when I went to their roof, beautiful flowers were blooming in the papaya tree. Seeing those flowers, I thought how good it would be if our lives were like these flowers, blooming in the morning and ending in the evening. How short and short our lives are, yet we are very proud of our lives. This short life will only end with death, so never be proud of life. We don't know if you and I will ever live in this world, but one day we have to leave everything, so try to have good relations with people as much as you can, everyone will be fine.