My Favorite Kind Of Smell || W.E #203

Growing up, we were taught that the nose is an organ used for smell and while some smells are very foul which makes us want to quickly get away from whatever is causing it, other smells are so great that send a kind of signal to our brain and also bring smiles to our faces, making us long for it the more.

These smells can come from different things. Some of them end up being our favorite and I must say these kinds of smells differ for every individual.

The first on my list of favorite smells is the smell of Coffee. This is because coffee is my favorite beverage. I always make sure I take a cup of a hot steaming cup of coffee daily.


Waking up daily with a cup of coffee in my hands always makes my day so smooth. It makes me so active and keeps me alert. The smell of coffee is heavenly and comforting. Taking a long sip immediately brings me warmth.

Another on the list of my favorite smells is the smell of Food. Especially home-cooked meals. Call me crazy but the smell of food turns my frown into a smile.

I can remember when I was younger. As soon as I get back from school and am greeted with the aroma of food, I will smile so hard. Nothing gets me into the shower quicker than knowing that I will be having a taste of that delicious meal afterward.

I have heard cases where some people say that they get tired of eating after cooking. Not me, I mostly have to restrain myself from eating the food directly from the fire and as soon as the food is ready, I don't hesitate to eat to my full.


The third on my list of favorite smells is the smell of pure, unrefined Coconut Oil. I mean the ones locally made which don't have any form of additives or preservatives. Just pure, raw, locally made coconut oil.

I stay close to Badagry in Lagos state known for having a large supply of coconuts. What with all the palm trees around? There is always availability of coconut in abundance.


Now coconut oil can be made with different methods but the one I prefer most is one fried 😍😍😍😍. I always feel like just taking a gallon and drinking it while smearing it all over my body from my hair down to my feet.

I always purchase coconut oil a lot because I use it on my skin and my hair. The feeling I always get after taking my bath and rubbing this coconut oil all over my skin and hair is one I couldn't describe with words alone.

I also use coconut oil in my meals because it gives a kind of unique taste to my food. Of course, I always use it in moderation since it also contains fat.

There are more on my list of favorite smells but these three are ones you will always find in my home.

Thank you all for reading.

All images used are mine.
