Family Planning And Birth Control
In this part of the world where I live, people shy away from sex talk as they don't want to be tagged a promiscuous person. Even adults who have attained the legal age and above find it difficult to engage in conversations centered around sex. Even our parents don't tell us anything and keep us in the dark but then they just expect us to know it like it should be inborn.
I think it is worse for women, especially those who are not exposed to formal education. Take for instance, a woman going into marriage with no knowledge of family planning, birth control or even heard of the word Contraceptives. What is she expected to do? Because I bet one thing she knows is that she is expected to bear children in her marriage and these women will keep on having more children than the family can cater for.
We learned right from school that there are different birth control methods but how do you know the best one for you if you can't even talk about it for fear of being faced with embarrassment?
Even for people who are learned, most women cannot confidently go to a pharmacy to buy condoms (either male or female) without being sized up and down or being stared at in a weird way.
Some women who summon the courage to seek advice from their friends on how to go about birth control will end up using the one that will have side effects on their body. The birth control method a person uses might not work for another which is why people should only take advice from professionals in that field.
In the case of family planning, I believe both parties should come together to discuss that irrespective of what other people might say. Every married couples should be able to decide on their on the number of children they want, except people who have one or two medical conditions that might hinder them from having their desired number of children. Still, for those having these problems, I believe science has taught us that there are other methods they can explore.
Some couples also allow societal
pressure to influence their decisions on family planning. In some cases, we see people who might have decided on having two children from the outset ends up changing their decisions due to pressure from their relatives, friends and others,forgetting that those people pressuring them to have more children won't be assisting them in raising the children.
Then there are those who believe in ”children brings what to survive on along with them” or ”The next child will probably be the one to uplift the family” mentality and keep on adding more children into the family.
While I am not against people giving birth to as many as they want, what I don't like is them disturbing other people for financial assistance to raise their children,especially from people who are also striving themselves.
Everytime couples engage in sexual relations, there is a likelihood of pregnancy occurring especially when both of them are not using any birth control method.
This is why there should be more awareness on family planning and birth control. People should also be able to seek medical advice in order to know the type of birth control that works for them.
Family Planning and Birth Control is accepted in my country but I believe it should be accepted universally. The fact that we were told to come into the world and multiply doesn't necessarily mean we should literally keep on multiplying.
This is my response to the #augustinleo prompt for Day 6. If you are interested in participating, check this out;
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I think some women are shy to buy condom because of religion. People will immediately suggest a lot of things which could be very embarrassing.
Family planning is good, a lot of women are trying to adopt the perfect one for them.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for reading