CreativeNonFiction #105 ~ Everyone Has Bad Days

“Everyone has bad days” I never used to believe this is the same for everyone as I felt that there are some certain people who can/should never have bad days because of their kind of person.

I mean, why would someone who is always happy have a bad day? Or so I thought.

I remember back when I was still in my first year in school, I befriended a course mate of mine. Her name is Sara.This girl is the definition of happiness. Her free- spirited nature attracted me to her and we hit it off immediatel and it felt like we've known each other since forever.

We would attend classes and afterwards proceed to a spot under a large tree in the school compound. We would lie on the grass and gist till our next class. She always have the latest 411 about things happening around the school because her place is not far from the school.


It also helped that we had almost the same taste in everything. Food, music, fashion style and so on. I am always looking forward to seeing her everyday in school and reluctant to leave when we are done for the day because we live in opposite directions.

I could remember one day, I witnessed something on my way home and I was eager to tell the “juicy story” to my friend.

“Should I call her and tell her”?, I thought but I later decided against that as I felt the story will be interesting to tell, face to face.

The next day ,I got ready to go to school.

“I can't wait to gist with this girl”, I said to myself, as I looked forward to the conversation we would be having during our free time. How we would laugh and shout gleefully. “I bet she would laugh hard at this story I want to tell her”, I said silently.

As I got to the school gate, I sighted her from afar, coming from the other direction, I waved at her trying to get her attention. She saw me and I decided to wait for her so we could go down to the lecture Hall together.

As she approaches me I noticed, she walks lazily, dragging her feet as if she was being forced to move her feet. I tried engaging her in some conversations and she was giving mono-syllabic responses, practically nodding her head instead of using words.

I tried asking her what was wrong but she answered with “I'm fine”. I knew there might be something bothering her because her mood is a far cry from the bubbly mood she always wear. In fact, anyone meeting her for the first time that day might assume she is probably one who snubs people not knowing she is a chatterbox.

She was in such a bad mood that it began to affect some things she does.

First, as soon as we got into the hall, she tried adjusting the handle to her bucket bag, and it pulled off, throwing the contents in her bag on the floor. I quickly bent down to help her pick them back into her bag. She muttered a thank you as we went to take a seat in the Hall.

The lecturer started lecturing and we decided to take notes, she brought out her note, only to find out she brought the wrong note to school.

I told her not to worry as I would lend her my note, so she can make hers when she gets back home.

All through the lecture, I was stealing glances at her but her face gave nothing away.

“Babe, what's wrong na?”, “I am not loving this look at all”, I asked, as I was really worried because I haven't seen her like that before.

She gave a weak smile and told me nothing was wrong. I decided to not push it any farther as I figured she would tell me whatever is troubling her whenever she is ready.

My mood was also dampened that day because she is the only one I mostly relate with. After we were done with all our lectures for the day, she told me she is going home. I offered to accompany her a bit but she told not to bother and waved goodbye.

On my way home that day, I couldn't help but wonder what the problem was. Is she having troubles at home? Did I wrong her in any way? Is something troubling her? All these thoughts were running through my mind.

The next day in school, she was already in the hall waiting for me and she screamed my name like she used to alerting me of where she is sitting.

I quickly rushed down to seat beside her and like a switch, I saw she was back to her old self.

“Babe, what happened yesterday”?, I quiered, trying to get answers to the questions that has been bugging me.

“Nothing happened, really, I wasn't just in the mood to talk much”. She said, while waving it off.

“Really? You were not just in the mood?”, I said, while I search her face for any form of mischief but she just laughed.

“I never thought I would see the day where you would wake up on the wrong side of the bed”, I said, still shaking my head in disbelief.

“What!, I'm human too you know, we all have our bad days”, she said while laughing.

“I guess we do”, I resigned, finally changing the topic of our conversation.

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Lol, Sara is right. Everyone has a bad day but some have it more than others.


Bad days are very common in our lives, we must learn to live with them and we cannot change a destiny that is unavoidable, Luckily, not all days are the same and at the end of one a new one arrives.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.


Thank you so much for reading.


Something about someone you're very close to experiencing a bad day is that you automatically feel like you're experiencing one too. I like that you're such a good friend to Sara. Thank you for sharing ☺️


Yeah exactly, especially when you guys are best friends. If that persons day then your's will be spent trying to make theirs better


Sara is me; we don't have bad days but the days we do the whole world wonders if we are okay. Interesting writeup btw


Thank you so much for stopping by.
