My Hidden Personality
Hello everyone,
Hope we all had a good day, todays topic is a very interesting one, we all have hidden personalities that no one knows about until some certain time or event unfolds, we are all nature of habits, but we all have hidden habits that in turn shapes our Personality.
For some people, courage is thier personality some people cowar outwardly, they wear a mask of cowardice because they don't feel the need to impress anybody, you only see thier courage whenever it is greatly needed.
Myself is a good example of a hidden personality, i use to be a timid and quiet boy, i was an introvert, was respectful to elders, never stepping beyond boundaries and i was usually bullied verbally, i prefer replying an insult with silence, rather than burst into anger, i was very shy too' i wouldn't speak whenever there was a beautiful girl around for fear of speaking out of turn or tune.
My mum always fights with me for not speaking or defending myself verbally whenever i was talked down on by another person or abused by those i am above in age, but that doesn't mean i am a coward.
People mistake gentility for stupidity or cowardice, being gentle is a gift, if used well being gentle really helped me, though i was not the guy who got the girls in college but now i can get any girl i want, the person i was then shaped me to the man i am now
I later became an activist, speaking out for people who haven't found thier voice, and i am also motivate people in seminars, being on my own has its own peck, it has allowed me to study and when others are fighting🤭,
However being quiet and gentle didn't kill the fun in me i catch fun when i can, i also know and play most sport, like basketball, volleyball, table tennis, football being my favorite, just to name a few, the person my hidden personality shocked the most is my mother, she didn't know i had it in me, most people start and end up as an introvert, not being able to express themselves even when they become an adult, many people thought i would never be the type that speaks out, especially in front of people, whenever i give presentations or motivate people by their hundreds i see the surprise and disbelief in people's faces, because i do i without even flinching, it's as if i have been doing it my whole life.
It is better to surprise people than to please them, don't become an open book, if people can anticipate your every move you won't command respect, be a mystery to people, let the crack thier brain trying to figure you out, that way they wouldn't underestimate you ever again.
Thanks for your time.