Visiting the Newly Opened Shop In Front of Our House With Mama and the Oldies: A Good Find of Bag, Shoes, and Wallet

There's a newly opened shop in front of our house, it's called S. Maki Shop. They sell shoes, bags, wallets, clothes, umbrellas, and many more. I am the one who's more excited about this shop because it says "JAPAN ITEMS," as if to highlight it, it's written in big letters. Meaning, it's not made in China, which I often encounter in some shops that sell pre-loved items. And what made me happier is that it is just so close to our home - just a few steps, and I can already explore their shop. Yippeeee to that! \(^o^)/

And then, a day after their opening, we decided to visit and check on their items. It's actually Mommy F who dragged me here. I'm actually planning to save first before going in here, but Mom can't wait any longer. And so we're here. Mama is with us too, but she doesn't stay longer because she's cooking at that time when she decides to come here. Seriously, lol, the perks of when a shop is that close to our home. Lol. We can visit a nearby shop and leave the stove for a minute, lol.

Anyways, they already displayed a lot of items, but there's more actually at the storage, more boxes from Japan. According to the owner, there's a lot more coming here. I think her son or daughter is working abroad, and they send the items here in the Philippines, and then, just like what they are currently doing now, they are doing good business out of it. But sadly, I can't tell if these items are legit Japan items. But there are names at the back of the items, and they're in Japanese.

See └( ^ω^)」. By the way, these pants here caught my eye because they have a thick fabric. I think it's a nice fabric, and it looks new. When I asked them how much it is, they said it is 200 PHP, but they can give it to us for 180 PHP only. Not a bad deal, yeah? But then, lol, here comes my stingy self, lolol - I back out because I think I have no use of that. I don't even go outside, so where would I use it? Right? Right? I should be wise spending my money, lolol.

And here's moreeeee, with the bags and sunglasses. I'm sure a lot of students and women will flock here if they know there are pretty bags in here too. Some even have branded names. Not sure though if they are legit ones, lol. Maybe not, or maybe yes, I didn't really ask.

Here they are. I think these brands are luxury items, no? They are expensive. So it is really impossible for them to be a legit one, but who knows (≧▽≦). No matter what, if people love the design, they will buy it for sure.

Here's more footwear that is made in Japan. This one looks pretty, though. I think it will look good in formal clothes. What do you think?

And these sandals! Omg, this one's so heavy. I think this is a legit Japan item. It's heavy, and the condition of it is still good. I want to get it, but I can't really decide.

And here's more, Japan Footwear definitely has that different vibe compared to the Philippines' s footwear. I'm too ashamed to say this, but there are footwear items in our country that didn't last that long. I mean, they are only a cheap copy, so the price is also cheap. It's like they are only good for months of use. It's still better to buy the expensive one or a well-known brand for its quality. It's expensive, but you can use it for a year.

And look what I found, guys - Keds shoes. I think it's a well-known brand, right? I'm still not sure if it's legit Keds, but the design is really cool. Simple but black is beautiful, so, that's what makes these shoes really cool. But too bad it's not fit to my feet, lol. I'm 39, and this one's 36, I think.

We finished browsing the store, but I couldn't get anything for myself. Meanwhile, Mommy F got a folding umbrella while Mommy D got a bag and a purse.

Oh, let me add this one too, it's a newly bought one and really just out of the box, lol. A converse shoe this time. And this one seems legit. The fabric is effing denim, and it's thick. What the H! It looks so cool, but the inside got some dot, like dirt, but it's inside, and no one will surely check the look of its inside, right? Lol. The outside is what's important! Uwu. And this is for my mommy F, by the way, not mine, lolol. ┏(^0^)┛

And here's another of Mommy D's grabs on Maki S shop (≧▽≦). A shoe, a coin purse, and a wallet, cheap but affordable. Heh.

So the oldies got budoled, and I didn't. I didn't give in to temptation that was why, hihi.
prices!! where are prices!!;))
You'll have to ask them, they will tell you the price. It's really depends, you can also get a little discount (≧▽≦)
Que lugar tan interesante, debe ser muy entretenido estar allí entre tantos artículos para comprar
Yeo, really entertaining, we get to see different kind of items,band design too ┏(^0^)┛
Oemjii that one brown wallet kinda looks like my wallet! Those shoes are in well condition, those will be expensive when you buy them in the mall.
Hehehe, some of the item here especially the bags looks really new. And the price range as from 20 to 200 php. I haven't encounter an item here that worth over 200. Ehehe. Glad theybare just in front of our house.
madam okay pa yung sandal at converse... kunting laba lang hehe...
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Kaya nga madam, sayang yong sandals diko ni grab. Pero sure kasi marami pang padating especially second day palang that time
@ruffatotmeee their products are looking good and beautiful 😍
Righttttr? And they have good prices too for eveeything.
I wish we have that kind of store in here
I'm sure soon you'll have this too in there. Tagal kong hinintay tong ganitong store samin but now its finally here. Ehe
That's a nice collection. Well wishes to you and mamma.
Heyooo, thanks └( ^ω^)」
I like the bags. Magkano Kaya Yun, yung mga branded😁😬.
Murayta laang, 200, depende lang nga sa size. Ang gaganda ano? Si mother naka isa na tas puro wallet yony iba
Hey good you didn't fall into temptation. The good thing is it close. Now you can save more and go back. Next time you go you probably have an idea how much and what to get, hehe
Ehehehe, i'm proud of myself. Lolol. The oldies asking me why I haven't buy anything but I just told them I don't have money, lolol. I'll go back in there for sure and buy what I want.
Oh yeah, I think you are wise in spending on the necessary stuff rather than items that wouldn't be worth it. Lol
It's nice and cool having such a shop very close to your house. If it's also a student area, the shop would always make huge sales every time. I wouldn't mind visiting for a few stuff too if I happen to be there or have a shop like that in my area but as it is, one must be wise in spending.
Hehehe, we should really practice that so thay we can save lots of money for the future.
I actually see lots of students visiting this shop. There's a highschool nearby here so they can visit anytime, same with some college students. I think they found a good place to open their shop here. Ehe.