The Best Moment on the Night of Christmas: Mommy F's First Time Visiting the Park, Mama Came Rushing to Follow Us, and My Greatest Moment with Them, Taking Bunch of Photos
Whenever I go visit the park, it is always Mama I am with. I often asked the oldies to come with us, but they'd rather rest early than go out at night. I understand them, of course, it's not like they are still in their prime where they can go out and have fun outside whenever they want. Ah, but there are times that Mommy D would want to come with me and Mama but always ended up not coming, her reason is she's already tired.
Even when I encourage her, she still wouldn't go. So in the end it's just me and Mama again. I always imagine the four of us having a night out in our amazing Plaza de Bansud, but, too bad, it's always a fail. There was that one time too, last December, after the night mass, we planned to go there, the four of us, but we weren't able to go because the oldies had a change of heart again. And there's also a light rain then, so that's another reason that's why we couldn't do it.

Then December 25 came, it was Mommy F who planned it. It was originally the four of us, but then Mommy D couldn't make it, saying she's already tired. With traveling back and forth from here to their house, I can understand her, she's already tired. Even Mama didn't want to come because she's looking after her dogs, Uno and Tabachoy. So yeah, it is just me and Mommy F. Even if it's just us, she's really determined to come visit the Park. And there we are.

When we arrived, she was in awe because the Park had changed already. I can't really remember the time she last visited the park during the night. Although she can see it during the day, it's still different when it's nighttime. She'll get to see a lot of amazing things, thanks to the beautiful and colorful Pailaw. It's different too if just seeing it online, it's still a lot better to see it with our own eyes. Mom's really happy during our visit here last Christmas.

Here's our selfies ┏(^0^)┛. Mom wants us to have a photo together and not just her alone. Lol. By the way, she's wearing the shirt I gave to her last Christmas ┏(^0^)┛.

We had more picture taking in different spots here in Plaza de Bansud. Mom especially. She's really happy with this picture taking. She also said that I should post this on her Facebook account, which I did, lol. She's so eager to show her friends that she got to visit the park that night. I can sense her excitement. Lol

I say this is one of my best moments from last year. I'm happy because Mom's leg is okay that day and not in pain. Because if she's in pain, we probably won't make it. So thank God, she's super okay that day. And so, we got lots of memories during our 2024 Christmas celebration.

But this is the most wonderful moment of that night, tadaaaaaaa. Mama, my biological mom, decided to come and follow us. She said the dogs are okay, so she decided to come. And here we are in this amazing moment. According to Mama, she also invited Mommy D to come with her to follow us, but Mommy D declined. So we're not complete, still, it's okay. I'm with my two mothers, so what more would I ask for?.
Omg, I just noticed I made the same pose in my photos with Mom, lolol (≧▽≦)
Lead Image Edited on Canva.
They look so happy and healthy, too, it seems like they had a great time.
I bet your holiday went very well.
Yep we all had a good time, I wish we can do this more often though
Que lindas fotos en familia
Thank you 😊😊✨
Looks like a fun time had by all
I used to be a night owl going out often at night, these days my going out is during the dya seldom if ever go out at night
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
It really is a fun tim, I love my moments with them 😊
There's a wonderful feels though whenever we can go out at night. ✨✨