Vegetarians are healthy people

Being a vegetarian is not a bad thing and neither is it a disease but whenever people discover that you are a vegetarian they look at you as if you are crazy or something, that is how people behave here in my country, I don't know about other countries.


Here in Nigeria, there are not many people who are vegetarian at least I haven't heard of anyone around me lately who is a vegetarian but I am sure there are people who don't like to eat meat or fish, they just cherish vegetables more.

Who doesn't like good things? Vegetables have a lot of vitamins and it is healthy for everyone, both young and old people, meanwhile, some old people were told to stop eating meat because it might affect their health.

At least I know someone who was told in the hospital not to eat meat again because too much meat for her would cause problems to her health.

Unlike vegetables, anyone can have it with any kind of food they want.

When I was a kid, my mom didn't have money to buy meat or fish and all that she could afford was vegetables, so one day I was outside eating rice and vegetables as usual and one of my peers in the area came and she said, "How come you guys don't eat anything else than vegetables?".

She continues, "We do eat meat and fish in our house, so why are you people eating without meat,".

That question made me angry and lost my appetite immediately, so I went inside crying. My mom asked what happened and I explained, she replied to me and said, "People who eat vegetables are healthier than people who eat meat, so don't mind her," after my mom said that I felt relieved because what matters to me is my health, even though I was little and I don't know important it is to stay healthy but I believed what my mom told me that day.

Since that day I have known that vegetables are very good and healthy for human consumption, I still love vegetables so much even though I am not a vegetarian but I can't go a week without eating vegetables.

When I was in the university, I met a vegetarian and that was when I knew some people don't eat fish or meat not because they are sick but because they just don't like them, some of my housemates treated her differently as if she has some sort of disease but because of what my mom told me I was able to understand the girl perfectly, even though she didn't explain why she became a vegetarian.

We became friends but I do eat meat while she doesn't.
Later I googled to see how healthy vegetables are because the girl in question looked so healthy and beautiful and then I found out that vegetables are very good for the body and could do more than what meat can do in the body, but still I couldn't became a vegetarian but I love them.

After I graduated I lost my phone and that was how I couldn't reach my vegetarian friend again, ever since then I haven't come across any vegetarians, and I miss her because when I saw this prompt she was the first person that came to my mind.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



I had someone like that , a vegan during my university days..I used to think that why she doesn't eat meat is because she can't afford it


Lol it is beyond that sis though I don’t know her reasons sha


I also didn't know vegetables are so healthy and delicious until I became vegetarian myself. There are so many colourful vegetables and fruits to fill our lives with taste and Joy. It's filling and nutrition rich as well. !PIZZA


Yeah vegetables are so healthy and good for the body
