Gasteracantha hasselti

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Gasteracantha hasselti10-02-2024Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Hello Hivers

Hello friends, this time I again found an interesting species of spider, it has a beautiful body shape and color to look at, here are some pictures that I managed to get

Gasteracantha hasselti

This spider has spines on its back, and at first glance it looks like a crab spider, but it doesn't have the legs (thighs) that crab spiders have, or more accurately it could be said that this spider has spines. on their back which is also a means of personal protection for them

These thorns are very sharp and will also cause pain if hit by them, some sources even say that these thorns are venomous

The size of this spider is not too big, but its bright color makes this type of spider look very striking even when it is behind the leaves.

The shape of the nest is also very interesting, but unfortunately I accidentally damaged the nest, and he was trying to repair the nest when I photographed it, and maybe that's all I can share for this time, thank you and see you next time

Camera usedSmartphone
LensMacro Apexel
PhotographyGasteracantha hasselti
LocationAceh Indonesia
Edite Imagelightrhoom

Link to originalcommunity
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