Hashtag Genocide

Merry Xmas Dancing Child Bomb Targets (and Journal) 2023. Acrylic on canvas, 54 x 54"

Hi Ecency and the Hive machine,

I am 14 weeks into a year long project where I keep my income and expenses below the poverty line in order to avoid paying taxes to the United States military industrial complex. I am back into crypto-social media because it is crazy that I ever disregarded it:) Over the next several days I will get readers up to speed on how it’s been going since I began accounting for every penny, and staying low so I don’t vicariously murder earthling flora and fauna with U.S. explosives. I was late in my third week:

Hashtag Genocide 2024. Acrylic on loose canvas, 20 x 23"

I am starting to feel strange. Real fucking crazy strange. Like my neighbors are zombies strange. Like up is down, right is left, dog is cat… I have great northern beans on the stove, simmering with chipotle, puya and arbol chiles. A chicken is roasting in the oven. In a couple hours I’ll make fresh corn tortillas, brown rice, and an enchillada sauce which will complete my volunteer poverty dinner plan for the evening. Rose will come home, kick off her snow boots and brace herself for the “why” cascade pouring out her husband’s mouth. Nothing new here. Just a genocide in real time. It’s cold. It’s January. What is the “it” in “It is cold and it is January”? For that matter, what is the “it” in “it is genocide”? I have 162 friends on Facebook, and I am the only person even hinting that my government is funding the mass murder of brown babies and their mothers, brothers, fathers and sisters. Look, a painting! Quaint. “Hashtag Genocide”. Oh that Ron, so sensitive.

I do see lots of “god help us here comes the old man prostate fart Trump gonna hashtag fascist us all over again”, that is, if hashtag Butcher Biden doesn’t get us all smoked to ash while performing actual hashtag genocide and cancelling primaries like an actual fascist.

Hashtag run-on-sentence.

We are 21st century zombies. Child zombies. 20, 30 years of hot propaganda and no adult parent I know can scrounge enough vocal empathy to call out the killers in a public forum? It hurts so much, but I’ll do it, in honor of the 10,000+ children blown to bits by our federal government and its bomb factories.

First, check out the U.N. fast facts page about hashtag genocide, so no one can call me crazy for fearing zombies out of thin air.

Now for me to make my history:

• Joe Biden is complicit in genocide.
• Congress is complicit in genocide.
• The Supreme Court is complicit in genocide. They are not hearing cases arguing against supplying a racist ethnostate with money and weapons to carpet bomb civilians.
• The Joint Chiefs of Staff is complicit in genocide. Yup, even Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the first woman to be nominated. What a lady killer! And a beau killer too. Son, daughter, father, mother, grandparent… Here we go hashtag brownbabiesdon’tmatter! Oops, can’t have an apostophe in a hashtag.

Here is a painting I made about friends not being able to call out Hell when Hell dresses up as an elephant (or lizard) and stands in the room.

Two American Friends and Their Propaganda 2024. Acrylic on loose canvas, 23 x 21"

Do you see the propaganda reptile? It’s got us by the sneaks. As Ani DiFranco once said in a song about snakes, “The mind control is deep here, man”.

I live in a liberal bubble, and sometimes it is Hell. Many of my friends think they are liberal. They are not. This is liberal:

Dear hashtag Butcher Biden, “Keep our country out of your mouth!”

Clare Daly wins “Orator of the Week” sponsored by The Heaven and Hell Daily News.

People who do not call out a genocide are something very different than liberal, conservative, democratic socialist, communist, what have you. Perhaps apolitical? Like zombies?

No. I think it’s just fear. Fear of fear. That and 20 - 30 years of endless corporate media propaganda. Even Steven Spielberg gets his ya-yas out over hashtag genocide. What a crazy Zionist! Speaking of Spielberg, a mind exercise and then I’ll get on pressing the tortillas. Watch the parts of Schindler’s List that make you most upset while viewing human beings do hell unto others whenever they think their lunches are threatened. That was genocide ’43. No hashtags back in the good ole days of industrial executions. Not much video either, although I do have photos my grandfather took when his troops “liberated” Dachau. Very disturbing. After watching the Schindler sniper shoot terrified people in a prison yard, switch over to this three week old, age-restricted video of a real time prison yard devastated. Age restricted? How weird is that? Gotta make sure the little ones don’t cry, I guess. Can’t have the bigger kids get rage-angry before Valentine’s Day. Not with all the fun TikTok-ing to be had:

I wonder if the journalist is still alive.

Probably not. As of today, 83 aren’t upright to witness what we’re too afraid to admit.

This government is committing genocide.

So far I’m the only one who matters to me that says this “out loud”.
