From the River to the Sea, the Choctaw Will Be Free

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From the River to the Sea, the Choctaw Will Be Free 2023. Acrylic on black-out curtain, 44 x 78"

Unfortunately Palestinians might suffer same fate without a World War III.

In 2012 I sent a letter to my then Congressional Representative John Katko to protest his pleasure trip to Israel. It was sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). 8 days in sunny Palestine for John and his wife to happily tan and meet with Israeli Prime Minister and super-killer Netanyahu. I don’t know how many visits he made after that one Stan Hoyer [D-MD] made 19 by 2019, but he never replied to defend his bribe, and thereafter became my political opponent. I dug a little deeper into how Congressional campaigns are funded, and realized Americans are disenfranchised, plain and simple. Any of us who play Democrat or Republican are really dumbed-down fools to ever think we have a say. Life and death legislation affecting any part of human earth the government is interested in exploiting (Ukraine for natural gas and coal, and the Middle East for oil), steals from the people and gives to the corporations and military (its own and others)—all highly authoritative, sociopathic institutions, and in the latter sense, actually against the freedom for those who serve it. In 2022, AIPAC was the top donor to Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) at a whopping $141,000. Small donations (<$200) accounted for 4% of his campaign contributions. Methinks 2024 will be the year to watch his AIPAC war chest rise in proportion to Palestinian grandmothers displaced. If you’re not disgusted in a system that allows its representatives to be bribed by foreign nations, and you vote for “the federal lessor of two evils” (no such thing), then YOU/me are the problem with the Republic. YOU/me are the empire pretending to be a citizen with a valued opinion, an important vote.

The Last Child Soul of Gaza to Value Your Opinion 2023. Oil on canvas, 24 x 21"

John Katko and Ritchie Torres do not contemplate your hopes, desires, dreams for a better world for our grandchildren. To be fair, I’ll pick a “Republican” to balance the proof. It turns out that Pete Sessions (R-TX) is already a faux-Christian crazy bat on Israel, so AIPAC needn’t bother with him. But it’s still instructive to see how the small donations fared for his last campaign. Under 1% of the total. My golly, the corporitos sure got his back!

Beyond funding mail delivery and providing free admission to some national parks, Washington D.C. does not work for the people. Lobbyist power is the culprit. As long as money can travel in and out of politics, outside power will bribe legislators and propagandize the people.

In a better system there would be zero dollars allowed into government. Theoretically, a New York State employee, cannot accept more than a cup of coffee from a vendor trying to push a new product or service. No donuts allowed. The worker bees follow this as well as they can hide it. Some are honest, some are not. The politicians are no different, even the most powerful ones, as evidenced by NY State Governor Kathy Hochul on her recent visit to the Apartheid state of Israel (in October). A $12,000 cup of coffee in support of carpet bombing civilians. And it wasn’t even a lobbyist who paid for it. It was New York State taxpayers. Even the Palestinian ones! In a healthy state of a worth-keeping republic, this level of corruption would not have delivered an amoral Hochul to such a high office. Dedicated civil servants would rise to the top. Sure, personality cults would be a potential danger to monitor. There is a basement room in government vacant for dedicated fanatics too. No system is perfect.

Huge populations living in states and nation states are disenfranchised.

That is why I am a philosophical anarchist. The corporate lobbyists of our world have painted a picture of anarchism that appears as an unshaven, unshowered Kurt Cobain look-alike Seattle barista hurling a Molotov cocktail at a McDonald’s Drive-thru. Do you share that picture in mind? Well, it’s a lie. Ta-da! Propaganda done awesome.

Since the start of Apartheid in Palestine 75 years ago (and its climax of rapid ethnic cleansing happening as I write), the U.S. military industrial complex (the fascists) have been practicing world domination without any threat of check on its power since World War II. It has over 750 foreign military bases around earth (there could be more—we’re not allowed to know). I want zero. And even less. That is my large political position as a philosopher, and fascist apologists are not in a clearer state of mind to sway my opinion. Ireland is a nation that I have been waking up to recently. It’s only foreign military presence is with soldiers stationed at U.N. bases in the Middle East. Ireland exists. It has a robust economy. It has righteous legislators. It has people outraged at ethic cleansing. Though exhibiting strong national pride, it is unfascist. It’s greatest strength and perhaps ruin will be acting as a moral “thorn in the side” of the European Union. If it would take me as a political refugee, I would leave this greedy child-hating hell-hole instantly and sweep its nation’s train station floors until the day I die.

Meanwhile, to keep the peasantry safe to exploit small while U.S. federal power controls tremendously, wrecking our world in real time, please pay attention to recent attempts made by government and corporate power to control our words and silence our pain. They got us laboring now (tax dollars) to bomb hospitals in Palestine, and with some success, actually censor our own feelings. This week’s flavor of social conditioning is punishing the nationalistic infidels who use the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Their number one contractually obligated billionaire maverick of penis rockets, Elon Musk, born into the white hopes of Apartheid South Africa, vows to knock off his newly purchsed for 45 billion dollar opinion network any account that writes that phrase into a widdle iddy-biddy tweety post.

By the way, his purchase of a gigantuan gossip network is nearly 2.5 times the GDP of Palestine.

If Elon was not such a perfect specimen of sociopath, he could sell his erectile rocket parts back to humanity at some forgivable level. Maybe sponsor Haitian efforts toward soil fertility. That would be nice. There are a million things he could do for the good of life. We could do one good thing for it, and arrest him now. Strip him of all but a million dollars of his wealth and burn it to ash, send him back into his little head fortress of arrogance, and say he got lucky to keep his life and freedom. Capitalism crap-shooted his wealth, and capitalism is the devil (so says my philosophical anarchism). Back to our poor little minds that have been propagandized to the hilt. We actually “believe” he has earned that enormous wealth and power from some magical 40 hour work week, and that if we sowed the same time and effort, we too would have the chance to reap billionairedom. The irony is that we are willing to trash our Bill of Rights to give billionaire sociopaths like Elon Musk the freedom to take away our 1st Amendment right.

Well, he doesn’t own this little blog space I use to keep socially sane. Not yet. I will state my week’s scattered thoughts in order to keep some record to some world in some time that does not yet, or might not ever exist. Dreamers dream. Smart dreamers write them down.

• From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

• I am against religions that do not expend all of their potential and kinetic energies trying to imitate the prophets. If Christianity doesn’t strive to do what Jesus did, then it is not Christianity. If Buddhists think Gautama was into oppressive state power and control, then Buddhists aren’t Buddhists. Likewise, Jews aren’t Jewish if they think nuclear-armed theocracies are what Abraham and Moses were makin’ all that fuss about. Muslims, Hindus, Jainists… They’re all the same. Groups of hypocrites hypocriting ad nauseum. In-groups. Out-groups. Borrrrring!

• Judaism is not a nation nor a race. It is racism to think so.

• Arabs (Palestinians) are Semitic people too. Israel sympathizers claiming anti-semitism are attempting to own a word to deserve a region. This is a way to support 75 years of ethnic cleansing. “It was never theirs to be theirs now. We are the true Semites!” That is a lie. “Semitic” was coined in a German University in the late 18th century, along with the word “Caucasian”. Syrians are Semitic people.

To be anti-Jew or Judaism is NOT to be anti-semitic. Israel, the United States, the European Union, and their armies of paid-for propagandists do not own my words. I am pro-Semitic and I am not anti-Jew. Nor am I anti-Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu. I just think they’re all very stupid and dangerous cults if love is not their focused means to an end. Real, deep, meaningful love and connection must abound in religions, or they are just social conditioners oneupmanshipping wastes of life time.

• In dollar value the United States federal government is the most corrupt entity in the history of the world.

• The United States government is solely responsible for the present gang murder of Palestinian civilians. Israel is just a puppet. A nuclear armed one, which is very depressing.

I don’t need to put these statements on Twitter for a sociopath to monitor.

Now to end with a song of love that in parts makes me blush, but I know proves that I am not a sociopath. In a topsy-turvy world of lost meaning and wonder, sensitive boobs like me need to prick ourselves from time to time to see if we still bleed.

This one makes me gush. I want to push my love to this height— of man and woman. It’s my supersonic power drowning out the noise of greed and divide. It’s my space rocket, Elon, you sorry poser of a human being.

Corny, I know. But I’m just a man.

I can hear windmills and rainbows whenever you’re talkin’ to me.
I feel like swirlin’ and dancin’ whenever you walk in with me…


Any of us who play Democrat or Republican are really dumbed-down fools to ever think we have a say.

In dollar value the United States federal government is the most corrupt entity in the history of the world.

But I don't think of Israel as a puppet of the US. It's a partner, as well as being a tool, deliberately set up for just this moment in history. Who could not have seen giving land that was holy to three religions, two of which had and still have far more members than the third, and giving it to that third religion?! More and more I can see we are living in a simulation, we are game pieces. This phase of the game started in the year 0, or somewhere around there, when the Abrahamic religions became things.


Sure, partners, but not equal. Only one of them has a near-trillion dollar defense budget. Without U.S. tax money and protection, would Israel last 30 minutes before setting off its nukes?

More and more I can see we are living in a simulation, we are game pieces.

Not even game pieces, ugh.

Thanks for feedback:)


It's all for our entertainment, mental shackles. We are the puppets. Watch us dance, while we willingly collaborate with murderers.
