Gene Key / Gate / Hexagram 24: Returning - Repeating - Rationalization


The ride through the 24 has been interesting, the Sun moving through 07°37’30”♉️ - 13°15’00”♉️…

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I’ve felt drawn to approaching the exploration/study of the gates with intent to discover threads running between different translations (Rave I Ching & Line Companion, Oracle Of The Cosmic Way, Gene Keys, and other I Ching versions) - sensing that while there may be puzzling disparities amongst them at times, there are codes to be cracked as digging deeper behind the words and piecing together their puzzles that will activate increased comprehension and direct perception of the gates/hexagrams/GKs’ energy, dynamics, archetypes, and patterns. Thus, off the bat: REPEATING - repetition as cross-referencing sources, looping back (and forth) in search of what was missed prior times and might be made more sense of in context of the insights/perspectives gathered from others in between.

And for a couple days, observing the shadow of ‘addiction’ at play in my own psyche. Recognizing patterns of looping thoughts, mind (and ego) stuck circulating in neural ruts. Occasional flashes of insight coming in gaps, “ah-ha’s” streaming from the head center as contemplating the patterns in context of the frameworks of RETURNING, RATIONALIZING (to crystallize the insights into mutative form that could be held onto & passed on with creative potential to innovate transitory paths out of those shadow addiction-loops.) At times, recognizing the abyss of the personal prison built through REPETITION of focus in 'wrong' directions - amplification & distortion (of an undefined ajna), flavored with gate 4’s attempts to logically formulate it all. Seeing & acknowledging the potential for redirection of attention (and its corresponding energy) a level higher, with the Gift of Innovation/Creativity… should the repeated passes be executed with consciousness & intention to reveal what required change.

Also, contemplations of potential interplays & relationships with the 24’s 'programming partner,' binary opposition on the mandala/zodiac, the 44. Knowledge of each, too limited for the mind to successfully logically formulate the full desired insight, yet glimpses of connections seeded. Links between their shadows. How frequencies established in/through our individual REPEATING cycles & neural loops (ADDICTION) inevitably quantumly ripple back to the collective as INTERFERENCE. Distortions in cultural/societal/collective belief systems as static INTERFERENCE with nature’s harmonious order, playing out through corresponding fractal shadow loops of ADDICTION. How elevation to the Gifts serve & support eachother. CREATIVITY, both a prerequisite for and embodied expression of effective TEAMWORK in advancing groups towards the Siddhi of SYNARCHY. At one end of the binary spectrum, INTERFERENCE of distortions as noise in the collective field; at the other, SILENCE in the individual no longer entrapped in addictive mind-ego loops, having exercised discernment, choice, humility, INNOVATION, diligence, and discipline in the repurposing of repetitive cycles to unveil and remove/deprogram the “spells & poison arrows.”

And but of course, more REPETITION. Back to rereading translations, digging for what was missed before. Developing some structure along the way, organizing the gems in notes to bring together for easier cross-referencing. RETURNING to the material again, as notating. And yet again, through the process of adapting the system for note-taking in real-time as adding to them. Not to forget RELISTENING…

The “acoustic process… to do with what has been taken in, in terms of what has been heard. Part of what we hear, we hear very accurately in the now and other parts of what we hear, we don’t hear well at all. We hear in waves. This means that we only remember parts of what has been said, not all of it.” (-Line Companion) ~~~ Further passes through the materials, gathering tiny bits more. Further REPEATED observation of the principles at play in the unfolding of mind’s content & small daily outer manifestations. Contemplations on how the 24’s dynamics REPEATEDLY applied & expressed in past situations. Looking/listening not only for information in the translations, but also corresponding lessons from history wherein nuggets of wisdom awaited extraction in/from the reverberations of (emotional) waves not yet fully transmuted.

The cross-pollination of deeper layers gleaned in the materials through REPEATED passes, recognitions of their presence in direct experience & observations of others & the collective, and insights emerging in the brief gaps of silence, seeding new awareness.

Seeing ever-so-slightly clearer & more with each RETURN…

Where CREATIVITY and SILENCE get thwarted as:

  1. mind undertakes repeated RATIONALIZATION of its illusions, self-deception & retrogression {detriment: Neptune, planet of 'delusion'} - rather than conscientious reassessment & bringing enlightened. rationality into form {exaltation: Sun shining light into shadows}.
  2. Individual insight mutates into forms not serving the collective, but vanity {detriment: Mars’ immature ego} - rather than “proper and spontaneous [conceptual] adaption to new forms” {exaltation: Moon’s watery creativity}.
  3. “Success” ‘legitimizes addiction’ & the attraction of retrogression is submitted to {detriment: Jupiter’s excessive expansion & belief in ‘achievement’} - rather than “triumph over regression” and “overcoming irrationality” {exaltation: Venus -> Taurean earthly groundedness & healthy nourishment; Libra’s balance, discerning air intellect}.
  4. Isolation “encourages the potential of illusion or delusion” {detriment: Neptune again, ruler of prisons, mental institutions, and loss of touch with reality} - rather than utilizing Aloneness as supportive for discipline & focus (to “enrich the potential for rational thought”) {exaltation: Saturn’s structure, responsibility, purposeful isolation & containment}.
  5. “irrational justification” and “minimalizing past mistakes through rationalization {detriment: Mars’ egoic stubbornness} - rather than humility, confession, and rational correction {exaltation: Moon, “the practical value of starting with a clean slate, symbolized by the New Moon}.
  6. Focus is distorted, 'suspicion about whether the knowing will mutate,' and consequentially, opportunities missed {detriment: Pluto’s underbelly of paranoia & self-sabotaging psychological imbalance} - rather than “the conscious participation in a process preparing one for easy identification of opportunity. Identification and focus with the rational thought process.” {exaltation: Jupiter - principled expansion, post-higher learning}.
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The levels and layers to which these patterns, principles, and dynamics apply are endless. NOT information memorized once and good-to-go, but the info only a starting point from which to reengage with the world - more & more insight unlocked through each return, in whatever fractal aspect/situation of life), activating through embodiment & implemenation. OR NOT - in which case, cycles/loops repeat until lessons are learned and actions adjusted accordingly to ascend from Shadow to Gift to Siddhi. (Thus, perhaps in some regards, that’s where there IS an “end” of sorts: SILENCE.)

“To know what you can know, to know what you can know but what is not important for you to know, and to know what is unknowable. If you cannot distinguish between those three, you will never find silence in your mind.” ~ (Line Companion Guide)...

The undefined ajna wants ‘certainty’ and could spend infinity lusting after it - but one form of the 24’s shadow of addiction, looping in search of more information and how it all makes sense. Yet, “It is not just about recognizing what is knowable. It is about whether you should struggle for that knowing or not.” As a Manifesting Generator, my ‘reward’ of Peace probably ain’t found in endless chase of knowing, but perhaps in SILENCE. SILENCE created through freeing space in the mind once putting to rest its concerns over what can’t be known, what isn’t worth knowing, and knowing when it’s time to turn off REPEATING loops of RATIONALIZATION because we know what’s required. (The awareness to discern those, paradoxically, only accessible through REPEATING cycles to gather enough info & activate it.)

So many a RETURN in these cycles. Though also, as articulates in Oracle Of The Cosmic Ways, the ultimate RETURN is that back to ourselves after having stripped away the layers of conditioning. All sorts of different returns & repeats & rationalizations, formed, flavored, experienced, and expressed distinctly, unique for different individuals in different situations.

Yada, yada, yada.

6 days… barely scratched the surface. Didn’t get to taking notes for Gene Keys or I Ching translations as intended. Didn’t reconcile the perceived disparities between the Rave I Ching, Oracle Of The Cosmic Way, and other translations as desired. (If any of you reading this have insights on that, please do share!) Though of course, I’ll have another 50 opportunities or so to cycle back and RETURN/REPEAT/RATIONALIZE while sun is in gate 24, and plenty others to contemplate & research during activatations by other planets. Maybe at some point, I’ll have reached a knowing of when ‘enough is enough’ - pulling completely out of the addictive-certainty-seeking-hyperfocus-loops and redirect to music or another form of INNOVATION and/or TEAMWORK instead. Or simply choose to hang out in the SILENCE and/or contribute the fruits of my post-Chiron-return Cross Of Refinement to SYNARCHY instead.

But for now... extracting this got me feeling both Satisfied, and wired/fried. lol. so might just end up diverting back to some quick-hit dopamine via Instagram, with its ADDICTION-driving algorithms recently serving up a devilishly wonderful abundance of irresistible Asian girls to help SILENCE the mind and balance out all this intellectual excess. 😹


”Gate 24 is the mental processing of individual knowledge by way of introspection. It is the ability of the mind to select inspiring questions and repeat and re-process them until they have been rationalized and mental calmness can be restored. Inspiration must have a rational form for one to be able to communicate an individual truth to the collective. Due to the ever-recurring process of pondering and reflecting, Gate 24 holds the potential for recognizing individual truth through careful introspection. The gate’s potential is Introspection.” ~ (64 Keys, Blue I Ching)

[note: all other quotes came from either Rave I Ching, Line Companion Guide, or Oracle Of The Cosmic Way]
