The Essence
Now, in the list that I'm presenting today, the things listed aren't all a part of my hobbies and interests. Surely I don't go around sniffing petrol at a gas station, nor coffee at a nice and aromatic cafe; as if I'm some sort of a retired glue sniffer who's now addicted to petroleum and coffee lol.
Yet, these are part of the little things that I appreciate in life. They are by no means necessary, but they certainly add a little spice to your life.
Whether it is the smell of petrol at a gas station, the sillage of perfume, and coffee engulfing the cafe. These are just some of the very basic smells that I'm fairly addicted to.
I just can't get enough of that smell whenever we're pumping petrol or octane at a gas station; yes, many people find it distasteful, but I certainly don't know why or how. It's probably my "favorite" smell since it's free and readily available haha.
Perfumes, however, aren't free, you have to spend a decent amount of money on these things; since they're considered luxury items. Yet, I consider them to be one of my guilty pleasures. I don't hold myself back when it comes to a perfume that I've just fallen in love with and can't get off my mind, it's quite the same as a nicely built watch. Since I have a very small list of pleasure-inducing activities and hobbies, I'm quite rarely found guilty. Also, being picky helps, and that is why I tend to dislike the most popular fragrances.
The smell of coffee has become quite abundant too, since the rise and takeover of cafes all over the city and country in the past 5 to 10 years. Then, we also have our favorite blends of coffee at home too. Yes, it's not free like petrol, nor is it as expensive as perfumes. So, this is where the middle ground lies I guess.
The love for coffee is fairly new, about a decade old or so. But perfumes and the love for petrol-sniffing go way back, probably back to when I was 5 or something.
To this day I remember my father using Old Spice products and how pungent they used to be. These days most fragrances are quite diluted; no matter how strong of a class they belong to. My uncles too, use fairly musky and cool after-shaves, bodysprays, or colognes.
Since then the art of perfumery has taken over as well; especially in the past two decades or so. From designer fragrances to niche houses, to cheap Arabian clones. There's something available for everyone. And even though it is considered a luxury item, these days perfumes are sold in smaller quantities too, so that the average person isn't left out.
And I say it's a good addition to a man or woman's self-care kit. We should all smell "distinctly good" if that makes sense. It adds character and sets us apart. As unique as we already are, who does not enhance it with a nicely layered fragrance?
In the past two years or so, I've delved into the game of perfumes again, since my circumstances and current lifestyle have favored it. I'm no novice in this game, but I have gone on and off now and then. I even used to sell perfumes back in 2017-18.
Shortly after in 2019, it all came to a stop; yet, for however long it lasted, I enjoyed every bit of it. Now, at present, I guess I'm doing the same thing again, and hopefully, this time we'll go far.
Smell of coffee is always the best, I can also relate to liking the smell of of gas whenever Mom go to a gasoline station to refill her motorcycle tank. I already forgot it's smell, it's been a long time since I last smell it.
It's been a while for me as well. Since we don't have a car anymore, and also most cars here run on CNG or LPG these days.
So what if I say that money can give you almost all you need? We use money to buy perfumes and coffee, right? That means at the end of the day, we gotta make money to afford the things that brings us peace and joy
Bring us peace? No! Joy? Yes! But, even then, the hyper-materialistic version of "joy" fades the quickest.
Free gasoline? It's fabulous, the smell of gasoline is quite strong, the smell of perfume I like more, coffee is a smell that brings back memories when I was together with my family, I enjoyed reading you, greetings and blessings.
I guess you and I have a similar taste in such things haha. Cheers! 🥃
How nice, cheers