Playing a Tournament on THE FINALS



But, this time with something new and quite exciting. If you've been keeping yourself updated in the FPS gaming realm, you've probably heard of The Finals in 2023. Just last month they gave us a week-long access to their Beta Testing phase, and the game managed to create some massive hype. No joke!

Let's get started! 💣

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So, with all the hype all around, we decided to try it. And even though the game modes aren't my type, I did enjoy it. As most of you know, I prefer a ludicrous mode, more focused on running and gunning, instead of just an objective-based mode.

There's a lot of potential though. If they listen to the players and start implementing changes early on, then the big dogs will get a run for their money. We players have been looking for something new and unique, the common Multiplayer and BR modes are just played out. And the big corpo studios just care about selling skins and making money.

Thus, The Finals surely is capable of securing a spot in the FPS gaming realm.

First, we had xDefiant, and now The Finals. The funny thing is, that both games are made by ex-developers from some of the big studios. xDefiant is created by ex Activision devs and for The Finals we have ex Battlefield developers.

Can you OGs see the connection yet? You will, especially if you've played COD and Battlefield before.

I'm hyped because The Finals does a lot of things right. Especially when it comes to earning your gear and skins; unlike COD and other big FPS games, where you have to pay for such additions and cosmetics. Just like the old days, eh? We forget, that there was a time when we used to earn the legendary stuff, none of it was blocked behind a paywall, nor a day's worth of a*s grinding.

The Finals and xDefiant are a breath of fresh air; even though I haven't played xDefiant just yet.

After playing for a few hours or so, we decided to hop onto the Tournament mode, where sh*t is always serious.

Tournament and rank modes are played by the best of the best, and we stumbled upon a few "professionals", and the game isn't even out yet lol. The sweats are evolving, with exponential growth.

Yet, somehow our team synergy just clicked, and we managed to secure our win in The Finals, while finally playing in a tournament final, make sense? Read it again, it might just make sense lol.

Well, that's about it for my jibber-jabber. Let's get to this beautifully confusing gameplay. It's quite confusing at first, but give it a bit of time, and you'll understand.

I'll be signing off from here. Be seeing you folks on the next one.

Cheers & GG 🥃☮️



Since tournaments are played by the best of the best, it means that you are also the best of the best, lol since you were able to play the finals.
Keep it up!


that you are also the best of the best,

I guess we were the best since we ended up winning that one. 😂
