More Heads, More Solutions?

“Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.”
- Patrick Lencioni

"Two heads are better than one..."

Not always! When it comes to more heads coming together and solving problems, it's better to rely on quality, rather than quantity. Yes, you can ask for suggestions and listen to someone else's views and opinions, maybe do some research on the average, but don't just YOLO in and end up blindly betting on their thoughts.

During my early years of entrepreneurship, I believed that more heads meant better results. I thought that friendship alone was enough to keep a company together, from which we may also make profits, and become future millionaires.

And man, was I wrong...


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As a business grows you will require more heads, in different positions and ranks, but it has to be a competent bunch of people; who have unparalleled synergy.

In a small team of 3 or 5, just 1 incompetent person is enough to ruin the whole thing.

"One bad apple can spoil the bunch."

After a decent few failures, I've realized that there's no place for emotions, family, or friendship in business, especially when it comes to paperwork and your duties. Of course, you can choose to work with family members or friends, but make sure that these relationships and their emotions don't come in the way of your occupational decisions.

You have to do what's right, not what feels right...

To create a profitable business you don't need a big team, you need the right team, where every member has a distinct set of skills and experience; which add value to the company. Not everyone is built to handle businesses, even though it's become a trend to become an entrepreneur and somehow stumble upon millions. Alas, not all entrepreneurs are millionaires, most aren't I'd say.

And to build a profitable business and brand from scratch is not a piece of cake. During the first few years of the business, these entrepreneurs are always the first ones to be present at the office and the last ones to leave. The business is on their mind 24/7. With the growth of e-commerce and online businesses, now it's become completely unavoidable. You're either checking messages for orders, fiddling with the business page and its insights, and activities, or whatnot.

Things have become more accessible, which makes it tough to be away from work, which means not being able to give yourself a necessary bit of time away from all the toil.

As this process goes on for countless years, after probably 5 years of non-stop grinding and after having reached a stage of business that has now scaled up, some of these entrepreneurs can finally take a breather. However, their supervision is still mandatory. No matter how many employees the company may assign, only the person/people who've built up the business from scratch will truly care for it, and want the best for it.

Building a profitable business is easy, but building a successful business is a different ball game. A ball game where the team and their synergy, their honesty. and efforts play the biggest roles.

And I mentioned competency, right? You better choose your colleagues and business partners wisely.

Always think in terms of quality and value, not quantity and time...



Apart from choosing competent leaders, it is important to also choose ones that are cooperative and have the right attitude to work
All of these things need to be considered
Nice topic!


it is important to also choose ones that are cooperative and have the right attitude to work

Definitely! Cooperation and attitude are key traits for building a synergetic team.
