Loss & Grief
- Sarah Waters, The Little Stranger
Amidst the game of life and death, we and our loved ones are like cards, that are being traded.
We're given options like characters from an RPG game; where balance resides. When, and if, you want to add a point to one of your attributes, you must deduct a point from another. So that you don't turn into an all-powerful being, who's now a demi-god; one who conquers everything that comes in their path.
So, if life gives you a moment of gratification, then just a short while later, death gets its part of the deal.
Death is most unpredictable, the ultimate construct and agent of misery.

I've been trying to put together this post for the past three days, and I've failed every damn time. I can't muster up the strength. I already have a weakness towards animals, and now, to lose this little guy, who I considered a mini version of myself, my little feline friend; it's all too much to take in.
The past week was already quite tiring, I was drained mentally, I had no focus and I slacked a lot. This news right here was the last nail in the coffin I guess.
We lost our little Miku just 3 days ago. He is with us no more and is now under the refuge of the afterlife. He was actually my wife's cat. He lived with 3 other siblings at my in-law's place, they are all just under 2 years old.
Miku was, and still is, the only cat that I could consider to be my own pet; in the feline category at least. I've had pet dogs, birds, and even a little chick, but never a cat. And now, when I had finally considered bringing one slightly under my wing, this is the news I get.
The symptoms say that we lost him to the flu, which infected his respiratory system. He wasn't a fan of the cold, he would have issues breathing and would catch a cold quite easily; compared to his siblings. That is why he was always more of a lazy and indoorsy cat; one who preferred blankets and pillows instead. While his siblings all messed around the house and terrace.

He wasn't a fan of mine always, the little man had trust issues at first. He trusted my wife the most, and would always give me the little side-eyed look haha. But, I was slowly winning him over.
Even just three weeks ago I was at my in-law's place, and he seemed fine. He would come up to me and do his little "meow", meaning he wanted to get under the sheets and relax there; while I petted him slowly. He would even let me pick him up this time, which meant that I had finally won his trust. My wife got jealous and was confused, that after spending a just few days with him, I was already winning him over.
And now, just three weeks later, after being ill for less than 48 hours, it got really bad, and we lost him in a matter of hours. We contacted the vet and got medicines beforehand, but nothing worked. Soon after we found out that there seemed to be some sort of a flu outbreak, we heard news of people's cats falling ill all of a sudden, all around the country. Which is quite unfortunate, and in my case, completely unheard of.
It's been 3 days now, and it's still tough for me to believe that he's gone. And I don't know why I keep blaming myself, that if only I was there, I probably could've done something to save him. But I was close to 300 kilometers away, and I couldn't even see him for one last time.
Every time I see his pictures or videos, I'm reminded of our moments together, and this one regret, of not being able to see him. It's a burden, that I'll probably have to carry for the rest of my life.
Take care, little guy. If there is an afterlife, I'll be meeting you there. Bet on it! 🖤
So sorry that Miku had to go this way and I hope you are able to cope with the loss. I hope you find friendship with another pet and just maybe you will meet Miku again in the afterlife. Thanks for writing and have a great weekend.
Miku is irreplaceable; they all are. Just like us humans, different in their unique ways. I know I'll probably get close to another cat, and maybe have a pet of my own one day, but Miku will always be the first.
I hope you get to live on the memory of Miku
Sorry for his death and I hope your wife gets another cat
Miku will always be a part of me. An irreplaceable little feline friend of mine haha. Now his memories bring me some joy, to know that he existed, and some grief too, when I realize that he's no longer here in the land of the living.
That is so sad! What a gorgeous puddy cat. Totally not fair </3
He is a handsome and grumpy boy, always was.
Life itself is not fair, sometimes...
Yes, so handsome!!