Visit a village with extensive and fertile oil palm plantations
One of the fertile villages is a village full of plants such as palm oil and areca nut and other types of plants. Today I visited a village which is full of old plants such as oil palms and so on. This is one type of plant that is fertile and the oil palm tree is one of the trees that is so widely cultivated in the village area that you can see how fertile this oil palm tree is by having fruit so big that this could be a test village. Let other villages know that their success in planting oil palm trees will be imitated by other villages. I saw that the types of plants were so fertile, from the leaves of the trees to the large fruit, and this is one way for them to run their businesses. Here are some pictures today I will share in the Garden community, a community that always talks about plantations and this is today's fertile oil palm plantation from my post.