I’m tired

So, I think its finally time I update everyone on what is happening behind the scenes and get a few things off my chest.

In around the beginning of May, we moved from our previous house that was 20km outside of the town Montagu to the nearby town of Robertson. My parents are renting their own cottage on a farm and I’m busy renting a room on an opposite farm.

Just before the move I had given in my CV to a local sportsman bar in hopes to get some work. To my surprise I did! And.. Jesus.. its so much more work than I was expecting..

My sleep schedule hasn’t been the best throughout my life and most of my existence has been spent being half asleep. Even when I had spent a literal year doing nothing but sleep, it didn’t help (mind you I was 16 so I didn’t have work or school or anything to worry about)

Work at the bar has been steadily doing well, they even offered to take me on as a full time employee which means a monthly salary. Which, I do need.

The only down side is.. well.. its fucking hard and stressful work, especially on Fridays and Saturdays..

It is well paying, especially tips, however the fact that I am at our Tattoo & Piercing shop (which is dead quiet) the whole day combined with having to work literally ALL night.. its exhausting.

I’m just tired.. I want to sleep..


Sounds like you need a couch to nap on at the Tattoo shop 😁

But yeah, having two jobs with one of them being at night is exhausting. Hopefully you can put some money aside so that you can bail out of one or other, or at least take a holiday, when it all gets too much.


We do actually have a couch here!

As for saving money.. ehh.. our shop doesn’t pay me squat, not a cent goes into my pocket. With the amount of debt we have every sale, tattoo and piercing goes towards sorting out rent and vehicle payments.

As for a holiday.. bro I’ve only been working as a casual at the bar a month and I already need one 😭 even just a long weekend to SLEEP

Otherwise things are going alright, last night was a bit rough but we got through it.
