Blood & Toil: Chapter 2, Part 2

The tied up man looked at Maximilian with pure fear as Zurian busied himself with his meal.

“Alright, so, you’re gonna be staying here for a few hours while we discuss details. However, if you so much as look at my wife I won’t hesitate to break your other arm, got it?”

Max said to the man who in turn nodded his head nervously, keeping his gaze lowered now.

“Good man. Now, we should really introduce ourselves and have a somewhat normal conversation.”

He said before removing the cloth from the man’s mouth once again.

“Very well sir..”

“Good. So firstly tell us your name.”

“I-I am Alfred Un Glowse, headmaster of the Un Glowse household and private secretary to the uh.. to the bank”

“Oh ho? So you are fairly wealthy after all huh? Well that’s good, for us.”

Alfred glanced up at Max and already realized what he was implying.

“I see.. then.. if my life is forfeit..”

His eyes came back up with a look of defiance.

“No, you will not have my wealth. My family needs it.”

Max chuckled before grabbing Alfred by the throat and bringing him close.

“I think you forget your place.”

Maimilian said as his eyes began to glow a deep red, his energy flowing out and touching the other man’s mind.

“You will hand over everything you own to me and my family, or I will destroy yours.”


Alfred stuttered before he was let go.

Max smiled before sitting back and closing his eyes.

“Very good. We leave tomorrow evening.”

With that, Max rested his head against the cave wall and slowly drifted off to sleep. Tonight was already a lot more than he planned. Including a chance encounter with someone he thought he’d never see again. Someone he hoped he’d never see again. But that ordeal was done and now they would have a new home. Somewhere more secluded and away from prying eyes.

With this man and his family under his control, Max and Sakura would raise a strong family. In fact, the two were already planning their next pregnancy. However that would come at a later date, at least until their current child was old enough to walk and speak coherently.

For now though, it was time to sleep. All Max heard as he drifted away were the crunches from Zurian and the slurps from his wife. They were well fed tonight. And he would make sure they were every night to come.
