Blood & Toil: Chapter 2, Part 1

                        CHAPTER 2 
       Deal With The Devil

It was just as the first rays of sunlight began to pierce the sky when Maximilian finally returned, this time with two bodies and a live- albeit wiggling- fat man. The live one would have to be squeezed through but it wasn’t anything that bothered Max too much. Thankfully he was gagged so Max didn’t have to listen to his horrible screeching. Instead he listened to his muffled whines and moans and he broke the man’s arms trying to shove him through the hole in the tunnel.

“Dinner is served!”

He proclaimed as the fat man fell through, landing hard on his face and crying like a lost child.

“Really? You left the fat one alive?”

Sakura stated scornfully. She had regained her strength and had managed to get Xeris to finally awake. She was still in the process of breastfeeding when Max came back.

“It was a complicated hunt, no particularly easy prey.”

Max said as he dragged a woman’s body to Sakura’s side.

“He’s finally awake? Thank the night! Oh I was so worried we might lose him.”

“He’s a strong one, that’s for sure. That other thing is also awake. Huddled over there.”

Sakura gestured as she spoke. Zurian had regained enough strength to drag himself into one of the corners of the cave, curled up tightly into a ball with the previously torn clothes.
Max bodded, then stood, walking over to the second corpse and dragging it towards the boy.

“Hey, you gotta feed too.”

He said crouching down and waiting for the boy to respond. He didn’t. He stayed curled up, seemingly asleep. Max sighed and rolled the body over so its neck was exposed.

“Come on, I’m spoiling everyone with virgin blood tonight so have at it.”

Max said standing up and stepping away from the body and the boy. Still he didn’t stir. Max sighed again and turned back to the fat man.

“Right, so, I have a little surprise for you my love. Turns out this disgusting creature owns an abandoned estate a few miles from here deep within the forests. Sounds perfect to me so I thought I’d bring him along.”

He pat the man’s shoulder causing him to flinch in horror at the vampire’s presence.

“Abandoned? As in half rotted and without functioning facilities? Fuck no.”

Sakura said brashly. It had taken an hour but she had finally run out of milk leaving Xeris to fall back to sleep in her arms. She scowled at the fat man who was eyeing her bare breasts.

“Hey, lard ass, you better find something else to gawk at before I rip out your fucking eyes and shove them through your ears!”

She spat quietly to avoid waking her child. She growled as she pulled up her dress covering her still leaking chest causing wet spots to soak in. Max in turn gave the man a smack over the head which caused him to focus his eyes down before drifting to the corner.
There he saw the black haired, winged boy and immediately began wiggling and moaning again.

“The hell’s his problem?”

Sakura asked.

“No clue. Hey fatso, what’s the deal? You weren’t even this piss scared when I captured you.”

The man writhed and wiggled, trying desperately to find some way to escape. It was then that the boy’s head slowly came up, his eyes still closed.

“Hey wait, do you know this kid?”

Max asked before ripping the bundle of cloth out of the man’s mouth, taking a tooth with it.

“D-Demon! Demon! We must flee! Flee I beg you!”

You shouted, in complete and utter panic. His loud noises caused the baby to wake and begin crying which brought another scowl to Sakura’s face as she tried to calm him down.

“Alright that’s enough with the screaming.”

Max said, grabbing the man’s throat forcing him to watch his tone.

“You know who that is then yeah? Tell me.”

“I-I don’t- it- it-“

Max sighed, shoving the cloth back into the man’s mouth.

“Okay nevermind then, you can speak again when you’re not pissing yourself.”

He said, raising his head only to be met with Zurian’s wide, furious red eyes.

“Woah! Hey, shit, you’re a quick one.”

Max said with a low chuckle. However the look in the boy’s eyes told him there was a story here.

“Wait, you know him too?”

“Correct. He must die.”

Zurian said plainly before reaching out and grabbing the shadows, pulling and molding them into a jagged knife.

“Woah hey wait! We need him alive so we can get that estate. You can kill him after that alright?”

Max said, holding out his hands.
Zurian let out a breath and let the shadow knife dissipate back into the cave.

“Very well.”

He stated plainly before turning around and crouching at the corpse that was provided to him.

———End of Part 1———
