"Plywood Hairpiece" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

photo by frankie (of me).jpg

[Photo of me taken by my older daughter, Frankie, from my younger daughter, Elise's, baby shower. This is how I party: in a corner, by myself, listening to tunes and drawing cartoons!]


We are not going to take it. NO! We are not going to take it. We are not going to take it, anymore. (Which implies that we WERE willing to "take it" for an unspecified length of time. We're so silly...)

Here'z some artz. Please enjoy responsibly!


2 Feb. 2024


"Hex" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

hex (nov. 2023).jpg

[Felt pen, gel pen, brush pen, and colored pencil on paper notecard with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] Weird. Is this piece of ARTWORK a hex? Is it commenting on a hex that is outside of the artwork? Is it just a song (by the band, Specimen) that was going through my head while I was drawing? (Your guess is as good as mine. I am just the conduit. The message comes from somewhere else...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Flying Bugs" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

flying bugs.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] A creature of unimaginable horror and a suspended driver's license. Now, he don't drive, but he still commands THE SWARMS... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



3 Feb. 2024


"Update (3 Feb. 2024)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Update (3 Feb. 2024).png

[Digital drawing and typing created in MS Paint on my ancient laptop!] When I started 2024, a little over 30 days ago, I had 74 images in a folder from LAST YEAR (2023), that I've been slowly trying to share either here at Objkt, thru Teia.art, or a NFT Showroom (which is a Hive chain thing.) About 34 days later, I have SEVEN images from 2023 that remain to be shared, BUT I also have 62 NEW items finished in 2024 in a folder just waiting to be shared - and over a hundred works that I've drawn on cardboard or paper or some scrap that I grabbed that I haven't even PHOTOGRAPHED yet, and a ton (no idea how many) photographed on my phone waiting to be edited, cropped, colored, and otherwise manipulated before I share them online...

Maybe I need to hire a young person with faster typing fingers than I have to do my ONLINE SHIT, which I find tedious. I love coloring and drawing and writing nonsense, but THIS STUFF, like uploading to social media platforms and filling in description and all that crap... Blah... I just want to draw a ghost!

So... Whatever... I'll keep going! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Not a Bok Bok" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

not a bok bok.png

[Felt pen, liner pen, and colored pencil on paper with digital embellishments and color.] I think this is a creature who is doing an interpretive dance ABOUT a chicken, but the dancer is NOT a chicken, just playing one in a performance. I totally understand how that could get confusing... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



My younger daughter, Elvis, came by yesterday and reminded me of an absurdist animated show that she used to watch on YoooTooobs. It's funny, but it's also a bit offensive, frenetic, silly, and strange (probably not for kids, even though I learned about it from my kids...) It's called, I believe, "asdfmovie." See what you think!


"Friends" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

friends (3 feb. 2024).png

[Digital drawing created with MS Paint on my ancient and senile laptop. (It's a good machine, if it's lived this long! Like about 9 years!)] You gotta have friends. That's what it's all about... Even if one of them is a sea-monster! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



5 Feb. 2024


Yesterday was our younger daughter, Elise's, baby shower. She is due Mar. 30th (give or take a day or so.) Mariah and Frankie went silly BIG for the event, which happened at the McClellon Arts Center. I brought some art supplies and drew pictures for most of the time, although I did stop to visit with my Aunt Sue and my friend Peter. (When I was growing up, "GUYS" weren't invited to baby showers. Now, we're conscripted and HAVE to go! OH.... How the times have changed.)

Anyway, between going over the Arts Center to set up, partying for a chunk of the day, and clean-up, we were BUSY yesterday, so no arts wuz shared. Hope that I can be forgiving for making you peeps fend for yourselves!


I stole a Bluesky user's "Bibendum Man" image on that platform, because I love freaky, old, nightmare mascots, but since there aren't very many peeps who are using that platform, yet, I might as well share my favorite rundown on the horrifying creature! (Which is by SHROUDED HAND, of course!)


"Signs Signs" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

signs signs.png

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, drawing, and color.] Although there was a "hair-metal" version of the song, "SIGNS," that arrived in the '80s, I prefer the hippie version by Five Man Electrical Band!

Love it... The drawing has very little to do with the tune, aside from the fact that it was going through my brain as I drew... FIGHT THE POWER!!! WE WILL NOT PROTEST! WE WILL NOT PROTEST!!! Yeah... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



That's enough for this Captain's Log. Thanks for the visit! Be sure to tip you waitress!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
